Take My Life

Take My Life

A Poem by Maria F. Rojas

The day I tried to live

The evening I tried to eat

The night I tried to sleep

The long life I tried to live

You had no idea

How hard this could be.



The day I tried to live

The weekend I tried to ignore

The week I tried to pretend.

The long month I tried to live

You wouldn’t want this

If this was your life.



The day I tried to live.

The moment I tried to smile

The mind I tried to think

The mirror I tried to laugh

The long life I tried to live

You wouldn’t dare

If you could be me.



The day I tried to live

The boyfriend I tried to love

The heartbroken I tried to understand

The trauma I tried to forget

The long journey I tried to live

You had no idea

How much this impacts

For me.




The day I tried to live

Why don’t you live this

And understand

How hard this could be

To be being me?



Take my life

Before I live

Another day.

© 2008 Maria F. Rojas

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Almost heartbreaking Maria
The days we try and nothing comes of it
and then we try and try some more
and still


Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 18, 2008


Maria F. Rojas
Maria F. Rojas

Riverview, FL

Always gotta write something when you need to get off your chest. True... Well, I am not so skilled at writing poems, but of course with my best I can do. I'd be appreciate with some suggestio.. more..
