Jennifer's Shadow with alternate Ending.

Jennifer's Shadow with alternate Ending.

A Story by Vyctm

This is the same story as the other one. The only difference is a little change I made at the end. Bon appetit.



Each breath felt a little harder than the last as I ran through the woods.  The trees loomed over me like dark arms hoping to lock me in an eternal prison.  I felt a dark presence like I have never felt before.  They were after me.  Branches slapped me in the face and thorns cut my legs as I ran along.  I risk a look behind to see the shifting aura of darkness behind me.  The swirling tentacles stretched out at me trying to wrap its cool arms around me.

            Fear was the only thing that kept me on my feet.  I could still hear the haunting calls of those behind me.  Their threats and insults put vile images in my mind.  Thoughts of the cruel things that would be done to me if I were captured.  Hours of torture under their cold hands.  I could not let them catch me.  I continued to push my way through the forest.  The town was roughly one mile ahead.  Lets hope the crowd will scare it them away.

            I lost my footing and started to collapse but saved myself at the last moment.  My legs felt like they had been ran over by a steam roller and each step was draining more and more energy; more of the precious fuel that kept me running; kept me alive.

            The terrain was getting more dangerous the further I got.  More and more of the footing was shrouded with shrubbery and loose gravel.  The clearing should be coming up ahead.  I jumped over a fallen log and stumbled through some bushes to land hard on the ground on the edges of the meadow.  On the other side of the small field I could see the lights from the town shining like the stars in the sky.  I pushed myself up and ran again.  The fall had caused my leg to be rubbed raw and each step made my knees burn but that did not matter.  The town was so close.  I could feel the sanctuary reaching out for me.  I pushed harder.

            Behind me the men rushed through the shrubbery and continued their pursuit.  I hoped they would not risk coming to town.  Not after all I found out.  I pushed on with new found strength.  The men were closer than they were earlier but that would not stop me.  I was halfway there now.  My fatigue was becoming an issue.  Each step was a miracle straight from God.  I cried with the fear of not making it.  What if I were just inches away?

            I heard the threats from the men rise with a new vigor.  They lusted for the blood of their prey.  I looked back to see the men a mere couple of feet behind.  I ran with all the power left in my body.  I’m not going to die this close to safety.  I was now right at the town limits.  One of the men reached for me.  I lunged forward getting just out of reach but at the same time losing my balance.  I fell to the ground inches away from the nearest house.  I curled into a ball ready for the first blows to come.  None did.  I timidly peeked up.  The men were standing in a line just out of reach from me.  I uncurled and stood.

            Each of them had a look of pure hatred in their eyes while their mouths told a different story.  They weren’t done with me.  Not by a long shot.  The men snarled and reluctantly turned and walked away.  I sighed with relief as the last man turned back to the woods.  I cried with joy.  Finally safe.  I let the tears of relief roll down my face as I turned and walked into the town.

            A pain like none I had ever felt before erupted from my right shoulder.  A hook was stabbed through my shoulder and a stream of blood was running down the front of my shirt.  The hook started to pull.  I screamed in pain after each shaky jolt.  I tried to pull the hook out but it was lodged on to something.  I looked to see what it was attached to but I could not see through all the tears in my eyes.  I knew I was getting pulled to the town limits.  I cried.  After being so close to escape only to be caught by a hook.  The pain became unbearable.  My body lost all control and I fell to the ground still being pulled by some mysterious hands.  I looked up through the haze hoping at least to see the face of the man who had killed me.  His pale eyes glinted in the moonlight and his mouth seemed to split his face in two.

            He knelt down over my crumpled form and whispered something in a cold whisper.  “Tag.  Your it.”

            He slid a knife out of his belt and lunged it down at my body.  My scream was cu in half by his hand clasping over my mouth.

            “Now, now little girl.  We don’t want others ruining our fun now do we.”

            Three more forms rose out of the darkness nearby.  They smiled as they slowly cut the life from my body.  I fought with all the strength I could muster, but it was not enough.  My life faded to nothing. 

                                    *                      *          *          *                      *

Jennifer woke with a start.  Her chest rose and fell as she tried to get the horrible images out of her mind.  The torture and the pain.  When her mind finally calmed down she looked at the clock.  5:20 a.m.  The dreams were coming earlier and earlier everyday.  This one was the worst.  The others were graphic but not as disturbing as this one. 

Her phone started to ring on the night stand nearby.  She picked it up and read the screen.  Hugh Johnson.  After a sigh she pressed the answer button.


“Jennifer, so glad you answered.  We have a big case over in the Robinson Woods in Idaho.”


“Yeah, five cases in the last week.  Puts it right under our jurisdiction.”

“That’s nice and all but couldn’t it wait till 6:30?”

“It could if I wasn’t waiting outside.  Come on.”

Jennifer hung up and buried her face in the pillow for a moment savoring it comfort.  Than she pushed herself out of the bed and hurriedly packed.

                                    *                      *          *          *                      *

            Smoke rose from the chimney of the small cottage at the edge of the woods.  Its windows shined dimly with the fires glow.  The spirits moved around this home, shifting from one form to the next.  The shuddered with anticipation for their summoning.  One moved its way into the home.  It shifted around in the entry room.  A small room with a queen sized bed and all of the necessities. 

            The rug on the floor was moved aside and a trapdoor was opened letting a dim glow escape.  Down in the basement a man stood next to a table.  He grinned as the candle light made shadows dance across his face.  His eyes glistened as he drew his knife and readied the ritual. 

            Words started to flow from his mouth as blood flows through water.  He slid his finger across the silver blade, wettening the edge of it, making it thirst for blood.  As he chanted, the woman tied to the table stirred.  He excitedly hurried to his favorite part of the ceremony.  The sacrifice.

