The Spy I love

The Spy I love

A Story by M

Cecilia ran away and is never looking back. She moves and the day she moves in she gets a mysterious knock on her door who is it?

I walked out of the taxi and the LAX sign greeted me. The automatic door opened sqreesh the doors went. I walked in wearing a light blue tank top and black jeans. My hair was down to the middle of my back straight and charcoal black. I walked into the bathroom and opened a bathroom stall and clicked open my shiny silver suitcase. I put on a light brown hair wig it was way lighter than my normal black hair. I put on make up and wore very fancy red silk shirt, a pair of kaki slacks. Lastly, I put on earrings, a necklace , gloves and red lipstick I was ready. I put sunglasses on. I was now Annika Holmberg. I am Swedish and rich I am 22 years old I married twice.I boarded my plane with my fake passport I was going to Sweden with no trace. On my flight I boarded in first class. I was destined to keep my sunglasses on the entire eighteen hour flight. Next to me sat a man. Why did he seem familiar. He had light blond hair blue eyes. Age around 19-21. Sports fanatic. Work unsure. Mother a fake blonde, father a brunette. He looked up at me. "Hello I'm Dillon and I'm stopping in London so I'll only be here for half the flight." he smiled. "Nice to meet you I'm Annika."I shook his hand trying to convince a Swedish accent. Where do I know this man from... S**t Middle School he was my carpool. I ignored him from then on. I picked up a book and started to read it was 680 pages an easy read. I finished the book within 4 hours. I put it down and ordered a drink. "Some water please." I asked the flight assistant. I turned Dillon was staring at me smiling, "Damn you read fast!.. I used to know this girl who read a lot." I nodded it felt so weird knowing that girl was me. The eighteen hours went by fast after that. I walked off the air plane to a Sign that said Välkommen till Stockholm-Arlanda Airport. I rushed to the women's restroom. I walked into an empty bathroom. I took off my earrings and put them down the sink. I took the necklace off wrapped it in a paper towel and threw it down the bottom of a waste bin. I walked into a bathroom stall and changed. I wore a shirt I ONLY LOOK ILLEGAL written across the front. I wore shredded black jeans. My shirt had holes in multiple places. I walked to the mirror put in an eyebrow piercing and my two nose ones and lastly my lip.I walked out of the bathroom. I walked out and hailed a taxi. I wanted to go to Skälland 82 33302 BROYARD. The man who had directed me to my apartment was my landlord. He seemed OK dressed sharp but seemed to hide something. He welcomed me to the apartment complex. I saw the kitchenette and a wall to wall bookshelf filled with books. This was my dream home it was filled with books. He sat me down in the kitchen. "Hello."he welcomed me. He sat me at the kitchen table for filled bagels and coffee he seemed great until he started asking me questions. "My name is Måns I'll be your landlord. What is your name?" "I'm Nelli." I answered giving this guy an alias seemed smart. "So what do you do for a living?" he said. "I do paperwork sort mail deliver coffee."I replied knowing this is not what I do it seemed a smart time to lie."Are you legally incompetent? "Why the f**k would you need to know." I sneered back. He put my hair in his hands. "Such a beautiful girl pity you have all those rings in your face." I pushed him away and punched his arm. "If you touch me I will do more than alarm you, I screamed now get out." "No I am your landlord you shouldn't treat me badly." he sneered I backed away. I handed him a years worth rent in cash. "Take it or I will leave." I pushed he took the cash. Now I had to deal with this arsehole and after he touched my hair I knew I had to cut it. I went to the mirror in the kitchen. I cut the sides and back but kept long strips in the front. I was tired when he left jet lag had just hit me. Out of the corner of my eye saw a doorknob in the middle of the bookshelf. I turned it and there was a bed and a shower. I took out my phone and called the one girl I know in Sweden. "Hej Maeve. Guess what? I'm in Sweden. Please come now I miss you. Bye oh wait my address is Skälland 82 33302 BROYARD. Now hurry up." 15 minutes later she showed up at my door. "Mayme." I smiled. She kissed me on the cheek. "Only you could pull that off as a style." she smiled. "Same with you a skin tight hot pink dress only you could pull that off." I kissed her back. "Mayme I like it. I also bought us some vodka and scotch." she handed me the bottles. "Let's drink up." 2 hours later I was seriously wasted and took Maeve into bed with me. In the morning I woke up to a knock on my door. Maeve was still asleep so I walked to the door. I was so dizzy I felt very sick. Halfway to the door I realised that I only had an oversized shirt on whatever f**k it. "Who is it?" I asked.
"I'm Michael Svensson open up." he said. Who the hell was this. "I'm not exactly up yet." I slightly opened the door he pushed it open and looked at me with wide eyes. The man was around 6 feet tall blondish brown hair and blue eyes. He had a strong upper body and was wearing a very expensive suit.

