Standing Still.

Standing Still.

A Poem by Frederick A.

Fast paced,yet coming in slow realization, life flickers by and I am motionless. I wait for something I cant grasp. I'm searching for something that I've lost along the way, along this journey I've been through in this life I've lived. Swept away I am helpless in the tides that are life. This seemingly endless ebb and flow carries me, and the seconds turn into minutes, and then to hours. 
Faster than I realize days have gone by, and weeks have elapsed, and slipped through my grasp. Its another dull Monday, and I'm still in the same haze I was in on the Monday before it. It's as if I'm reliving the same day, and my mind reels suddenly from the shock of confusion as if I'm just waking from a dream, gasping in reality a breath at a time. All to soon though I am once again caught in the tidal wave, and drug down under the surface. The day slips by. Yet another nameless day has gone by, and I slumber once again. It seems all there is is sleep. It's as if I'm constantly dreaming, trapped inside the walls of my mind with no exit, end or escape in sight, and so I wait standing still.

© 2015 Frederick A.

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I like the ending 'and so I wait standing still.' - sometimes it seems that's all you can do. You capture the emotions well with vivid descriptions and imagery. Good poem Frederick :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frederick A.

9 Years Ago

Thanks I appreciate the compliment, and the feedback.

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1 Review
Added on March 3, 2015
Last Updated on March 3, 2015


Frederick A.
Frederick A.

Just a man lost amid the tides of time and thoughts in his own mind, in this already vast, and beautifully brutal world. more..