            She tried to move in a groggy state.  “Where am I?”

            She reached for her head but found her wrists were bound.  She pulled at them panicked.  “What’s going on?”

            “No need to worry.  It’s just a little game.”

            The panic remained but she stopped fighting.  He hid the knife behind his back.  He went on with reciting the necessary words enjoying the cold that gradually set in.  The voices that started to whisper in the room.  The girl sat still on the table tensed up.  She did not trust this man.  She discreetly pulled at the rope on her hags and wrists as the man stalked about like a vulture. 

            “No need to fight it child.  There is no escaping me.”

            She froze.  How did he know.

            “Now this part is going to be super fun.”

            He slid a knife from behind his back.  The blade glistened in the candle light.  He brandished it and looked deep into her eyes.

            “I’m going do make a little art for a friend.  You’re going to be the canvas.”

            She tugged as hard as she could on the strings.  The man slammed his hand done on her swinging arms and raised the knife.  She screamed. But no one was near.  No one could hear her fighting.  No one ever would.

            The man savored the satisfaction of his power.  The power to control the fate of others.  He slid the blade across her forearm thrilling at her heightened screams.  This  was his ecstasy.

            Blood flowed like a waterfall that night, but this fountain was not soon to stop.

                                    *                      *          *          *                      *

            The black sedan pulled to the curb of the sleeping streets of Robinson Woods.  Jennifer climbed out of the car and took a deep breath of the fragrant country air.  Hugh climbed out of the driver’s seat, talking away on his cell phone.  A man was supposed to meet us here and he didn’t.  Jennifer spaced out and looked around.  All of the buildings nearby full of people just home from work.  The faint scent of food was easily detected in the evening air.

            She looked at each building admiring the aged design put into each of them.  Every building looked as if they were fifty years old.  The strangest building there was an aged church at the end of the road.  Its bland grey stone walls were decorated with three stained glass windows.  The design came up to a point where the roof is and a tall bell tower jutted from the front of the building. 

            While Jennifer was admiring the town a short stocky man walked up.  “You must be Jennifer.  I’m officer Shankle.  I’m here to show you to the body.”

            “Lead the way.”

            The short man started down the street.  The shadows from the nearby buildings covered a lot of his features.  Hugh approached the man and spoke.  Jennifer wasn’t interested so she thought about the dream.  She remembered every detail.  The woman running through the woods; the adrenaline pulsing through her veins.  She shuddered at the gory details of the actual death.  Before she knew it they were in front of the old church.  The officer stopped and turned around.  “The body is behind the building.  I have to go and take care of some stuff.  When you’re done you can head to your cabin.  The key is at the diner on Fifth Street.”

            “Take care.”

            The officer walked off.  The images of the dream flashed through Jennifer’s mind again.  She pushed them out.  She knew that was just a dream.  She can’t let it distract her.  The two walked around the building.  Jennifer braced herself but nothing could prepare her from what was going to happen.

            They made it to the back of the church.  Jennifer let out a startled gasp.  There on the ground was the body from her dreams.  It had actually happened.  She let her mind fall back into the dream; the reality of it.  She took a deep breath to steady herself.  She could not let this get in her way.  This investigation was all the more important now.



            Jennifer walked over to the body.  She heard Hugh gagging behind her but that did not matter.  She was in her zone.  She looked at each detail of the corpse.  The girl seemed to be around ten years old.  Her black hair was a beautiful wreath around her fair face.  Jennifer looked up and down the body.  There were tons of small cuts and bruises.  On the shoulder was a large hole.  Jennifer knew what had caused it.  She knew exactly the cause for everything.  She had to do this.  She could not risk her job with a dream.

            Hugh stood behind Jennifer.  He observed every professional movement she made.  He was amazed at her skill.  When Jennifer had searched all the body she moved around it in a spiral.  She searched for anything to find the killer.  There was upturned dirt and rough grass but nothing that would be very useful.  She was almost done with her observations when she noticed something.  The chain and hook was not here.  The killer must have taken it with him and she did not remember him cleaning it off in her dream.  She looked for signs of blood trail.  She was soon to give up hope when she saw it;  a narrow trail of blood leading in the direction of the woods.

            “Found something.”

            Hugh walked up to her side.  “What is it?”

            “A trail of blood.  It leads out to the woods.  We can follow it straight to the killer’s home.”

            “It’ll have to wait.  Its getting dark and pretty soon we won’t be able to see anything.  Come on.  Let’s get to the diner.”

            “All right.”

            The two walked to the side of the building.  As the body was almost out of sight.  Jennifer looked one more time.  The pale little body seemed so small in such a cruel world.  At first she just saw the body but than she noticed something.  The air above the body was different.  It was darker and it simmered like heat waves.  A face appeared in the air.  It was covered in cascading black hair covered with dirt and grime.  In Jennifer’s head words formed.  Help me.  “Hugh.  Come look.  Quick.”

            “What is it?” 

            Jennifer looked at Hugh.  “You have to see for yourself.”  When Jennifer looked back at the body the figure was gone.  She gawked in disbelief. 

            “What is it Jen?”

            “Nothing.  I thought I saw something.  I guess it was just a trick on the eyes.”

            “All right.  Come on.”

            Jennifer walked behind Hugh quietly.  She turned all the info she had in her head.  It was not much but enough for her to want to get the job done.  This was no longer just a case;  it was a mission.  She could not fail.

            She went back to the information she had and started turning it around in her head.  She noticed Hugh looked back in a concerned manner but she could not let that get in her way.  She had to focus.  She absently followed him alone the darkening street.  A couple of cars passed by but aside from that there was no one in sight. 

            They arrived at the car in silence.  Jennifer looked around then sat in the car.  Hugh climbed in the other side and looked at her.

