When death birds cry

When death birds cry

A Poem by Vigil Dreamer

When death birds cry


When death birds cry into the night,

The stars will be devoid of light,

And heavens gaze will cease to see,

Just how much you mean to me,

The bodies they will surely pile,

But will you sit with me awhile?

I do not claim to know the truth,

But worse were followed with no proof,

So stay with me and we will catch,

The vile events as they do hatch,

Our eyes will stream with tears and fear,

Though one holds the other near,

Oh my love! I ask but this,

Before our death but one sweet kiss?

Your lips touch mine with temperate care,

To find such love is just too rare,

I clasp you tight for you to stay,

I will not lose you to today,

No matter what those monsters do,

Of my love if they but knew,

Would shake their heads with heavy sighs,

Our struck down forms with empty cries,

Would be but tokens to the earth,

To ourselves their little worth,

And soul of mine rests easily,

As intertwined with yours it’ be.

© 2009 Vigil Dreamer

Author's Note

Vigil Dreamer
Any feedback welcome :)

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Added on December 13, 2009