

A Poem by Bradley

It's all a work in progress.


I've wasted half my life and spent twice as long trying to get it back.  I add to each amount every day.

I'm only human.

Catching up is hard.  I move forward, but so does everything else.

Wounds heal, but leave scars.  I'll never be the same.

What if?

There is no what if, only scars.

Look at mine.  Now go earn your own.

Wear them and bring them back so we can compare.

© 2013 Bradley

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Wow, I really like this piece. Nice write :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

I know right. Since the old eaos, I have begun to remember things not thought about for 10 years. Suddenly I consider people I have not considered... But as you said and Imara agreed, "Catching up is hard..." I feel and realize more every day that reconnecting is likely a disillusion similar to the dream we once had... And the prospect of doing it all again differently becomes a reality. Will I lose it all again? Also, for me, it seems that what the missing piece isn't myself, but people who know me. Remember the red mercedes that used to park there. "This song is amazing!" hide and seek? haha so loud. Kicked out of hagan daas. I guess next time we will order for here if we intend to stay... I saw a guy get hit by a car that day... collected his shoes glasses.. stopped traffic.. remember the deep sink? the deep sink blues... why they put you there i will never know.. that guy who you were in there with, I was there with him before you.. he seemed to enjoy his sentence much more once you took over though haha. I know you man, and I miss hanging out with you. fyi

Posted 10 Years Ago

"Catching up is hard. I move forward, but so does everything else." I can't explain how much I love that line. It just expresses so much, how you've fallen behind in some way be it emotionally, physically, socially, in the job world, in the love world, in school in whatever and you're fighting and fighting and if I may reference The Great Gatsby here fighting against the tide and being pushed back but still we fight on! I love this line!
I also love how you deny yourself here, not allowing yourself to doubt what might be. Your 'what if' What if I'm broken beyond repair etc. you can't think of that because you have to keep on moving.
Upon first reading of the last lines, I was ify at first because this seemed to be such a motivational piece then I reread it and on the second time the word 'earn' stuck out. You don't get a scar unless your fighting, fighting for something so in the end you're still encouraging the reader to go out and fight for something. The last line is just pure comfort, like saying 'i've been there before'. I think it's great. I think I've written too much haha.
Overall some of your ending lines clash with the simplicity of the beginning and middle lines but that's double edged sword. It makes us read into it and really read it but at the same time for a more simple reader it might be a little more difficult. Over all great job, i really loved this :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on February 15, 2013
Last Updated on September 18, 2013




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