This girl looked seriously wasted. She had love bites all over her neck her lipstick was smeared everywhere. I walked into the house it wasn't that bad except for the fact her clothes were thrown everywhere. Then I saw the hot pink dress out of the corner of my eye judging by her appearance I was pretty damn sure it wasn't hers. "I'm sorry I'm interrupting you now get some clothes on and get your girlfriend out."

How did he know... I felt very sick and the entire room was spinning. I rubbed Maeve's shoulder "Mayme wake up come on you have to go." I grabbed her clothes and in a rush forced them upon her. I scrambled her to the door. I kissed her and closed the door. "So what do you want?" I demanded.

I took out my brief case and handed her my case journal. "Your Annika or Lisbeth or ..maybe Monica." "Yes... Wait how the hell would you know?" "Well you were noticed exiting the airport but never entered on any flights." he smiled. "So who the hell cares?" I sneered. "I do. We need you to work with us as an investigator." he smiled. "So my guess is I'll have to work with you." I reply. He nodded "We'll have a great time." he said in a tone filled with sarcasm. "Well pack up some clothes and whatever else you need. Meet me at the train stop in four hours." he said.

I grabbed my suitcase I never got a chance to unpack. I also brought my MacBook Pro and iPod. I also took a book from the bookshelf called Flickan som lekte med elden. Seemed interesting. I went out to go find a tattoo shop. I already a phoenix on my calf. So today I decided to get a rose on my hip. It took about two hours about 5 minutes to get home. I walked got my suitcase and got a taxi to the tunnelbana. I saw Michael sitting on a train station bench. I came and sat next to him. "Hej Michael." I smiled. "So what is our plan."

"Well I guess your happy." he sneered. "We are married I'm James Mikael Berger. Your Erika Monica Berger." "So here's your ring and you need to dress up.

I put the ring on. "That's not going to happen." It's only because I barely look of legal age so it might look odd is that what you are trying to tell me." I paused. "How old are you?"

"I'm 46 people always tell me I look way younger." he says with no expression. "Damn.. I thought you were at least late thirties not forties." I reply. He smiles "Well Monica our train is leaving." I took his hand in mine as we walked onto the platform. As we walked together people gave us really awkward glances and stares. "So James when are we going to the airport?" I made a sad pouty face. "Soon baby soon." he smiled. We got off at our stop. He carried my luggage. He handed me an IPod and a pair of headphones. Here go into the bathroom and then put these on. I agreed and then walked over to the bathroom. I put them in "Cecilia can you here me?" he said. I could here him "Yes Michael." I need you to do something open up your suitcase and put on a dress the purple one." I opened it up whatever I had packed was no longer there except my MacBook. I was going to get back at him. I grabbed the purple dress it went to my knees and was a tank top. I smiled. "Fine." I put it on. When I walked out of the bathroom I saw Michael standing there in a new suit and a brief case. "You look way better now." he smiled. "Well now that were married I'm going to kiss you." I looked up at him his lips brushed mine. It felt so awkward he had to bend down a lot his 6"5 to my 5"3 I put my head on his chest. I breathed in the scent of his cologne. He smelled amazing like clean and safety. I kissed his cheek. He put his hands on my waist. "Monica we have to head to the airport now." he whispered in my ear. I forgot the airport was across the street. I walked with him across the street to the airport. Apparently the alias he chose were also very famous journalists. So we were asked a lot of questions. But the upside was amazing first class service.

