Hijas de Eva / Daughter's of Eve (Spanish translation with English original poem)

Hijas de Eva / Daughter's of Eve (Spanish translation with English original poem)

A Poem by Victor D. Lopez

Hijas de Eva (Traducción--del autor)

La segunda creación más grande de Dios es el hombre.
Formado de arcilla en la que respiró nueva vida,
Luego perfeccionó su creación en Eva,
No de arcilla sino de la carne y el hueso de Adán.

En Adán, Dios practicó su creación.
En Eva la perfeccionamos retocando sus defectos.
Más corazón, menos arrogancia; más sentido, menos músculo,
Mas amor menos odio; centrada en "nosotros" no en "yo".

Los textos sagrados escritos por hombres discrepan,
Lo cual sólo nos comunica una verdad más obvia:
La verdad que Dios susurro en los oídos de los hombres solo prueba,
Que no hay sordos como los que no quieren oir.

Así, las mujeres han sido culpadas por todos los males de los hombres,
De la caída de Adán a todo pecado terrenal,
Marginadas, objetivadas y despreciadas,
Como blancos fáciles para la furia celosa de los hombres.

La humanidad masculina es mucho menos que la femenina,
En toda lo que cuenta menos en fuerza bruta,
La fuerza bruta sirvió a los tiranos durante seis mil años,
Por desgracia, sirve a los tiranos todavía hoy en día.

Descalzas y embarazadas, serviles y pobres,
No vista, no escuchada, y muy a menudo no amada,
Su función principal es una incubadora de cría,
Para dar placer a los hombres y proveerles hijos sanos.

Sin voz, sin voto, sin poder y sin esperanza,
Hasta hoy culpadas por algunos por todos los males del hombre,
Víctimas de violación apedreadas por su victimización,
Matanzas de honor de los hombres más deshonrador.

El milagro de la vida te fue vuestro regalado.
Los hombres plantan la semilla y luego se ocupan,
En arar nuevos campos,
Mientras que las mujeres nutren la vida, desde la cuna hasta la tumba.

Estoy asombrado de todo lo que soportáis,
Y todo lo que lográis a lo largo de la vida.
Diamantes tratados como vidrios rotos por imbeciles,
Cuyo brillo es solo un reflejo en sus propias mentes.

Daughters of Eve (English original)

God's second greatest creation is man,
Formed from clay into which He breathed new life,
Then perfected His creation in Eve,
Not from base clay but Adam’s flesh and bone.

On Adam God practiced His creation,
In Eve perfected it tweaking its flaws,
More heart, less hubris; more sense, less muscle,
More love less hate; focused on “us” not “me".

Sacred texts written by men disagree,
With what is only a most obvious truth,
God's truth whispered in men's ears only proves,
None are so deaf as those who will not hear.

Thus women have been blamed for all men's woes,
From Adam's fall to every earthly sin,
Marginalized, objectified and scorned,
As easy targets for men’s jealous rage.

Mankind is so much less than womankind,
In all the ways that count save in brute strength,
Brute strength served tyrants well six thousand years,
Alas, serves tyrants well still to this day.

Barefoot and pregnant, subservient and poor,
Unschooled, unheard, and too often unloved,
Their primary role a breeding vessel,
To pleasure men and give them healthy sons.

No voice, no vote, no power and no hope,
To this day blamed by some for all man's ills,
Victims of rape stoned for their victimhood,
Honor killings from men most honorless.

The miracle of life was gifted you,
Men plant the seed and then their job is done,
They can wander away to plow new fields,
While women nurture life--cradle to grave.

I am in awe of all that you endure,
And all that you accomplish throughout life,
Diamonds treated like broken glass by fools,
Whose brilliance shines only in their own minds.

I am a son of Adam, share his flaws,
And know full well women have their faults too,
Yet for me hope for all humanity,
Rest with Eve’s daughters, not with Adam’s sons.

© 2024 Victor D. Lopez

My Review

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Featured Review

In praise of women. A wonderful poem Victor, truly appreciating the worth of the female of our species. So many women round the world are treated with disdain. Their value not appreciated. Ten eloquently worded stanzas, and the ninth stanza is my favourite. I have just read a diamond of a poem. Thank you.


Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Victor D. Lopez

3 Months Ago

Thank you for your as always kind and supportive comments, Chris.


In praise of women. A wonderful poem Victor, truly appreciating the worth of the female of our species. So many women round the world are treated with disdain. Their value not appreciated. Ten eloquently worded stanzas, and the ninth stanza is my favourite. I have just read a diamond of a poem. Thank you.


Posted 3 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Victor D. Lopez

3 Months Ago

Thank you for your as always kind and supportive comments, Chris.

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1 Review
Added on April 9, 2024
Last Updated on April 10, 2024
Tags: in praise of women, social commentary, poem


Victor D. Lopez
Victor D. Lopez

Coram, NY

I am a lawyer, professor of legal studies and author. My professional writing is primarily non fiction (law-related textbooks, reference books on mostly legal topics, articles in peer-reviewed law jou.. more..