            “Something is wrong with you.  What’s up?”

            “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

            “I’m not leaving until you do.”

            The two sat in silence for a moment.  Jennifer wanted to tell but she couldn’t.  She could not risk her career on a dream she had.  She thought about it in the silence.  The knock on the window made the two jump in surprise.  Hugh turned the key and rolled the passenger window down.  It was Officer Shankle.

            “I have the key.  The guy over at the café had to close down early and told me to give it to you.”

            Jennifer grabbed the key and put it in the middle console.  “Thank you.  So where is the cabin anyway?”

            “It’s out near the woods.  What you’ll do is drive down this road and follow it for about three miles.  It’s the first right.”

            “Well we’d better be on our way.  Thank you Officer,”

            The window rolled up.  Hugh started the engine and pulled off the curb.  The black sedan rolled down the street and then out of town.  Officer Shankle stood stationary on the sidewalk.  A shadow slowly drifted out of his mouth.  The shadow pooled on the street and started to morph.  It grew and shaped itself like a sculptor working with clay.  It twisted and melted into the shape of a man.  Color slowly melted into the man.  Soon his two white eyes shined in the twilight and his pale skin glimmered under the moon.  He smiled an eerie smile and looked at Officer Shankle.  Shankle’s eyes were staring blankly ahead.  His willpower and mind have been destroyed.  He would be a good slave.

            The shadow whispered a command.  One simple utterance.  “Kill the girl.”

            Shankle muttered acceptance to his quest and walked down the street.  The shadow smiled.  This job was easier than he could have imagined.  Now there was the girl he had to tend to.  He turned and walked towards the church.  When he reached it he dissipated into a cloud of darkness. 

                                    *                      *          *          *                      *

            A deep darkness surrounded the old cabin just at the edge of the woods.  The windows were covered with lace curtains and the blinds were drawn.  The woods walls stood firm despite their age, and the oak door stood locked in front of Jennifer and Hugh.  She dug through her pocket searching for the key.   Hugh struggled under the weight of their bags.  “Please don’t say you lost the key.”

            “No, I just can’t find it.”

            She briefly looked around on the ground to see if she had dropped it.  She saw a glint on the ground just off of the porch.  She walked over and reached to grab it.  She recoiled in surprise when she saw what it was.  A knife layed on the ground.  It was a classic kitchen knife with a black hilt and stainless silver blade.  The thing that had surprised her was the liquid spread across the blade.  She tenderly picked it up and held it out in front of her.  The liquid shimmered in the moonlight as a strong red color.  The coppery smell of it let her know it was blood.  The question is what was killed, and where is the killer.

            “Hugh, There is someone here.”

            “What, the lights are out and the door is closed and locked.  I doubt someone would be walking round this late.  What would make you think that?”

            She held the knife out in front of her to answer his question.  “The blood on it is still wet.  Whatever is dead and whoever killed it is probably nearby.  She reached into her belt and wrapped her hand around her pistol.  The cool handle was reassuring and soothed the light fear in her.  Hugh dropped the bags and did the same.

            They quieted and listened for any noise.  The wind gusted through the trees making them rattle and the sound of rushing water was the only sound that night.  The creatures in the woods were silent, as if they were afraid of something.  Jennifer cautiously walked along the house staying close to the wall with her gun ready to shoot.  Hugh went the other way. 

            Every step seemed so loud in this silent world.  The crunching of leaves made Jennifer flinch with every step.  She slid along the wooden wall and stopped at the corner.  She glanced careful to remain hidden.  Grass and small flowers went until the woods dominated all of the vegetation of the ground.  Darkness ruled the woods making it impossible to see into, and gave it an eerie look.  Nothing moved.  Jennifer took a quick sigh of relief.  The tension inside of her lessened.

            All of a sudden a man dropped from the roof and pulled her to the ground.  She screamed in surprise and started to flail at the assailant.  He wrapped his arms around her arms keeping them pinned to her side.  She screamed hoping the attacker would not go for her gun.  She swung her head back and made contact with something hard.  The impacted dazed her for a second but it did the same to the person latched on to her.  She pushed herself forward out of the grasp and stumbled to her feet.  She swung her gun around and pointed it. 

            The figure was a man.  The night seemed to darken around him.  A cold presence seemed to dwell around him.  Something made Jennifer shiver at his sight.  His face was cloaked in shadows but she could feel him smile at her.  “Freeze!”

            The man stood and put his hands up.  He tilted his head back letting the light show the face of Officer Shankle.  “Officer Shankle?”

            He slowly paced back and forth with his hands up in the air.  He was breathing heavily and his eyes shined bright.  Jennifer was frightened by this man.  Something about him was not right.

            “Jenn, are you okay?”


            Hugh ran next to her and pointed his gun at the police officer.  “Get down on the ground.”

            The officer stopped his pacing for a moment, than continued with a taunting step.  “Get down on the ground officer.  Now!”

            The man tilted his head and grinned.  The edges of him mouth started to extend.  The pupil and irises of his eyes clouded over.  When the transformation was done the officer was a sight of true terror. His face was split where his lips met his ears.  Sharp teeth glistened in the moonlit night.  He lunged.  Jennifer shot.  Three bullets cut through the air and penetrated the flesh disappearing in a burst of blood.  The body rolled limp to the ground and came to a rest at Jennifer’s feet.

            Hugh ran around the side of a building and came to a stop next to Jennifer.  “What happened?”

