On the Folly of Denying Evil Exists in the World

On the Folly of Denying Evil Exists in the World

A Poem by Victor D. Lopez

When we deny evil today exist,
We hide our heads in sand, ignore real life,
We think doing so will avoid strife,
Hoping evil will dissolve into a mist.

Show evil kindness, your eye gets its fist,
Rule its crimes mistakes, your gut gets its knife,
Shelter it at home, it will rape your wife,
Feed, clothe, house, teach it, it will not desist.

Evil is evil, be it born or made,
Reason, virtue, honor it will always lack,
Its tools are not words, just a gun and blade.

It comes in all shades, white, yellow, red, black,
Thrives in all nations, in none makes the grade,
When it comes for you, words won’t hold it back.

© 2024 Victor D. Lopez

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Added on April 2, 2024
Last Updated on April 2, 2024


Victor D. Lopez
Victor D. Lopez

Coram, NY

I am a lawyer, professor of legal studies and author. My professional writing is primarily non fiction (law-related textbooks, reference books on mostly legal topics, articles in peer-reviewed law jou.. more..