Our plane was landing in London in 45 minutes another alias change and clothing. I sighed I still had a headache from drinking but that seemed like it was forever ago but it was just last night. "What's wrong?" Michael asked me. "Nothing I'm tired and have a headache." I replied. "We'll get some sleep in London." he replied. He handed me some Advil. I took some. Our flight landed with no difficulties. So we found a very expensive hotel and registered in as John Newman and Rebecca Newman. I still had a horrible headache. Michael said that we better change in the airport bathrooms and I should change into my red silk shirt and khaki pants. I did as he requested. He came out in casual dress clothes. A dress shirt and slacks. I wrapped my arms around him my head on his chest. My head was pounding I needed to rest. He noticed and picked me up. I opened my eyes the entire room was spinning. "Put me down." I said with no emotion. "I'm not let me find a help booth." he did and went straight up to the young man running it. "Excuse me sir my wife is pregnant and really can't walk for much longer so can I have a wheelchair for her." he asked. The man behind the counter gave him one. He placed me in the wheel chair and carried our luggage the entire time across the airport. I looked up, "really Michael." "What?" he smiled. "I was pregnant really?" he laughed "I couldn't say you were having a hangover." We went outside and walked over to a taxi and got us a drive to our hotel. He picked me up out of the chair and put me in the taxi and put the wheelchair back in the airport and our luggage in the back of the car. Once he sat down in the car he asked our taxi driver to take us to St. Ermin's hotel. It left the man wide eyed but he drove. We finally arrived at our hotel. We already had reservations so we just signed in it was 3:00 in the afternoon here. Michael carried me to our room and ask the bell boy to carry up our luggage. When no one was in our elevator he put me down. "I'm sorry but it's a honeymoon sweet." Right now I really didn't care I wanted to take a bath then sleep. "So I guess we will have to sleep with each other." I said. We finally got to our room our luggage was there. "I call the bathroom first." I smiled. He laughed. I went into the bathroom and there was the largest bathtub I had ever seen. It could fit like 6 people my size in it. No wonder it was the honeymoon sweet. "Michael come here look."I called. He walked in with no shirt on just pants. "We could both fit in there like with four other people too." He cocked his eyebrow. "Don't get any ideas." I laughed. I pushed him out the door and I turned on the hot water and took a bath. I got out sometime later and put on sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Michael was asleep on the bed so I went next to him and fell asleep.

I woke up with my arms around her and her head on my chest. I can't but I have to I ran my hands through her hair. "Cecilia come on wake up." I whispered. She moved closer to me and wrapped her arms around my waist."Cecilia come on get up." I said a bit louder.whatever. I gave up she turned over and fell back asleep. I walked into the bathroom to take a shower. I turned the water on high. When I was almost done I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Cecilia was standing there watching me. I blushed "What are you doing here?" she laughed "I came to brush my teeth and take a shower but looks like you were here before me." I gave her a raised eyebrow "How long have you been standing here?" "A while." she giggled. I turned off the water grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist. "Were partners you shouldn't be doing that we have to work together." I glared at her. "Come on Micke your sexy why couldn't I?" she was smiling. "Oh now I'm Micke?" I said but I couldn't stay mean at her. I gave in I walked closer and wrapped my arms around her. I kissed her forehead. "Let's just stay in bed today." I whispered.

"We can't I'd love to but there's a gala type thing tonight and we were invited." I looked up and kissed his lips. "I'll give you a massage though."I smiled. He seemed to like that. " Okay then we need to go shopping and get you makeup and things." "Fine" I pouted. He laid down on the bed. As I laid next to him. "I better get dressed same with you?" We both got dressed and went out to go shopping. I bought a purple dress that went down to my ankles and he bought me a beautiful necklace. I brought a tuxedo for him. He tried it on "You look really good." I say. He said " You look beautiful." I nod in reply. I have never had a man call me beautiful. We bought are things then he took me next door to buy makeup he let the woman there give me a make over. He bought me all the make up and we walked back to our hotel. I kissed him. "Now I get to give you that massage." I smiled. I took off his shirt and laid him on his stomach on the bed. I sat on his lower back as I kissed his shoulder blades. I rubbed his back and slowly and calm. I soon stopped and flipped him over. "You liked it?" I asked. "Yes very much." I laid my head on his shoulder. "We should get ready." I guess we had to walk out at the same time so we took a bath together. He massaged my back and washed my hair. He was done before me so he got out when I shaving my legs. I was done so I rinsed off and then I put my dress on. I put on my make up as Michael shaved. "Ready to go?" I asked. "No not yet wait this is for you?" he replied. He handed me a box I opened it up and there was a beautiful necklace inside. "Thanks so much." I kissed his cheek as we walked hand in hand out of the hotel room. We walked into a hotel lobby with a bunch of crazy rich snobs. I moved closer to Michael. As we walked into were the gala was. Music starting playing I was expecting s****y classical but no it was The Way You Look Tonight. This was one of my favourite older songs. I looked up at Michael he smiled. "Care for a dance?" I took his hand in mine we were the first couple on the floor. I waltzed with him the entire song and had not made a fool of myself dancing. "How did you know that was one of my favourite songs?" I asked. "You brought your iPod and I needed some music last night so I listened to some." he smiled. "Thanks Micke." I whispered in his ear. I gave him a kiss and everyone around us clapped. Personally to me it was really awkward. We walked off the dance floor. "Let's go to the bar?" I asked. He nodded. I went up to the bartender. Excuse me I would like A dry martini. In a deep champagne goblet. Three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it's ice cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel." the man laughed really hard. "Is this for you or your husband?" he asked. "Me but can you make it two?" I added with a pleasant smile. I called Michael over using his alias. "John Jag beställde en drycker." He walked over. "So what did you get me to drink?" he placed his head on my shoulder. "I read it in a book and had to order it so here you go." We each took a sip. It's very good I like it." he says. "I finished my drink now." I said. I then moved closer and whispered in his ear "Can we go back to the hotel room?" I kissed his lips. I had never seen him smile so big. "Of course." he picked me up off the chair as we walked to the elevator. As soon as the elevator doors closed I pulled him closer and kissed him repeatedly. I had my hands on his neck my lips against his.