            Jennifer stared at the corpse at her feet.  The limp frame and the horribly disfigured face.  “He twisted, then he attacked me.  I had no choice but to…”

            Jennifer broke down.  She had always carried the gun but never before has she shot it.  Her hands shook uncontrollably and her breath came in short gasps.  She leaned on Hugh’s shoulder and let it out.  Then she felt him stiffen.  Something was wrong.  She pulled her face off of his shoulder and saw him staring at the woods nearby.  Jennifer followed his gaze and froze.  A form was shifting around the edge of the forest.  A dark aura surrounded him as he slowly treaded through the foliage. 

            Jennifer looked around seeing many of them slowly coming from all directions.  They were still far off but that could change at any moment.  Hugh looked her in the eyes.  “Get to the car.”

            Jennifer nodded.  She ran to the black sedan parked near the house.  She sprinted across the dark and uneven terrain with eyes locked on the car.  She tugged at the door but was dismayed to find it locked.  She pulled out her pistol and struck it against the glass.  It shattered flying inward cascading over the leather seats.  A scream broke out all around her.  She glanced and saw the forms crouching into a run.  She did not have much time.

            She climbed in and turned the key in the ignition.  The engine sputtered, then stopped.  Desperate she tried again praying that it would work but to no avail.  She looked around for anything and rejoiced when she saw the key to the house on the middle console.

            She grabbed them and jumped out of the car.  “Hugh, the house.”

            He looked at her and nodded.  He started to run to the house.  Jennifer ran around the side of the porch and mounted it.  She jammed the key in the lock and twisted hoping that it would work.  The lock slid and the door swung inward.  Jennifer ran through and held her mark behind the door.  Hugh was almost to the house now but the same could be said to the silhouettes after him.  He jumped up the porch and stumbled inside crashing just past the doorway.  Jennifer slammed it shut and turned the lock just as a form smashed against it. 

            The beating continued for a couple of seconds but than subsided.  She slid to the ground breathing heavily.  She and Hugh shared a nervous laugh.

            “That was close.”

            “Too close.  We’d better barricade this place.  Shouldn’t be too much work.”

            Jennifer looked around.  The dark home was very small.  There were only two rooms.  A bathroom and a bedroom.  There were only three windows which Jennifer set to work on immediately.  She pushed a fully loaded bookcase in front of one and an armoire in front of the other.  When everything was safe she collapsed on the bed.  Hugh reholstered his gun and slid down to the ground.

            “Something is wrong with this town.”

            Jennifer smiled and said sarcastically, “Really, you think?”

            “We need to get to town and tell them what happened.  Maybe this is what caused that girl’s death.”

            Memories from the nightmare flashed through her mind.  The exodus, the hook, the horrible torture that followed.  She blinked the images out of her mind.

            “I think those are what did it.  The murder.  When I was a round them I, felt something.  A strange hatred.  I remember it from the dream.  These things are not natural.”

            “We should wait for day.  Maybe the, whatever they are, only come out at night.”

            “I guess.  Goodnight.”

            “Good night Jenn.”


            The darkness surrounded Jennifer.  She stood staring into the emptiness.  Then a light shone down on her.  A small circle of light, slicing the darkness as a knife does butter.  She sat there in solitude wondering how she got here.  Then a strange sensation rushed over her.  At first it was small but it slowly grew until she recognized what it was.  She was being watched. 

            A form shifted just outside of the circle and made its way into the light.  It was her mother.  The frail elderly face stared at Jennifer as the from made its way to Jennifer’s side.  Her fathers form followed.  More and more of her friends, family, and partners in work made their way into the light.  They all looked at her with half smiles locked on her face.  Than a small aisle opened in front of her.  The people parted to let a form make its way down.  As light slowly distinguished the form, Jennifer tensed up.  Something was familiar about it.

            When the form looked up, Jennifer gasped in surprise.  The form making its way to her was a clone of herself.  Perfect in every detail from the soft brown hair to the slender face.  They stared into each others eyes. 

            The mood in the room changed.  A chill set in over the gathered crowd.  A dark aura permeated though the light.  The form stopped in front of her and reached out.  A strange urge made her do the same.  The touching of their fingers tingled with a strange sensation.  Her clone smiled a smiled that seemed to split her face.  Her eyes clouded over.  The slightly tanned face dimmed to a pale paste.  Her clone showed her pointed teeth and made a guttural groan.  Everyone around her morphed as well.  Her clone lunged at her throat.

                                    *                      *          *          *                      *

            Jennifer jolted awake.  Her heavy breathing was the only sound in the dimly lit room.  She looked around.  Small lines of light cut through the air revealing small bits of floral wallpaper and frilly furnishings.  Now able to think past fatigue Jennifer assumed this must be a honeymoon suite.
            Jennifer pushed herself out of her bed. Hugh lay next to it and he was snoring heavily.  Jennifer gave him a small nudge startling him awake.  “Hugh, I think they’re gone.”

            Hugh stirred, than awoke.  He pushed his blunt form up with a huff and stood.  After a moment of stretching Jennifer spoke.

            “Do you think its safe outside?”

            Hugh looked nervously at the door.  “They may be, but no one is going to help us if we stay here.  I say we make a run for the car.”

            “But the last time I tried it did not work.”

            “I guess we’ll have to rely on a little bit of luck.”

            Jennifer walked next to the locked door and took point.  Hugh jerkily unlocked the door.  They shared a moment of eye contact.  “Ready?”

            Jennifer pulled her gun from its holster and nodded.  The door shot open blinding the two with an unexpected light.  Jennifer spun and pointed the gun into the blinding light.  She froze there waiting for her eyes to adjust.  Finally she could see, and there was nothing outside.  She slowly made her way out of the door and on to the porch with Hugh directly behind.  They looked around for a moment taking in the scene.

            The haunting meadow which had almost killed them the day before was not a land of wonder.  Flowers covered the ground and strange grasses grew in between them.  The place where the body of the officer lied was now only a flattened area of grass.  The car was still next to the porch.  Jennifer cautiously made her way to it checking everywhere a man might hide.  Nothing was there.  She opened the door of the sedan and felt for the key afraid to drop her gaze.

