Power Amoung Us All

Power Amoung Us All

A Story by Ashley

A horse comes back after a few years when wild horses are in danger. Emma a troubled 14 year old along with her friends Hunter and Dakota must now figure out why the stallion has come back and what he wants. Please review! First story!


"Theres a legend of a white stallion that could save all the horses. He was strong yet gracefull, powerful yet mindfull. When he rand a trail of a goshtly white stream followed him. The moon made his coat glow bright durring dark nights and he's eyes were the darkest black you've ever seen. He was-"

"I dont have time for your dumb myths ok?" I stooded up from were me, my older brother, and younger sister were siting. My dads friend was yet again trying to push he silly make belive storys on me.

"Emma!" My dad narrowed his eyes at me. Unlike my brother and sister I was the problem child, allways in trouble at home and school, never got good grades, allways sneeking out, blah blah blah! Well not everyone can be perfect like my girly little sister. "Sit back down and let Samantha finish." My dad pointed to the floor. Reluctantly, I sat.

"He was fast as lightning! Only the other horses who he cared for knew were he was! It said he has a power to save all the horses if they were to ever vannish." My sister, Ally, sat wide eye'd, Damian, my older brother was looking out the window.

"Sam is he real?" Ally asked.

"Well, we dont know, he may be!"

"Yah and so are unicorns and fairys!" I rolled my eyes. "This is all lame kid stuff!" I got up and walked outside before anyone said anything.  Thinking they'd try and find me I hide my skateboard under the deck so my dad would think I rode off. Then making sure I was out of ear shot I called Hunter.

"Hey can you pick me up?"

"Sure dude, you at your dads ight?" He had his own way of saying certain things.

"Yup, I'll be near the gate." It grew dark again as my phone slipped in my pocket. Hunter allways picked me up and we'd go hang out at Dakota's place when his parents werent home.

Hunter couldnt technicaly drive, we were only 14, however the cops never come near here so were safe.  He pulled up in his beat up pick up truck, one of the lights was out and the light blue paint was rusted and peeling off. Not much you can do for it, but at least it runs.

"Whant one? I swipped them from Carl when he wasnt looking." He held out a box of cigarates.

"Thanks, havent had any 'cuz my dad decided to quit. Gay a*s he is."

We pulled up into Dakota's drive way in a few minuets, he was on the front lawn waiting for us. That meant his mom was home and we had to go down by the forest. His mom hated me and Hunter, besides Dakota was 17 so it looked wrong to his mom for us to hang out.

"Let me guess, you dads girl friend is over, and you just picked her up?" He grinned and sipped from the bottle he had.

"Oh arent your so smart?" I smiled though and he laughed.

"Come on lets go down by the river." Hunter pulled me and Dakota followed us. Headlights were on behind us, and there freakin bright to.

"Damn Hunt did you leave your lights on?" Dakota blink and turned around.

"You mean light?" I snikered and turned around. "S**t! Its Samantha!" I ran ahead with Hunter following me and Dakota right by me. Hunter whent one way and me and Dakota whent the other.

"Damn b***h! God my dad probly made her go after me. Look, she's waiting by the road."

Dakota threw the empty bottle down. "Well guess were spending the night here."

"Oh fun, a camping trip." Hunter said as he walked over. "Luckily, I know the perfect spot."

"Lead the way flapjack!" I said laughing.

"Flapjack is on a boat not land."

I pointed to the small river. "There. Happy?"

We walked to a clearing and sat down. It was colder and I had no hoodie or anything. The sky was cloudy and with our lucky it was probly going to rain. I was shivering because it was so cold out. We cuoldnt start a fire because then we'd be seen. Hunter was already fast asleep, me and Dakota were still up.

"Gr-G-Great ni-night-t-t-to snee-sneek out." I said. Dakota rolled his eyes and took arm out of one of the sleeves and offered me some of it. Nodding I covered up with what I could. His body was warm so I shrunk closer to him.

"Here, this will help more." He put both of his arms in the sleeves then laid on his side and held me with the jacket. It was alot warmer then the other way.

"Thanks..." Yawning, I closed my eyes. I felt his breath on my neck, it was warm to.

"Emma?" His voice was faint.

"Yah?" I said grogily.

"I love you..." He barley spoke, falling alseep. I felt his grip tighten and I felt safe oddly.

It was dark out, pitch black. Something was ruffling my hair. I blinked a few times and looked around. Hunter was out cold, and Dakota was holding me. Oh yah.... what he said... I felt my stomache drop and my face flush. Something snorted. What was it? I looked at the ground and saw two hooves. Wait?! What?! I slowly looked up. A masive white horse was stadning there, his coat was glowing even though it was cloudy out. What the... My mind raced back to Sam's storys. Could it be him? No! That was just a dumb tale, a story. Make belive. But when I looked up I knew it was him, his eyes were darkest black, his coat glowed, he looked so strong, so powerful. But what had he come here?

-Chap two is up next!-    

© 2009 Ashley

Author's Note

First story, I know theres some spelling and what not....

My Review

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Really nice plot! There are some areas where grammar, spelling, and punctuation could be added/fixed, but nice work.

- Steely the Hawketh

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 10, 2009



Novi , MI

Hi! You can call me Ash. Here's a few facts: - I love to skateboard and BMX - DC is my favorite sk8t brand - I love horses -I ride westurn - I ride the best buckskin horse named Bucky - My fav.. more..

What am I? What am I?

A Poem by Ashley