Her lips against mine I let out a small moan. The elevator doors opened and we rushed to the room. I took off all her clothes and she took off mine. I pulled her closer to me and laid her on the bed. "I wanna give you something better." I kissed her collarbone. I moved down her stomach and kissed between her thighs. "I like your tattoos I kissed her rose and phoenix." I whispered. I licked and licked until I heard her screaming for me. "Mike." she was screaming. I went up to her neck and kissed her leaving a love bite.

He kissed my neck I pulled him closer. I laid my head on his chest. This was the best I've ever had from a man that is. I shivered I felt cold this was the worst moment to be emotional. He looked down on me "What's wrong?" he asked. I pulled him closer and I sobbed into his shoulder. I grabbed blankets and wrapped my self up against him. I was shaking with sobs. "What's wrong?" he had puppy eyed shocked look. "I can't Michael I can't." I shook my head. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Keep me safe." I whispered in his ear. "What happened?" he pulled me in with my legs on his waist. "Before I came to Sweden my longing was to get away I've been hurt my entire life. By everyone I have ever loved my mom,dad,sister and even fiancé." I had my childhood taken from me when I was 13. I just don't want you to hurt me." I cried into his shoulder. "I’m not fine, I’m in pain It’s harder everyday waking up thinking your going to be hurt." I finished. " I'm so sorry I didn't know that's why you dress like that I just never picked it up." he wrapped the blankets around me. "Fall asleep in my arms." he pulled me close and kissed my forehead. "Jag är din." he whispered in my ear. I woke up in his arms. "Michael ... Michael wake up." I squirmed out of his grasp and threw a pillow at him. "What the hell?" he laughed. "Come on get up we got to go to the airport." I told him. He grumbled. " Come on I just want to lie with you all day?" "No come on get up." I replied as I unwrapped myself from the sheets. "If you hurry up we can shower together." I smiled. I have never seen him get up so fast. "I'm coming." he said excitedly. I walked into the shower and turned on the hot water. He walked in behind me and put his hands around my breasts. "Hmmm I never new you had that pierced and with a safety pin." he kissed my neck. "I'm sorry but not know our flight to LA is in two hours and we still got to pack." I laid my head on his chest. "Fine." he said. I was out of the shower. I went and packed up my clothes. I got dressed in a blue dress Michael got in a business suit. We headed over to the airport. We took the next flight to LA. I didn't want to go back. They called our flight to go to lax. Were I started out. I still have no idea why I'm going. Michael touched my shoulder. "You'll be ok I will keep you safe." he whispered. We boarded our plane. I kept Michael's hand in mine the entire flight. I don't want to go back. I was afraid. No more than afraid. I was in sheer terror to go back.