            It remained in the ignition where she left it.  She twisted it and the car roared to life.  “Hugh, it’s on.”

            Hugh made his way to her looking in every direction as he went.  Finally he made it to the car.  He made a quick glance in the back seat before he sat inside the passenger seat.  Jennifer slid into the car and drove away from the hut.  The first couple of minutes were brutal.  Their bodies were tensed waiting for something to happen, but nothing did.  The car rolled silently down the gravel road and onto the main highway. 

            Jennifer loosened up.  If anything would have happened it would have already done so.  She turned towards the forest, towards the town.  She let the car set its speed and leisurely rolled it on its way.  The two went in silence.  They both thought how they were going o explain what happened. 

            Jennifer noticed a strange pull on the car but she corrected it and drove on through the forest.  She looked absently down the road staring at the strange effect of the trees meeting far ahead.  All of a sudden the car jerked hard to the left.  Jennifer pulled the wheel to the right trying to correct it but something stuck.  The car started to spin.  She could hear Hugh cursing and see the world twist around her.  A sudden jerk made the world shudder.

            Time seemed to slow.  Something hit the back of the car causing the side door to bend inward and the frame to wrap around.  Everything inside the car jerked to the right.  Jennifer felt her body jerking around just before everything went to a blur. 

            Everything was still now.  The world was a blur.  She could see the vague shape of the woods around her, feel the leather seats under her.  Everything faded to black.

            When everything appeared again she remained in the car.  She looked around at the blurry world.  She saw something moving.  It was next to her, where Hugh was sitting.  Something was being carried.  Everything sharpened a little bit.  Enough for her to see what was happening.  Hugh was being lifted out of the car.  Jennifer tried to reach for him but something was stopping her.  She pushed against the restraint trying to get a hold but she could not.  She groaned one more word before everything faded again. 

                                    *                      *          *          *                      *

            The world sharpened suddenly.  “Hugh!”

            She tried to remove her seatbelt but it was jammed.  After a moment of struggling she managed to free herself.  She pushed her way out of the front of the car and fell to the ground.  Her body felt as if it had been put through a trash compactor.  She ached everywhere and her chest burned intensely.  She looked at the wreck behind her.  The car was connected to a tree at the back door.  Glass and broken plexy littered the grass nearby.  She could see the road was not too far away and noticed the black skid marks. 

            She pushed herself shakily to her feet and made herself look at the passenger side.  Hugh was gone.  Small traces of blood were on the ground.  Jennifer slid down next to the crashed car.  She buried her face in her hands and let the gravity of the situation sink down on her.

            She was alone now.  In a world where it seems everyone is out to kill her, she now has no help.  While she had her face buried in her hands a car pulled up next to her.  It was a red Chevy, with dark tinted windows.  It rolled to a stop and the door opened.  A tall and slender man stepped out of the car.  He was wearing a fairly nice jacket on top of a button up shirt with a tie and his black slacks scraped the ground.  He adjusted the sunglasses on his face.  He walked over the huddles form of Jennifer and spoke.

            “See you were in a car accident.  Are you okay?”

            Jennifer heard some sincerity in the mans voice.  That and something else.  “Yeah, I’m okay.  It’s my friend.  He was in the car with me and now he’s gone.  I don’t know where he went.”

            “I happen to have a little bit of skill in the tracking area.  Maybe I could help.”

            The little sentence put hope in Jennifer’s heart.  Maybe they could find him.

            “What was the last thing you remember?”

            There was the car accident.  The car just, lost control and spun into this tree.  I guess I passed out or something.  I woke in a dazed state.  I saw Hugh getting moved next to me.  He was being lifted out of the car.  I wanted to help but…”  A wave of strong emotions washed over her.  She struggled to hold it all back.  “It was horrible.”

            The man put a comforting hand on her back.  It moved up and down in a soothing motion.  “It’s okay.  Were going to find him.”  He gently led her into the edge of the woods and slowly deeper in.  “By the way, I’m Jeremy.”




            The woods were strangely peaceful despite the frantic circumstances.  Jennifer had been calmed by the environment.  She was directly behind Jeremy walking at a leisurely pace.  Jeremy was bent over studying the ground with apt attention.  He had been doing so ever since they entered the thick woods. 

            “How close do you think we are?”

            “These tracks are getting fresher.  I’d say we’ll reach it by nightfall.”

            The brief memories of the previous night reached into her mind.  “Is there any way we could find a place to stay until tomorrow.”

            “I’m sure we could find a place, but what about the trail.  We might lose it.”

            “I guess.”

            The sun slowly sank down as the two made their was deeper into the woods.  Their progression was slow.  By the time there was any clue of nearing their destination the sun was on the horizon. 

            Jeremy suddenly stopped.  “We’re close.”

            For the first time that day she felt some joy.  “How far”

            He looked around the deep forest around him.  “It should only be a couple of yards.  I’m gonna go ahead and see if there is anyone there.”


            Jeremy bent down and snuck out of sight.  Jennifer stood in place staring after him.  She hoped that he would return with Hugh nearby.  She tried to keep her pulse down.  The sun may be going down but that does not mean she will be attacked again.  Or will she?  It seems she could be sure of nothing now.  She seemed to be locked in a trance of sorts.  Ever since that dream.

            Then the girl appeared.  She stood just a couple of feet from Jennifer.  Her face was bruised and the gash remained on her shoulder.  A strange comfort fell on Jennifer.  She looked at the little girl and smiled.


