F**k Your Cell Phone

F**k Your Cell Phone

A Poem by Samantha ~virginpoet

He would die
if he lost his phone

His phone is his life
Don't you know

Oh Lord what would he do
if he had to actually
spend time with the person
setting next to him

Put the phone down
look around at life
passing him by

He missed a big step
in his son's life

OMG did you see what he just did
at 4 months old he stood up with a little help

He said No I didn't see it
besides it's not a big step
I did not miss anything

Yeah ok sure
it was nothing
play it off

But I saw my future
in an instant

His son takes his first steps

Honey did you see that

No I didn't see it
besides it's not a big step
I did not miss anything

Yet it's so important
that he has his face
stuck on facebook
24 f*****g 7
scared he will
miss something

But from now on
I'll Taylor Swift your a*s
so f*****g fast

To vent my anger
to vent my pain
to vent my frustration

I f*****g HATE cell phones

They will lead humanity to ruin
walking zombies phone in hand
while real life fades around them

Show some respect
please disconnect
why the f**k do you
spend so much time
on your phone

Wonder if I turned into a phone
would you than talk to me
would you than touch me
would you than not be bored by me

I hate how you feel the need to be connected to an infinite electronic world every second of the day - See more at: http://www.thirdoptionmen.org/blog/hate-cell-phone/#sthash.UVPSRjZ2.dpuf
I hate how you feel
you need to be connected
to an infinite electronic world

While the real world
while real life
passes you by

Your cell phone separates you.  Your cell phone divides you.  Your cell phone keeps you a safe distance from the others - See more at: http://www.thirdoptionmen.org/blog/hate-cell-phone/#sthash.UVPSRjZ2.dpuf
Your cell phone separates you
Your cell phone keeps you
a safe distance
from the others

We are within inches of one another
but you are somewhere else

Talking to other people
than get mad at me for asking
what are you doing
not that I care
I just want to
hear your voice
to know that I'm
not dead to you

I find myself jealous
jealous of your cell phone
I wish I was the first thing
you reached for in the morning
I wish you felt the burning need to talk to me

Back when I had a cell phone
you would text me while setting next to me
...Hey I wrote a new poem go read
and review it on WC

Gives me that old overused line
But But I is Bubby Honey
you have to read
and review me

I drop all that
I am doing
and read

Now comes the time
I write and post a new poem
to the writers cafe

Hey honey I wrote a new poem
will you read it when you get time...

Its a b***h and a moan fest from him

Ill read it in a minute fool I'm busy

Hours pass sometimes days
honey did you ever read my new poem

No not yet I'm busy
yadda yadda yadda
face in his phone

I ask one more time
and feel like I'm nagging

He says I started to read it
but it's just to f*****g long
so I quit you know I HATE reading
and you keep writing

Well F**K you and you hatred for reading
yet what do you do all day on your phone

And you get on WC
and read and review
other poets work
but its just to hard
to just read your wife

You are a f*****g double standard
I'm tied of begging you to read my work
I'm scared to even ask anymore

You get mad and b***h
and both ways I get hurt
and it makes me hate him

I am done asking
I am done begging
I am just DONE

Its funny poets of wc
you should know
when no one
reviews his s**t
he gets pissy
and is in a bad mood all day
even though I review him
wonder if he thinks
how I feel that he wont even
read my work

This is test
lets see how long
it will take him
to notice
he is


By Samantha Pruitt
I hate how you feel the need to be connected to an infinite electronic world every second of the day - See more at: http://www.thirdoptionmen.org/blog/hate-cell-phone/#sthash.UVPSRjZ2.dpuf

© 2014 Samantha ~virginpoet

Author's Note

Samantha ~virginpoet
I purposely made this poem LONG cause he "HATES" reading ... Yes I'm upset and fed up and I have to write how I feel its my therapy it helps me vent since I have no one to talk to venting in poetry keeps me sane and my fists from balling up and beating someones dumb ass

It's sad when you feel so alone setting beside the one person you love most

Stephen I am not writing negatively about you I am just venting you know I love you

and no I could not block you

My Review

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PREACH. I hate how people can't put their phones down for 5 minutes and pay attention to the people around them! My mom is that way when we have time to spend together and it irritates the piss out of me! I'm gonna start linking this to people that do this!

