The forgotten grave

The forgotten grave

A Poem by Rubein Geterminah

Narrative poetry describing sincerity and its reward

We suddenly made a stop
In our journey, an abrupt
One; and he pointed to a grave
And said, " That grave- is the home of a brave
Man, Korrtomue stood
For morality & integrity. A good
And stupid man he was, working for the big company
As most called it. He was a security in agony
But a good hunter
He ne'er let a needed game escape any longer
Before the day closes; his bullets
Always lay it down to fill everyone' s belleh.

But it happened one day
His luckiest day,
He came across the company's crashed plane
That's going to pay staffs, he saw money & left it clean
And returned with the news
To management, he's followed by a team who knew
What's next. They gathered the money and deceased
Aft the rites, management sent for him; everyone thot he was going
To be increased
So that he could lent
Us, but they paid him off
Aft two months, he suffered from stroke and died from cough.

© 2017 Rubein Geterminah

Author's Note

Rubein Geterminah
It's good to be honest and sincere in everything we do.
But in some cases, it's the opposite especially in the job setting.
And this is what happened to our character in this artistic work

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Sincerity counts in our everyday activities
But sometimes we pay the penalties for being sincere.
Such is the case of our character in this poem

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 8, 2017
Last Updated on May 8, 2017
Tags: Disappointment, Astonishment, Supprise