The Void Of My Past

The Void Of My Past

A Poem by Derek M.

This poem is a look of the one day I decided to look back at my life and reevaluate it


My past is a big black void,


Most of which leaves me annoyed,


One night, I decided to look back,


I then realized I went off track,


Things once remembered, now left forgotten,


All of which has left me rotten

© 2013 Derek M.

Author's Note

Derek M.
Returning poet, please review and rate.

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The past is the past and we can never change it, the future is unknown…we exist here in the present and that is the only time that deserves our attention and focus…it is the only time we can make a difference…hoping you found your feet again. Forgive, move on and find love within yourself and for yourself! Rotten is not dead!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


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The past is the past and we can never change it, the future is unknown…we exist here in the present and that is the only time that deserves our attention and focus…it is the only time we can make a difference…hoping you found your feet again. Forgive, move on and find love within yourself and for yourself! Rotten is not dead!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

If you put off doing something or your thoughts...they get lost...but you find them again...but in a different scheme...the just have to shake off the cobwebs in your mind...

Posted 10 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on September 15, 2013
Last Updated on September 15, 2013
Tags: Reevaluate, Past, Void, Emotion, Poetry


Derek M.
Derek M.

Waterford, ME

I like to cook, and in my spare time draw and write. I'm striving to be a head chef one day. My preferred style of writing is fantasy. SPECIAL THANKS: To my lovely fiancé and editor .. more..

Emptiness Emptiness

A Poem by Derek M.