A fork tongued stranger

A fork tongued stranger

A Story by Dianna Ulmo

I sat at my desk in English class, not hearing a word the teacher was saying. It was the last day of school and I was a million miles away in my head. My best friend Lilly whispered my name.

        “Marie!” She hissed. I looked away from the window towards her as she passed me a note. It asked what I was doing this summer. I wrote back, sleeping, and handed it to her. She smiled as she read it and nodded that she agreed.

        The bell rang and we walked to lunch, sitting at our usual table. We sat alone because both of us where outcasts, me because I was a Goth and Lilly because she was a nerd. We talked about the summer and about Lilly’s crush of the moment. We hardly touched our food and when the bell rang we both jumped and laughed and hurried to our next classes, which were separate.

Lilly and I had been best friends since freshman year when I had sat down at this table and she came up and asked if she could sit with me. We did everything together and we were often mistaken for sisters, even though Lilly’s blond hair and blue eyes contrasted with my dark red hair and green eyes. And she dressed more casual than I did in my ostentatious Goth clothes, preferring jeans and a tee shirt. But our differences never stood in the way of our friendship, only deepening our bond. I showed her all my favorite music and she never judged my flamboyant clothes and attitude. We liked a lot of the same things including vampire movies and books.

After school she walked me home as usual and I promised to call her the next day so we could get together. I walked into the house and went to my room and played on my computer for a while until my mom got home from work. Then I went downstairs and ate dinner and watched TV. I stayed up till about three in the morning before I finally drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

“Marie!” I heard my mother cry. Oh god woman let me sleep, I moaned internally. But I got up, knowing that if my mother wanted me up this early on the first day of summer she had a good reason. I dressed quickly, basic gothic s**t chic, and went down stairs. My mother was in the living room with two men, one was short and stocky and without even hearing his voice I could sense a southern drawl. The other man on the other hand was tall and thin and dark. I believe the phrase is swarthy, but before I had seen him it never meant much to me. His face was clean-shaven and his hair was in a long tight pony tale at the base of his pale muscular neck. He radiated both danger and sexual energy as if it where a perfume. He was dressed rather stereotypically in a black leather jacket and black muscle shirt, paired with dark jeans and black steel-toed boots. I guess you could say he was biker chic, just lacking the bike.

        “Honey this is Mark,” She said gesturing towards the stocky one, “and this is Antoine,” At this she gestured towards the other man and his eyes met mine and my heart skipped a beat. It had an annoying habit of doing that when I saw Antoine. I had met him before but my mother never let me speak to him and before now had never introduced us. “Marie, it seems I am the reason that both these men got transferred so I have offered to drive them up to California in the station wagon. Darling would you like to come?” I almost said no, almost. Because I knew how she had got them in trouble. Bosses have a thing against employees sleeping together at the place of business, especially when that place of business is a rather upscale hotel.

        I found out quickly that my mother had been given leave to stay at any of the chains of hotels that her boss owned on her way to take these men to the new hotel that has just been built. My mother offered to give me my own room and room with both of the guys. Right then Antoine looked up and smiled.

“I’ll room with the little bit, I love kids.” I had never heard his voice before, it was smooth and deep, with a slight feminine touch. I looked up at him for a moment and his eyes met mine and he winked. My mother smiled and said that was fine. After that the ride had a new feel to it. I was in the back seat with Antoine pressed against my thigh. In the seat next to me where the cat cages that we had to take with us. Antoine insisted on sitting farthest from the cat cages in the back seat, complaining of allergies. And that is how I ended up with cold plastic biting into one thigh and warm flesh caressing the other.