I turned to look at Cecilia. She was pale and shivering. She looked scared as if something bad was going to happen. She kept grabbing my hand. I called the flight attendant over. "Excuse me mam can I have a glass of water and a bendable straw." she nodded and gave me both. "Cecilia älskling. Come on you need to drink some water." she looked at me and pulled me close she was very sweaty but she felt cold. I gave her the cup but her hands were shaking so fast she couldn't grasp it. I took the cup and put the straw close to her mouth. She opened her mouth and drank a couple sips. "Söt I'm going to need you to drink it all." I spoke. She nodded and drank the rest. I then called the flight attendant over again. "I'm so sorry for disturbing you but can you get me a blanket?" she came back with one. I wrapped Cecilia and put her head on my chest. Our flight landed and she kept shaking and crying in her sleep. I wrapped the blanket around her and put her in my arms. How was I going to carry our luggage? One of the flight attendants offered to help me. "Thank you so much." after I said that off she went. I called a taxi from our branch in LA. The driver showed up and took my luggage. "What's wrong with the poor girl." the driver asked. "She has a 24 hour bug." I said. I put Lisbeth on my lap and we drove to headquarters. Once we got halfway there she started shaking. "Hey ... Hey you need to get to headquarters fast I think she is getting very sick." Cecilia threw up once on our way there luckily it was on the floor and just water. We arrived at headquarters. I carried her in. I went to the front desk. "I need a doctor immediately." the woman at the counter saw Cecilia and called one. She was rushed away. I turned around asked for my boss. My boss took me in to a circular meeting room. "Hello Michael." he welcomed me in. "So what's our assignment." I replied. "Ours?" he said. "The girl you've been working with is sick but awake she's been asking for you but she is too sick to come work with you on this assignment. "I won't finish this assignment until I work with her." I said. "You don't know your assignment yet." he spoke with a hint of hatred. "Well tell it to me than." I said. He hit a button on the side of the table. The table lit up and showed a map. He pointed on the map to Bahamas. "See here there has been illegal trafficking of girls and weapons. I need you and the girl to go and find out who and how to stop. You have to pretend your apart of the Swedish mafia." he spoke to me. "by the way the girl's name isn't Cecilia this is her. It showed a teenager tied up on a bed. She was raped after multiple times. He then showed the picture of the same little girl she had bruises all over her but she cried no tears. Her real name is Vesper Björg. By the way she is lesbian." I nod she lied to me. But there must have been a reason. "You and the girl are going have to pretend to be married. Also Michael keep the girl safe. You can go see her now." he said. He led me to a white hospital room. She lied on the bed. I took up a chair next to her. I put my hands through her hair. "Du kan lita på mig. älskling." I whispered in her ear. She woke up. "I'm sorry I just can't resist waking you." I said. She smiled and sat up.

"Micke." I smiled. " I missed you and it feels like I haven't seen you in years."
"Really Cecilia it's only been like 3 hours." he smiled. Then he had a serious look on his face.
"We have to go to the Bahamas and deal with sex traffiking. Ms. Björg." How did he know. "Why didn't you tell me." he had a disappointed look on his face. "I was. That's what I was trying to tell you but then I got sick. I'm sorry." I told him. He wrapped his arms around me. "Ready to go to the Bahamas." he smiled then added. "I heard that sex on the beach is amazing." I laughed "Were leaving tomorrow also the doctor said we can sleep together tonight." he said. I had no IV or anything so he picked me up and carried me to a room inside of the building. He opened the door and placed me down on the carpet. "You need to take a bath you hair is not disgusting but pretty close." he said jokingly. He untied the back of my hospital gown. He led me into the bathroom. "Lay down in the bathtub." he said. As he turned on the warm water. I laid in the bathtub. It felt so good having the warm water touch my skin. The bath filled. So Michael cupped his hands and put water all over my stomach and chest. I giggled. "Put your hands all over me." He smiled as he put his hands up my legs and thighs. He put soap all over his hands as he rubbed it all over me. He squeezed my breasts. He then washed my hair. He let the water drain as he left me covered in soap as he took off his clothes and turned on the shower. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too." he said. He kissed me. I miss you and these. He kissed my n*****s. Then massaged them in his hands. I let out a small moan. I moved to his ear."I've always wanted to f**k in the shower." I whispered. He smiled. He pulled me close. I felt his erection on me. I went down and sucked it. I licked it I moved my head faster and faster. He moaned. "Cecilia slow down." I took him out of my mouth. He picked me up. He placed himself in me. I wrapped my arms around him. He thrusted really fast. I was moaning. He was grunting. I couldn't help it anymore I screamed and orgasmed. I pushed onto him more and more. He moaned. "God damn Cecilia why do you have to be so sexy." I screamed "I'm going to cum." I did all over him. He smiled. As he felt me orgasm. He took himself out of me as I rubbed it. Faster and faster. He came. We both were tired after so we dried off and went to bed. I wrapped my arms around him. I kissed him. I laid into his chest. "Micke wake up babe." I kissed his cheek. He grunted.