Posted 10 Years Ago

wow your point is diffidently shown, if he can't get the notion in his head there might be some different problems lurking beneath the surface. good luck girl, seems you got your hands full.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Oh my gosh realised you're married to Stevo... Mind blown!! X_X DOn't know how it took me this long to figure out!! I like reading both of your work never thought you were married! This is so cool. Or not? Sorry that things are not like you wanted them to be. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

I hate cell phones too. I have bought two. I gave one to daughter and one to wife. If you want to talk to me. I have a house phone. No-one called. I agree. Cell phone world drive me nuts. I hope all is going well with you and child. I babysit daily my 5 month old Grandson and two wild 5 years old grandsons. They keep me young.

Posted 10 Years Ago


His reply poem

Posted 10 Years Ago

Ouch! Well written vent. Hope it has the desired effect.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Samantha ~virginpoet

10 Years Ago

It did lol he read it and even wrote a reply poem back to it Ill link it
No offence but reading this makes me think ur hubby is an A HOLE AND A HALF!
If you love your wife, she would be more important then a phone, and if you have time to review everyone elses work and not your wife's thats fucked.
My boyfriend isn't even big into writing, but he reviews most my stuff even when there long, tells me how talented I am and leaves the longest reviews, because he has time for that because he loves me.
Phones are getting bad, people need to come into the real world, not live with there face in front of a screen all day everyday.
Men should put there girlfriend's first if there important enough to them and they love them.

Anyway great write, sometimes us writers just need to write everything out because it helps. No matter if boyfriends/ friends or hubbys read it and there not impressed.... sometimes this is the only way to get people to here you out and understand you.

Posted 10 Years Ago


Did an explosion just go off somewhere? Damn, girl, you poured out your frustration and let the flood gates free! You had a flame that now blazes with the desire for acknowledgement. I know EXACTLY how this feels. This is my boyfriend. Now, I love him to pieces don't ever get me wrong - no matter how messed up my writing about him might be - BUT, they don't seem to realize when it is driving a wedge in the relationship. Sometimes those boys just need a swift kick in the you know where! Hahaha! I love the fire of this and I hope he notices this soon!

Btw - I won't say a word to him. Stevo, if you ever read this, sorry, but we girls have to stick together. :P

Posted 10 Years Ago

Madalyn Beck

10 Years Ago

I can't wait to see what you have to say Stevo! (:
Samantha ~virginpoet

10 Years Ago

me eiter Im on the edge of my seat in anticipation because it is something
Samantha ~virginpoet

10 Years Ago

either ugh typos lol
Samantha, you haven't been talking with my wife have you?
I see the frustration you have, and it is so true, these stupid phones are ruling our lives, something that was meant to be a useful tool has somehow become our master instead.
I enjoyed this piece of writing, thought provoking, and well executed.
Maybe there needs to be a phone/Facebook/WritersCafe/whatever-other-distraction day declared, and lock them in the cupboard, go outdoors with your lovely son and experience things through his eyes, as Silas discovers the world around him.
I will take your wise words to heart and try apply them around my household as well.
Please feel free to send me read requests anytime, you write from a place deep within.

And Stevo, heed this lady, she is wise.

Oh, and as in comments on so many blogs FIRST!!

I am also pissed I couldn"t put 110 % in the rating box, it said number had to equal 100 or less! WTF!

Posted 10 Years Ago

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19 Reviews
Added on April 30, 2014
Last Updated on May 11, 2014


Samantha ~virginpoet
Samantha ~virginpoet


HAD MY BABY BOY 12/29/2013 at 10:57 he weighs 8 pounds 4oz 19 in long I am married to a fellow poet on this site http://www.writerscafe.org/itz_JuggZ aka Stevo The Poe-t I cant sleep without kno.. more..


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