            Her small voice stabbed fear into Jennifer’s heart.  It was cold and haunting.  All efforts to remain calm disappeared.  Jennifer stepped back a step staring at the innocent child.  “Leave now or else.”

            The threat was almost enough to scare her off, but the need to find her friend outweighed it.  Jennifer locked Hugh’s face and mind and charged past the girl and into the woods.  She heard the girl wail behind her.  When she glanced back she saw the white eyes and glowing form of the girl.  She was screaming curse such as “you fool child”, and “that mistake will cost you your life.”

            Jennifer dodged under branches and danced between shrubs trying to retail her footing in the failing light.  A small light shone ahead of her.  Its soft yellow color called to her.  She surged with a burst of energy and stumbled out of the thick of the woods.  She found herself in a small clearing with a log shack in front of her.  Than she realized where she was.  This is the cabin she had stayed at before.  She had made one big circle.  The lights were on inside.

            The screaming of the girl brought her back to reality.  She ran around to the front of the house and charged up the steps.  She barreled inside and shut the door.  After a moment of catching her breath she looked around.  The room was the same.  Obviously a honeymoon suite.  The only difference was a trap door opened where the rug used to be.  Jennifer snuck her way to the edge and peeked inside.

            The light in there was dim but there was enough for her to see what she wanted.  Hugh was tied up on a table.  He was bleeding from both of his palms and his clothes were stained with dirt and more blood.  He was awake and screaming in pain.  Above him stood Jeremy.  The man was smiling and whispering something incoherent.  Jennifer snuck onto the first step down.  She tried to focus on the words but only heard guttural sounds. 

            On the bottom step she saw more detail.  Candles were lit all over the room in groups of three.  Their light is what lit this small room.  The smell of incenses was strong and an evil aura seemed to stay in the air.  The same aura that seemed to hang on the creatures.  Jeremy walked to the far side of the body looking down on Hugh.

            “Look, my little playtoy, we have a guest for our game.  Little Miss Jennifer.  So high and mighty with her perfect record.”

            “Perfect what?  Who are you?”

            “Don’t play stupid child.  You know who I am.  A novice in comparison to you.  Always being beat out.  You don’t know do you?”

            “Know what?”

            “You already know my name, Jeremy.  The person you always seem to beat in everything you do.  Always number one.  At first it was nothing, but after a while.  Well, it got rather dull, wouldn’t you say.”

            Something scared Jennifer about this man.  He danced a dagger around his hand like a master swung it downward on Hugh’s left hand.  Hugh cried out in pain as the blade slid free.  Jennifer looked away.

            “What, little detective afraid of some blood?  No need to worry, there will be more.  You get used to it after a while.”

            Jennifer wanted to react but something held her back.  Something told her to wait.  To get the man talking.  The spit out some words.

            “Wh… what are you going to do to me.”

            “First off I’m going to finish what you so rudely interrupted.  This little sacrifice here.  Just enough to sate the need of the weapon I plan on using on you.  Than comes the fun part.  My, what would you call it, friend, will have some fun with you.  Why, you may ask,” he smiled a hellish smile before he went on, “Why not.  Do I need a reason to make your life a misery?”

            Jennifer was becoming overwhelmed by fear.  She could not survive this.  Something tickled the back of her mind but the horror on Hugh’s screams blocked them out.  

            “Now to finish this little ritual.”

            Now.  Jennifer instinctively obeyed the voice in her mind.  As Jeremy raised the knife Jennifer vaulted over the table and grabbed the man’s hands.  He yelped with surprise as the two fell to the ground.  The impact surprised Jennifer and connected to her knee.  She yelped with pain but held tight to the mans knife hand.  He fought with a scary intensity that reminded her of an animal’s bloodlust. 

            The man started a horrible wail that seems to shake Jennifer to the core.  She tried to block the sound out.  That was all the opening the guy needed.  He put his foot to her abdomen and pushed.  Jennifer flew into the wall and gasped as the breath whooshed out of her lungs.  Jeremy stood and walked in her direction.

            “Naughty girl, never playing by the rules.  That will cost you.”

            He raised the knife.  Jennifer cringed and the knife swung.  Hugh jumped up and placed his hand in the way of the knife.  The sick slice was followed by a another scream from him.  Jennifer opened her eyes and watched as Jeremy released the knife in surprise.  Hugh swung his hand at the man’s throat.  The knife stuck in.

            Hugh pulled his hand back in pain.  He yanked the knife free and fell to the ground.  The intensity of it was taking a toll on him.    He let the knife drop to the ground and watched as Jeremy slid down.  He grabbed at his throat in horror.  He tried to speak but the hole in his neck kept all sound at bay.  The man fell over and stared blankly.  Jennifer recovered. 


            She ran over to him and carefully hugged him.  “I’m so glad you’re safe.”

            They shared a moment of quiet embrace before she helped him to his feet.  They both looked at Jeremy than went to leave.  Suddenly the bloody husk grabbed the knife and swung it.  It impacted with Hugh’s heel.  He fell to the ground with a surprised gasp.  Jeremy muttered something before he faded to death.

            “The nightmare has just begun.”

            His body went limp on the ground.  Jennifer crouched next to the bleeding Hugh.  His breath cam in rugged gasps.  “Jennifer, get out of here.  He did something, unnatural.  He summoned something from Hell.  Something terrible.  You have to escape.”

            Tears started to form in Jennifer’s eyes.  “What about you?”

            “I’m done for.”

            “Don’t say that.”

            “It’s the truth.  He cut my artery.  It will only be moments before I fade away.  You have to run.  Go.”

            Jennifer stayed for a moment before she stood and charge up the stairs.  She burst out of the house and was blinded by a light.  A small voice came from in front of her.

            “Follow me.”

            The little girl was there.  She was no longer a monstrous sight but one innocent and sweet.  “We have to get out of town.”

