Just One Big Happy Family- PART 1

Just One Big Happy Family- PART 1

A Screenplay by Blaez The Reaper

Kaitlyn, Ruberman, Gina, Jeff the Killer and Slenderman all share a house. Together they all make one hectic family!

-8:13 PM at the Rodriguez family household.-

Kat: *molding onigiri on the kitchen counter* GINA!
Gina: *from upstairs* Oy!?
Kat: Can you come down here and help me make dinner!?
Gina: ...Uhh... give me a sec!!
Kat: .... *continues preparing onigiri*
Rube: *comes through the kitchen door* Hello, love! *kisses kat's cheek*
Kat: *blushes* Hi! Did you get the seaweed sheets?
Rube: Right here! *puts grocery bag on the counter and starts to make the table* You know, the state of Florida is thinking about tearing down our forest.
Kat: Oh my god, are you serious!?
Rube: Uh-huh. They say it's for the "Special Care Package" the governor's trying to pass. I highly doubt it will, but if they tear down the forest, they'll tear down our house too.
Kat: *grumbles* Biotches.. *pounds rice furiously*
Gina: Stop beating up the rice!! *Hops on top of counter and starts eating a seaweed sheet* Rice is a part of a plant. Plants are living. Therefore it has feelings.
Kat: *takes seaweed sheet from gina* That's disgusting why are you eating it plain??
Gina: I can taste the ocean! *makes a derp face and laughs*
Rube: Love, where's our son?
Kat: He's out in the forest playing with Jeff. *turns to gina* Your lover stole my knives. I had a hell of a time trying to cut up the fish, you know! I had to use a friggin' spoon!!
Gina: NOT THE SPOONS! *pretends the cry, dramatically*
Kat: It's not healthy eating them.
Gina: I can stop whenever I want to.
Kat: It's an addiction.
Gina: You're addicted to Sherlock.
Kat: Touche.
Rube: ...... *continues setting the table*
Jeff: *bursts through the door* We're back!
Slender: *rushes to kat and hugs her from behind*
Rube: Does daddy get a hug? *holds out arms*
Slender: *unravels a long tendril and drops a dead possum into rube's palms* *strokes rube's cheek with the tendril*
Rube: Oh...... I think I'll just..... dispose of this..... thank you, son. *walks out of house*
Slender: *purrs into mother's back*
Jeff: Hey, sexy! *slaps gina's butt*
Jeff: Hmhm, alright but I'm counting on later *bury's face in gina's neck*
Kat: *throws towel at jeff* OUT! NO SEXUAL CONTACT IN THE KITCHEN.
Gina: He started it!
Slender: *pushes gina and jeff out of the kitchen and shut the door*
Kat: Ahahah, I love you Slendy!
Slender: *purrrr*
Rube: *comes back inside* Alright, I did the deed. Poor little thing. Where'd you get it Slendy?
Slender: *points to forest*
Rube: No more, okay?
Slender: *purrrrrrrr* *strokes his dad's face with tendril*
Kat: Bless your face!

-10:46 After dinner-

Kat: *rubs temples laying down on the couch* Uuugh I have a massive headache.
Gina: I know what'll help that *grabs beer bottles from the fridge* Meet my two friends *hands kat beer bottle* Jack and Daniels!
Kat: *eyes bottles* Won't this make it worse?
Gina: Not if you get drunk enough to feel no pain!! *takes a swig*
Kat: *drinks*
Gina: *flops down on leather chair* So.... think of anymore kids yet?
Kat: *takes spit take all over Gina's face*
Gina: ........*shudder*
Kat: No! We love Slender!! Besides I don't know if I wanna go through childbirth again. It's more painful then season 2 of Sherlock.
Gina: Dat's painful!
Kat: YOU DON'T EVEN KNOWWW. *takes another swig*
Ruberman: *walks into the room*
Gina: I imagine childbirth like shoving a basketball through an a*****e--
Ruberman: .....
Gina: .....
Ruberman: ...... *walks upstairs*
Gina: Men. Hehe.
Kat: We emotionally scarred him! *laughs and continues drinking*

-11:58 PM-

Gina: Welll. We'reeout of beeer. Eheh.. eheheheheh. *hiccups*
Kat: I'm gonna.... go to ..... sleep ...here....
Gina: Alright.... I'll jus' go upzzstairs.. Niightt.
Kat: Nighhttt..
Gina: *walks up three steps before falling down them completely*
Kat: Youu okaaay??
Gina: Yeaa. Pff. I'm... Captain Plahanettt... I can doo. anythinggg... *walks upstairs*
Kat: Whaz is wronggg with youuu....
Jeff: *from upstairs* Hey Gina! ... You don't look so good... hey what're you.... yes those are my pants....oh god. OH GOD YES!! WOOOOO!!!
Kat: *pulls pillow over head*

-1:12 AM-

Ruberman: *walks downstairs* Ohh, my love. *pulls blanket over kat*
Kat: *wakes up* What?? Where??? Ohhhh my head.
Ruberman: Shhh. *lays down behind her form on the couch and wraps arms around her waist* You're hammered aren't you.
Kat: You can tell? Ohhh.. it's like tiny little men are whacking away at my brain with picks singing cheesy disney songs.
Ruberman: You goob. *kisses cheek* Try to sleep, okay?
Kat: Mhmm.

© 2012 Blaez The Reaper

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Added on July 25, 2012
Last Updated on July 27, 2012


Blaez The Reaper
Blaez The Reaper

im an outgoing, misunderstood person who just wants to live life to the fullest. i love, the paranormal, pirates, werewolves, chocolate, rock music, rain, spoons and lots of other random stuff more..