I could smell him so strong and it made my head spin. The perfect blend of sugar and spice that made me want to jump him in the back of the van. What can I say? My hormones have always been overactive. I had a feeling he felt the same, since he didn’t even flinch when my hand “accidentally” rested on his thigh. Not even when my hand slipped a little farther down onto his crotch. At that point I knew exactly how he was feeling, he felt rock hard under my caress and I chanced a look over at his face, his eyes were burning into mine and his mouth was opened in mid-pant. At that point I felt his hand traveling up my thigh. I was in a very precarious situation considering I was wearing fishnets under my skirt but no underwear. If he hadn’t already realized I was a s**t, he would once he felt how wet I was just from the smell of him. About the point in time that his fingers reached my center I realized that my reaction wasn’t normal. That I had never felt such raw lust for any other human being, and right then it hit me. Antoine wasn’t human. What he was I didn’t know, but I knew he wasn’t human. Not that that effected me much, mainly at the moment I was just trying not to moan out loud. I had the feeling Antoine was having the same problem. He was growing harder under my hand and I wondered how big he was. From what I could tell I would be in pain tonight, but I wasn’t complaining. After several minutes of his ministrations I was ready to scream and I did let out a small moan. My mother’s eyes flicked to the mirror, but I was quicker. I looked towards the cat cages and cooed. She looked away, attributing my moan to my interest in the cats. After she looked away Antoine leaned towards me and whispered in my ear.

“Save it for latter, I want to hear those moans out loud.” And he flicked his tongue over my ear lobe. His tongue was forked. He was a snake. I looked at him and smiled, wondering in my heart why I wasn’t screaming out loud. There was a were-snake in the seat next to me, and instead of being repulsed I was ready to jump his bones. I decided to wait ‘till later to ask him about his nature. Right now I was more interested in the size of his c**k. I was thinking about such things when we pulled into the parking lot of a hotel. I hadn’t even noticed we were in a city but I realized quickly that the sun had set and we were now at the hotel. I looked at Antoine and his eyes glowed a bright green in the darkness, and they dripped with lust. He looked as though if we didn’t get in a bed soon he might jump me.

I yawned loudly and asked my mother to hurry up and get a room cause I was tired. She rolled her eyes and hurried off to talk to the manager as we set in the lobby. She came back quickly with a short squat man with a gleam to his eyes that looked more like that of a car salesman than a hotel manager. He smiled widely at us and opened his arms as though to embrace us.

“Well, hello there! Our hotel is yours for as long as you need it. I think we have a few adjoining rooms here for you.” He looked down at the clipboard in his hands but as his eyes fell Antoine’s met his. He looked dazed for a moment then looked at my mother. “Actually Sally, we don’t have two adjoining rooms right now. Would it be to much of a problem to be on separate floors?” No one but me noticed this silent exchange. My mother just nodded and looked from me to Antoine then shook her head at his smile as he hugged her and told her goodnight. I was starting to realize something about Antoine, my mother thought he was gay. She smiled at me and told me goodnight and handed Antoine the key to our room. Her and Mark left with the cat cages.

I barely resisted running and by the time I got to the room I was ready to knock him onto the bed and take him, whether he was ready or not. But I managed to wait until he was ready and I also wanted to ask about the whole snake thing.

“Antoine, exactly what are?” I asked with no prelude or buildup. He looked shocked and just stared at me for a moment, and then he smiled.

“What are you talking about Marie?” He asked as though he honestly didn’t know. I looked sternly at him and he shrugged his shoulders.

“Antoine, I can feel it! You aren’t normal, I don’t even think your human. I think you are…some kind of were-snake or something.” I looked him straight in the eyes the entire time and when I was finished he looked away from me.

        “Marie will you settle for the fact that I wont hurt you?” He said and I wanted to say yes, I wanted to so bad because I wanted to feel him inside me so bad. Instead I just said I needed a bath.

        I soaked in the tub for a long time, I had been in there nearly an hour when I heard a timid knock on the door.

        “Marie, I need to go pee, I promise I wont look.” I called for him to come in. I quickly sunk deeper into the tub as he walked in and right then he had never looked better. I felt the heat growing between my legs and squirmed as I heard him unzip his zipper behind me. I decided to ask him about the gay thing.

        “Antoine, why does my mother think you’re gay?” I asked timidly, still not sure how he felt after I ignored his earlier statement. To my delight I heard a small laugh come from behind me as well as more clothing rustling.

