The Friend and the Flower

The Friend and the Flower

A Poem by YouoweYoupay

I am the one that stays.





The Friend and the Flower














"She lost my ring..."


"What ring?"


"The one I've had for years. I gave it to her and she lost it."


Now I sing my song; a song about jealousy; a song about deciding who truly loves.


I am the one who soothes the muddled eyes

I am the one who listens to the cries


I've memorized the fears and wishes

Like the faded lines on my palms


So, who are you?


I am the protector in the night

With a softly glowing torch of light


I am the helper during the day

I hold the pencil and sketch a smile

I sprinkle the colors in my own way


I choose the right shades (unlike you)

For an imperfectly perfect face


So who are you?


You are the brevity of spring

Resting in a bed

Barefoot, fresh and nude

With young heated skin

And kissable lips faintly tattooed (with a blue butterfly)


You open your arms for an embrace

You are the container of lies

You breathe out a moan

Amidst the vapor of your sighs


But, really, who are you?


You are the one legendary to satisfy

Often longing for dead illusions

Weeping over memories of delight

Forgetting the ghost truly needing you (right now)


So who are you?


I am the trustworthy companion

The one to sit with and comprehend

In the rays of the sun

In the gloom of the rain

And the peace of the snow

Without the need to speak


I am the one to reveal my mind

Without the fear of rejection

Because that person accepts

The holes within my armors


We laugh at each others flaws

And work together towards better values


I am the chaste stroke of the summer wind

That leaves a light-hearted kiss without

The need to be kissed back...


I am the one with answers and commonsense (unlike you)

I am the one that stays.

I am the friend.


So tell me now, who are you?


© 2011 YouoweYoupay

Author's Note

Comments, reviews, and corrections are all appreciated.

*Image_1 by *m0thyyku
*Title: the friend fight

*Image_2 by ~day-light
*Title: FRieNDs

My Review

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this was really intriguing work here, those raw, uncut feelings in this one sure make this one very powerful. that schism you have created in here sure cuts really deep into the heart.

"I am the one to reveal my mind
Without the fear of rejection
Because that person accepts
The holes within my armors"
awesome words! great work here

Posted 13 Years Ago

First of all I love the picture because it's snowing here right now lol
love the snow, and the poem is well written, I love the tension in the piece that keeps the reader going right to the end, and I love this stanza, I think it's written very well.

"I am the trustworthy companion
The one to sit with and comprehend
In the rays of the sun
In the gloom of the rain
And the peace of the snow
Without the need to speak

Posted 13 Years Ago

Excellent work here.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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knowing yourself is the most important discovery you will make in your lifetime..

Posted 13 Years Ago

Oh, wow... This piece built and built until I felt like literally bursting by the end. I found this so very powerful and superbly written, Wella. favorite parts...:)

"I am the trustworthy companion
The one to sit with and comprehend
In the rays of the sun
In the gloom of the rain
And the peace of the snow
Without the need to speak

I am the one to reveal my mind
Without the fear of rejection
Because that person accepts
The holes within my armors"

Simply beautiful just to quote.

Posted 13 Years Ago

very good poem, I enjoyed reading it

Posted 13 Years Ago

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I like this a lot. It's really nice. I enjoyed it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Interesting subject. I like that you use the word 'I' and 'You' to describe the roles and it's differences. 'You' seems to be a short term commitment while 'I' seems to be the long term. As I said before, interesting.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I like this piece, after each stanza you ask the question,(who are you) Friends, love and loyalty, is it from the heart or is there a motive behind it. It’s something that always keeps us wondering.
Excellent write.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I like this poem a lot. Nothing as wonderful as friends and their conversations.
"So who are you?"
I like the repetition and the story in each set of lines. Hard to look at your self and figure what you need and want. Complete poem was very good. Thank you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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21 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on January 19, 2011
Last Updated on January 19, 2011
Tags: friend, love, pain, true, night, poem, listen, hurt



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