I stretched my arms. I wrapped them around her. "Are you ready to go to the Bahamas?" I smiled as I kissed her cheek. "My stuff hasn't been unpacked so yes I am." she smiled. "Can I dress you." I asked her. "of course." she added with a devilish grin. I took off her negligée it was soft. My hands brushing her collar bones and arms. I took it all off. "Your not wearing any panties. You naughty girl." I kissed her neck and down her chest. She giggled "Micke you can't do this now." I smiled "Why can't I?" I opened her suitcase and took out a pair of black lacy panties. "You'll look great in these." I put them on her and then rubbed her through the fabric. I got out a matching bra. I kissed her n*****s. I put her bra on. I took out a green dress. I slipped it on for her. I picked her up. "See your all ready now." I laughed. She glared as she grabbed her makeup and perfume. She put it on. I got dressed in a white collared shirt and khaki pants. She walked out of the bathroom and kissed me.

"Let's go Micke." I smiled. I put his hand in mine and my luggage in the other. We walked out of the headquarters and headed back to LAX. We then took the next flight to the Bahamas.

"Älskling wake up." I whispered in her ear. She grumbled then sat up straight. "Our flight will be landing in fifteen minutes."
"Well your alias will be Holly Goodhead."

I cocked my eyebrow and flipped him off. "What else would you like Mr.Bond." I grumbled. "Mine as well be called p***y galore." I said angrily. Michael moved closer and whispered in my ear. "You are my p***y galore." I replied "You know p***y galore was a lesbian."
"No really what is my alias?" I pushed him to answer.

"It's going to be Annika Engström. I will be Sebastian Engström. " I whispered to her and handed her a leather portfolio case. I kissed her forehead. We got our suitcases and walked out of the airport. We called a taxi. "I've always wanted to do this." I pulled her close and kissed her. We started to make out in the back of the taxi. We paused for a moment. "Take us to The One and Only Ocean Club." I said.

We pulled up and it reminded me a scene from a movie. We got a suite right out in front of the ocean. We had the bellboy carried out luggage as we took the elevator. I pulled him close. "I'm tired do you mind if we take a nap?" I said. "No of course not," He replied. We got to our room our luggage was in the room. I closed the door walked into the bathroom took off all my clothes and laid in bed. Michael came in his boxers and laid his head in my breasts. We moved closer towards each other and fell asleep.
We woke up ordered some coffee and than went out onto the beach. I kissed Michael. I pulled him close then I heard a rough voice it sounded almost like sandpaper "Hey you two get down on the floor." He took out a gun. So I lied on the beach next to him. I felt a lump in his shirt it was a gun. "Stay down Cecilia." He ran into the building after the man. I was too distracted to even notice the building. I know realized what Michael Svensson was I thought he was an investigative journalist or a Private eye but no the man I was falling in love with is a spy. Not really thinking over my situation I ran into the building. I felt hands from behind me grab me and I screamed. The man had an almost radio talk show host voice. "Screaming isn't going to help you." He whispered. He took me into a room with steel doors. I heard a man blabbering in French for a moment. "Tais-toi et dis-moi où les filles et l'argent est." the man on the other side of the door yelled. I heard the crack of rope and a cry of pain. I was lead into the room. Michael was lying chained and being whipped by the man.

I saw her look at me, she didn't deserve to see me like this. She screamed as a man took her into another room tearing off her clothes. The man whipped me again. " Vous allez être fouetté jusqu'à ce que vous avez perdu votre virilité." I luckily understood French and new this was not going to be good. He whipped me until I got to the point of near unconsciousness. As a buddy of mine told me being hurt or tormented before you pass out almost made it feel good sensual In a way. A man barged into the room commanding for the girls and the money. He went up to my attacker and punched him in the face. With the force he used I could hear the bones crack in his nose. My attacker screamed. That didn't stop him he continued hitting me. I heard her bloodcurdling screams. I must go through this to save her. Everything became more clear. I could taste the salt of my sweat . I smelt a strong odor of iron from blood. I soon blacked out as a blur of the man who broke my attackers nose shot the man in the arm and punched him in the throat. I saw this as id it was in movie slow motion. I fell out black.

© 2013 M

Author's Note

I just wrote this don't be to harsh please. I'm not exactly sure what audience to put this out to.

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Added on February 23, 2013
Last Updated on April 24, 2013



Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by M