            The girl left at a run.  Jennifer rushed after her struggling to keep up her pace.  She let her tears flow as she ran.  Her only friend was gone.  Now she was along in this horrible town.  They made their way across the field and on to the gravel road.  The girl ran away from the woods and the town.  Behind her there was a strange sound.  She looked back to see a form erupt from the cabin.  It was massive and terrifying in shape.  The darkness did not make a clear image but the glowing red eyes and shimmering bloody skin was enough to send chill down her spine.  Two curling horns escaped from its scalp and ended at lethal spiked.

            The girl glanced back at Jennifer.  “Don’t look back.  That’s how he gets you.”

            “What is it?”

            “Fear incarnate.  He will destroy your mind the moment he gets in.”

            Jennifer shook with the fear that dulled all of her senses.  She ran blindly along the road hoping to get as far as possible.  Behind her she heard the sound of flapping wings. 

            “He did not see us.  We should have time to get help.’

            “Who are you?”

            “The thing you need most.  We should be there soon.”


            “The gas station.  Closest place out of the town by miles.”

            They made their way to the crest of the hill with Jennifer shuddering by all of the mixed emotions.  Fear, sadness, anger all bunched together.  Her heart lifted a little bit at the sight of the gas station but suck quick when all of the lights went out.  Darkness grew deep.

            A scream erupted from behind her.  Something walked along the road.  The form of a human but something completely different.  It was them.  More rose from the ground and matched the cadence of the first.  They broke out in a run and took pursuit. 

            “Come on!”

            The girl doubled in speed.  Jennifer put all of her mind on running.  She had lost too much to die now.  She let all of her emotions power her feet to move like never before.  They two sprinted to the gas station at top speed.  The pursuer was gaining quickly, but is it quick enough.  The sound of their cries came clear.  Jennifer’s step faltered for a moment.

            “Jennifer I’m okay.”

            The voice of Hugh.  No, he’s dead.  She picked back up.  The gas station was so close.  Finally she made it.  She banged on the door and screamed.  “Let me in!  Let me in!”

            A voice escaped from deep inside the building.  “Who is it?”

            “Please, hurry.  I need help.”

            “One second.”

            Jennifer looked back and saw the things approaching.  She banged harder and started to cry.  The shuffling inside seemed sluggish.  “Please hurry.”

            The door opened.  Jennifer charged inside and slammed it shut.  She turned the deadbolt and collapsed.  She looked at the man in front of her.  He was an older man, in his forties, wearing only a t shirt and boxers.  “Thank you sir.”

            “Are you all right?”

            “You just saved my life.”

            The man opened a window and looked outside.  “From what exactly.”

            “These, men.  They were everywhere.”

            “Well whatever you saw is gone now.  Maybe you need some sleep.”

            “No, they are real.  I just saw them.”  She got up and glanced out the window.  It was clear outside with nothing in sight.  Confused, she leaned in closer.  A face appeared in front of her.  It head split at the mouth grinned at her.  She fell back screaming.

            “What is it?”

            The man was staring at her.  She pointed at the window where the thing slid its pale fingers across the glass.  The man looked than way than back at her.  “There is nothing there.”

            “But, its right there.  Look.”

            “I think all you need is a little bit of sleep.”

            “No, I’m not lying.  It’s right there.”

            “Come on child, I have a spare bed.”

            Jennifer could not believe it.  This man could not see it.  She stood shakily and decided to do something. When the man started to lead her to her room she pulled a metal rod off of the shelf and stuck it to the back of his neck.  The man froze.

            “Do you have a car?”

            “What are you doing, don’t shoot me.”

            “Answer the question.”

            “Yes.  I have a car in the garage.”

            “Give me the keys.”


            “The keys now!”

            The man reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring of keys.  He reached back and Jennifer snatched them from his hand.

            “Thank you.”

            “Please don’t shoot.”

            Jennifer swung the pole.  The man fell unconscious but still alive.  Jennifer dropped the pole and ran to the side of the building.  Upon seeing the door marked garage she shook with joy.  She opened it up and switched on the light.  A yellow mustang sat before her.  She admired the car for a moment before she ran to the side and jumped in.  As the started the engine the girl appeared in the side seat.

            “Where were you?”

            “No one can see me.  I’m dead to them.  Seeing me would confuse them and ruin the chance for help.”

            “What now?  With the only help in miles gone it’s just you and me.”

            “I know a ritual, but we must get to the church to do it.  That is where the power we need is the strongest.”

            “What power?”

            “You’ll see.  Now go.”

            Jennifer looked in front of her.  The garage door was shut and she could not waste time.  She slammed on the gas and the car barreled through the door.  Pieces of wood flew everywhere as the car spun onto the road and back towards the town. 

            “Before we arrive I must tell you something.  That, thing you saw at the cabin.  It will not hesitate to kill you.  Don’t hesitate to kill it.  It will try to fool you.  It will throw whatever it has once you start.  Do not falter.  One slip is all he needs to destroy you.”

            Jennifer swerved around a charging beast.  “What do I need to do once I get there?”

            “Read this book.”  She pulled out a thick book and placed it on the middle console.  The Holy Bible.  Jennifer put her eyes back on the road.

            “All of it?”

            “No.  Just one Chapter.  Psalm 23.”

            Jennifer readied herself for what was to come.  She did not know what to prepare fore.  What if she falters?  What if it does not work?  She pushed the questions out of her mind.  She will not fail.

            The trees around the road faded and the town came into view.  Jennifer stifled a scram.  The demon was flying over the city.  Its red eyes swept the ground as if it were looking for something.  She knew it was her.

