The Bully

The Bully

A Poem by SuperVixen1632

This is a poem of how a young person feels and figures out how to deal with a bully.

You tell me I am worthless,
I will never have friends, 
No one will like me, there
Is no point for me to be on
this earth.

You hit me, slap me, trip me
and then laugh, you laugh
at how ridiculous I look 
on the floor.

Everyday I take this
torture. Everyday I hope
I won't see you.
Every. Single. Day.

I just take it, I take it
all, until one day, one day
He talked to me.

The guy I like actually
talked to me. He wants
to go out with me, Me.
The person you said would
never be liked.

I realized at that one 
moment, you are wrong. I 
Am worth it, I do have
friends, someone will
like me and there is a 
point for me to live.

So the next time you tell me
that I am worthless, that
I have no friends, that
no one will ever like me,
I won't just stand there
and take it. 

The next time you hit me,
slap me, kick me or trip me,
I am going to get right 
back up and walk away
from you. 

I am worth it, I have
friends, he does love me and
I have the same point
to living that you do
So don't you dare tell me that I don't. 

© 2012 SuperVixen1632

Author's Note

Let me know how this poem makes you feel.

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Added on November 25, 2012
Last Updated on November 26, 2012
Tags: Bullying, strength, power



Calgary, Canada