The Lady

The Lady

A Poem by Vigil Dreamer

The Lady, the beginning of the end....


The Lady


Orange flames flicker,
in cool autumn winds,
as they do struggle,
a temperate voice sings,


A fair maiden dances,
through  great open fires,
draped in pearl silk,
hands catching at pyre’s,


Full curls of chestnut,
flow down her back,
caressing her shoulders,
head turns with a snap,

Her eyes bright and playful,
speak of intent,
the beginning of all
and her message is sent

For she is the one,
who started the blaze,
on the pretty young town,
who’s streets were a maze,

And the sweet silent place,
smoulders in light,
from the tears of the moon,
who looks on in the night,


Her song becomes laughter,
strong and serene,
of this heat she is bringer,
of death she is queen,


But something remains,
for the inferno has missed,
one lonely old house
and here sighing he sits,

A man of great wisdom,
age, skills and power,
his knowledge is ancient,
his will clasped in dour,     

But the Lady is stronger,
feared by the land,
this man is no fool  
and makes no move to stand,

His home is protected,
though done in great haste,
he cannot be harmed,
and his fear is misplaced, 

So he sits and awaits,
the time of her bore,
where she leaves the destruction,
she can’t harm anymore,

Then he will venture,
as ash whips in the breeze,
to the land of the king,
who will fall to his knees,

With the news of the Lady,
who seeks to begin,
the war of all wars,
from the chaos within.


© 2009 Vigil Dreamer

Author's Note

Vigil Dreamer
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Added on December 3, 2009
Last Updated on December 3, 2009