            She sped onto the main road that led to the church and floored it.  The wheel started to pull hard to the left.  Jennifer tugged with all of her might managing to get the car to correct itself moment before colliding with the brick building.  She centered the car and drove on.  Ahead two light posts started to shake.  One dislodged itself and flew at the car.  She swerved as it skewered into the ground.  She swerved again nearly missing the second as well.

            Only five blocks away from the church.  She was going to make it.  A sudden tremor shook the town.   Cracks spread across the sidewalks ahead and along the sides of opposing buildings.  They started to lean over the road.  Jennifer tried to give more gas but it was not enough.  The car barreled its way under the buildings as they collapsed into the road.  The car jerked to a halt throwing Jennifer into the airbags.

            After recovering from the daze, Jennifer pushed her way out of the car.  She tried the door but it was lodged.  She made do with crawling out of the front windshield.

            Jennifer did not risk a look behind as she fell onto the paved road.  She had to get to the church.  She ran, despite the soreness from the wreck.  Her body cried out in pain with each step but she felt the evil presence above.  She knew it was planning an attack.

            Only one block away.  She looked up to see a huge ball of fire descending on the town.  It was heading towards her,  She picked up her pace no longer caring about the pain tormenting her limbs.  She rushed her way up the stairs and into the church.  As she slammed the doors an explosion shook its foundation.  The stained glass windows above blasted inward sending huge chunks of glass all over the small room.

            Jennifer ran to the front of the chapel.  She pulled the Bible from her pocket.  She quickly shuffled through the pages until she found Psalms.  She looked up the chapter and read.

The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
 He makes me lie down in green pastures,”

            something forced its way into her mind.  Horrible thoughts manifested themselves in there.  Images of her worst nightmares.  Her family was tortured before her eyes.  Spiders crawled all over her body as a lid was placed over her casket.  Dirt was shoved on above her.  She forced herself to focus.

“He leads me beside quiet waters,
He restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name’s sake.

            All of the images faded away.  A form appeared in front of her.  It was Hugh.  Blood covered his body and tears streamed from his eyes.  He slicked his dry lips and whispered.

            “Help me.”

            Jennifer hardened her heart and finished.

Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil,

For You are with me.”

            Hugh screamed.  His eyes flared white and light shined like two beacons.  His mouth opened wide as he screamed.  It grew larger and larger.  His body lifted into the air and exploded with a large force.  Jennifer was flung across the room.  She landed hard on the ground.  The world faded.  Darkness embraced her.


            Jennifer jolted awake screaming.  Her mind burned intensely and her body felt as if it had been chewed up and spat out. 


            The soft voice sounded familiar.  Somewhat soothing.  I opened my eyes to the harsh light and shuddered when I saw who it was.


            Jennifer threw herself at him but was surprised to see her wrists bound.  She tried to move her legs but something stopped them as well.  She looked down to see silver handcuffs strapped to the side bars of some strange bed. 

            “What’s going on?”

            A strange man unseen before moved to Jennifer’s side.  He was a short man with some meat on the bones covered by a draping black robe.  A white stole hung loosely over his shoulders.  This man must be a minister.  What was she doing here?  Where was she?

            “I am Reverend Callins.”

            “What’s going on?”

            Hugh reached his hand over and tenderly grabbed on to her frail hand.  The warmth was reassuring.  He spoke in his soft voice.

            “You were possessed Jen.  You became violent.  You almost hurt people.  I didn’t know what was going on so I called for help.  Mr. Callins came right away.  He’s been working on you for a week.”

            “Wait, I was possessed.  What about Robinson woods.  What about the case.  The murdered girl?”

            “Case?  Jen, you’re not a detective.”

            “Then what was all of that?”

            “A world created by the demon within.  He was trying to keep you locked up.  Trying to get rid of your humanity so that he could have total control.  He almost succeeded.”

            “So all of it was fake.  Even the little girl?”


            Jennifer rolled the mews through her mind.  That was all just a nightmare.  A world created in her mind.  The priest looked down at her with love.  He had saved her life.

            “I will leave you two alone.”

            The man left the room and Hugh and Jennifer were alone.  They stared a each other for a moment then Hugh spoke. 

            “You had me worried Jen.  I thought I might lose you.” 

            “I though I did lose you.  In that… world, you died.  I watched as a man tortured you.  I though you were gone.”

            “I never left Jen.  I was always right here for you.”

            They fell back into silence for a moment.

            “I’d better get these bindings off of you.”

            “Please do.”

            He reached down and unwrapped her wrists.  Then he went to work on her ankles.  When he was looking at her face again she gently reached up her hand and stroked the side of his face.  The morning shadow prickled her skin as it slid along.

            “I’m glad you’re okay.”

            “I’ll leave you alone for a while.  You need some rest.”

            “Thank you.”

            Hugh shuffled his way out of the room leaving Jennifer alone on the bed.  She stared up at the textured ceiling letting her mind go at ease.  Right before she drifted off to sleep she looked out of the window.  The small girl from her mind stood at the window.  Away from the dream she appeared to be small and frail.  That was until her mouths tips started to extend.  Her soft blue eyes whited  out.  The form walked through the wall as if it were not there.  Jennifer panicked.  She pushed herself against the side of the bed. But realized that Hugh had missed the rope tied around her leg.  He pulled at it franticly as the chill slowly walked to the bedside. 

            The girl looked down at the struggling girl  and let out a pleased purr.  In a cold, whispering voice she said, “Tag, you’re it.”

The End

© 2010 Vyctm

Author's Note

I have checked most of this for mistakes. There should not be that many.

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Added on December 11, 2010
Last Updated on December 11, 2010



princeton, LA

I am not 18 years old. Writing has picked up over the last year. Working on an awesome adventure story. I hope you like it. more..

The Art of War The Art of War

A Poem by Vyctm