        “You noticed that huh? Well she kind of walked in on me and Mark, she decided I was gay since she already knew Mark liked girls.” He said all this with a very mirthful tone and I heard him walking around the tub.

        “So you like guys?” I asked, knowing he would say and girls or something of the sort.

        “Sometimes,” He said as he stepped up to the edge of the tub, he was naked and his mood was very apparent. “Right now I’m in the mood for a teenage girl who knows to much for her own good.” He stepped into the tub and sank down on top of me; I felt his manhood pressing on my thighs. He kissed me deeply and I realized that something about having a forked tongue made him a very good kisser.

        “You promise you won’t hurt me?” I asked between kisses.

        “I probably will hurt you,” He whispered. “But only because you’re a virgin.” I rolled out from under him as quickly as possible.

        “How did you know that?” I asked flustered from the other side of the tub.

        “How did you know what I was? It’s the exact same thing. I can feel it. Even though you don’t come off as particularly virginal.” I made a noise of indignation in the back of my throat. He just laughed. “Well lets just say most virgins don’t give men they have just met an ‘intimate massage’ in the back of their mother’s cars. It’s ok though, I just don’t know why you want me. I could make you want me, easily, but why? You wanted me anyway. And why me? I thought most girls want a special guy for their first?” He said this all with a smile and I decided it didn’t matter that he knew, he would have found out anyway. I leaned in and kissed him deeply.

        “You are special Antoine. You are the only forked tongued man I have ever met, and maybe that’s what I wanted to be special about my first.” I laughed out loud into his mouth. “Maybe I have just been waiting for a forked tongued stranger.” He kissed me back on that note. And pulled me up ‘till we where standing. He began to lead me to the bed.

“Well, I suppose if I’m going to be deflowering you it should be in the bed, huh?” And pulled me against him next to the bed. I felt his rock hard chest against my bare breasts and I moaned as the smooth skin rubbed across my n*****s. He hooked his hands under my a*s and lifted me back ‘till I was sitting on the end of the bed. He leaned me back and bent down between my legs and buried his head in my soft curls. I moaned aloud as his tongue danced swirls into my soul. I felt him push me back up onto the bed until my head hit the pillows, all the time his tongue never ceasing its tireless work on my nether regions. I was nearing the brink quickly, having never experienced such exquisite pleasure, when he lifted his head and slithered up my stomach. His tongue flicked out of his mouth slowly, tasting my stomach as he crawled up me. His mouth found my left breast and began to suckle it, nipping slightly. I moaned loudly and shivered. I heard him laugh, a low sweet sound that sent a caress down my spine as surely as if he touched it. His hand reached down and started drawing beautiful pictures inside of me, dancing a tap across my soul. My hips arched into his hands and my legs tried to close him in, but he wasn’t deterred. His mouth switched to my other n****e and his other hand pinched at the first one. I could feel how hard they were in the darkness. I didn’t know where to put my hands. I let them float over his back, my nails skimming his skin lightly sending him into shivers when they touched. He finally gave off his ministrations to my n*****s and kissed my neck, I felt his teeth scratching at my skin and the sensation was absolutely divine. I cried out as I felt him nip the sensitive skin at the base of my neck, and I felt his lips curve into a smile against my skin. His teeth were so sharp they pierced the skin quickly, the sensation of his tongue lapping at my throat sending fresh juices running below. He finally met my lips and kissed me and I tasted my blood, coppery and sweet, in his mouth. He began spreading my legs with his legs and I felt his long c**k rubbing against my c**t. Suddenly he was sliding into me, slowly until he felt the small resistance of my hymen and then he pushed in hard shattering my girlhood in a dash of pain. I felt a tear begin to roll down my cheek but ignored it. He saw it quickly and lapped it away with that exquisite tongue. I felt him moving faster inside of me as he kissed me and I moaned into his mouth. I wanted to scream his name but kept silent, afraid that it would be a stupid thing to do. His hand continued to play across my c**t as he thrust into me, and I met him at every thrust, until out bodies worked together in a rhythm that ensured mutual destruction. Soon I felt the tension inside me grow and he began to pant above me, his breath coming out in short quick gasps inside my mouth. My release was immanent and as I climaxed I dug my nails into the flesh of his hips. As my nails dug in he cried out and buried himself deep inside of me with one last thrust and I felt him cum with full force inside me. He lay there panting for a moment than rolled off of me and began to suckle my n*****s again. I pulled him away and shook my head. It was my turn now.

