Mi Canto [Spanish original and English translation]

Mi Canto [Spanish original and English translation]

A Poem by Victor D. Lopez

Hoy yo volví a cantar,
Algo mas alto que un llanto,
Que aun no puedo evitar
Pero lo puedo soportar,
Envuelto en mi como un manto.

La música sabe llamar,
A lo que ya se a perdido,
Y por no saber amar,
O no querer destacar,
Se enterró en el olvido.

Por profunda la fisura,
Siempre se puede surgir,
La tiniebla mas oscura,
Con una luz blanca y pura,
Se puede sobrevivir.

Unas notas en cadenas,
Empreñan una melodía,
Y en cenizas y arenas,
Crece esperanza en las venas,
Y da luz a la alegría.

Mi madre en su tristeza,
Lloraba lagrimas de canto,
Lo hacia con gran destreza,
Y dolorosa belleza,
Música su diario llanto.

Mi canto es mi poesía,
Sin tono, dolorosa, impura,
No es un canto de alegría,
Pero la tristeza expía,
Y la esperanza perdura.

My Song

Today I began to sing again,
Somewhat louder than the cry,
That I still cannot avoid,
But can now bear,
Wrapped around me like a cloak.

Music knows how to call back,
That which was lost,
Through not knowing how to love,
Or not wanting to stand out,
And was buried in oblivion.

No fissure is too deep,
For us to climb out of,
The deepest darkness,
Can with a pure white light,
Be pierced and endured.

A few notes linked together,
impregnate a melody,
And out of ashes and sand,
Shoots of hope can grow,
That can give birth to joy.

My mother in her sadness,
Cried tears of song,
With great skill,
And painful beauty,
Music her daily lament.

My song is my poetry,
Toneless, painful, and impure,
It is not a song of joy,
But sadness provides release,
And hope endures.

© 2024 Victor D. Lopez

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Where there is light at the end of the tunnel, there is hope. When the dark sets in and is cloying, we all need something that we can cling to. Poetry has always been a life saver to me. Both my mother and father found solace in music, but there has been many a long night when I have turned my attention to my poetry books and the classics of old. A relatable and lovely poem Victor.


Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Victor D. Lopez

3 Months Ago

Thank you Chris! Music (playing and hearing it) and poetry/writing have always been an important lif.. read more


Where there is light at the end of the tunnel, there is hope. When the dark sets in and is cloying, we all need something that we can cling to. Poetry has always been a life saver to me. Both my mother and father found solace in music, but there has been many a long night when I have turned my attention to my poetry books and the classics of old. A relatable and lovely poem Victor.


Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Victor D. Lopez

3 Months Ago

Thank you Chris! Music (playing and hearing it) and poetry/writing have always been an important lif.. read more

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1 Review
Added on April 1, 2024
Last Updated on April 1, 2024
Tags: rhyme, spanish language poetry, poetry in translation


Victor D. Lopez
Victor D. Lopez

Coram, NY

I am a lawyer, professor of legal studies and author. My professional writing is primarily non fiction (law-related textbooks, reference books on mostly legal topics, articles in peer-reviewed law jou.. more..
