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Who are you?

Who are you?

A Poem by Tayler

I keep having this dream where I meet my perfect match, but I never see his face. I hear his voice, but not the pitch or tone. The only thing I remember is that he was there.



I feel your form in my mind’s eye,
Your presence daunts me still,
Shadows circle your very being,
But I still can’t see you.
Your voice rings throughout my head,
Comforting and loving,
Though there is no pitch, no sound,
No real memory; yet I hear it clearly.
Your face is blurred,
Like a foggy morning,
Looking through the rain streaked glass,
Facial features distorted by my confusion.
I don’t know who you are my dear,
Or where you are in this world,
I don’t know the color of your hair,
Or how bright your eyes are,
Or even if you exist,
But this I know, my dream prince,
We will find each other.

© 2010 Tayler

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Added on December 17, 2009
Last Updated on January 31, 2010
Tags: love, dreams, dreaming, soul, mate, desire, memory



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