I got down between his knees and flicked my tongue over the tip of his already hardening shaft. It came to life in my mouth as my fingers caressed him. I sucked him until it was as hard as before and he pulled my head up before he came to quickly. He motioned for me to get onto the floor on my knees and took me from behind. Again I felt him enter my warmth and this time I cried out, because last time I had bit my lip. The sound stirred him on and he slammed into me harder and I rocked back into his hips, as he began to lightly smack my a*s. I moaned quietly as he smacked my a*s with increasing speed as he drove into me over and over again until his hand was leaving red welts on my a*s. I felt him pick up speed as he neared his release and his hands gripped my hips pulling me back hard onto him. I cried out as my climax came over me in waves of fire and I felt him release inside of me with a loud groan. We lay on the floor together for a moment until we regained the strength to move, then we climbed back onto the bed and began again. We did it over and over again throughout the night, screwing like animals in mating season. Until finally we both collapsed into a near faint on the bed and lay there panting until we both drifted off into an exhausted sleep.   

I awoke to my mother’s voice and a knock on the door. I rose quickly and ran into the bathroom, gathering my clothes as I went. I met Antoine on the way, already dressed with a toothbrush in his hand; he kissed me and swatted my butt to send me on my way into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and listened as Antoine let my mother in, hoping to the Almighty that she didn’t smell the sex in the air as strongly as I could. Antoine’s voice drifted into the room reassuring my mother that we had stayed up all night and had gotten a late start in the morning. My mother laughed and asked a question that had something to do with toenails and they both laughed again. I quickly showered and wrapped a towel around myself and walked out of the bathroom, making sure I didn’t look to exhausted or embarrassed this morning. When my mother saw me I had the crazy thought that she knew and was about to start apologizing when she smiled.

“Marie, you look amazing! It’s been so long since I have seen you without all that black on; you are simply glowing! It’s fantastic!” I smiled at her and rolled my eyes in a practiced way, sighing inside. Of course my mother wouldn’t notice, my mother was clueless. Always had been. I shook my head as I went in search of an outfit to wear on today’s trip.

I managed to dress in record time and we set off again for the trip. I again set in the back pressed between Antoine and the cat cages. I had my phone out and was texting Lilly about last night, every once in a while Antoine would look over and laugh at the things I was telling her and her responses. I don’t think he saw me tell her he had a forked tongue, but he did notice when I didn’t get a reply for a long time. He looked at me questioningly and I shrugged. I finally got a reply but it was simple, she just wanted to know where we were going. I said we were headed to California and told her the name of the hotel and the city. Then she said ok and said she’d talk to me later. I thought this was rather odd, but knew Lilly was an odd person. She was probably just jealous. That thought excited me because I had never had a reason for anyone else to be jealous of me.

We stayed together again that night, in a new hotel. And again we made love into the early hours of the morning. The next day we got an early start, too early for Antoine and me who slept most of the trip leaned against each other in the back seat.


© 2008 Dianna Ulmo

Author's Note

Dianna Ulmo
Its not quite finished but I liked the beginning so much I thought I'd put it on here.

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Added on March 19, 2008
Last Updated on March 25, 2008


Dianna Ulmo
Dianna Ulmo

Topeka, KS

My name is Dianna and I am 17. I live in Topeka, KS and have been writing for years. I write almost every type of thing. I love vampires and gay guys and those are features in most of my stories. I lo.. more..
