The hunting ground.

The hunting ground.

A Story by Walter G Pedersen

In the year fourteen ninety-nine. Twelve brave souls, along with their captain Grim Phipps. Set sail on the ravaging, and rough seas from Bristol, to the coast of Newfoundland Island.

The Beginning.

Thomas Montgomery Is my name. The year was 1499, I grew up In a small house about 10 miles east of Bristol-U. K In a town named Bath. the day I was born my mother had died from complications.

So my father was left to raise me. He was tough and mean he liked to drink heavy and come home drunk and beat me It was a terrible life I was left with broken bones and bruises.

As a child growing up I could see the tall merchant ships from my bedroom window come into the bay. Nighttime as I slept I always dreamt of being on a ship one day.

By the time I reached the age of 14 years old I got a job working the vegetable and fish market in town. It was a good job Old Mr. Lewis had confidence in me. He allowed me to rent, a small Flatt over top of the store It was much one bed, dresser but it was a place I could call my own.

As time passed on I was left me running the store alone until the day he passed on leaving to his nephew. Then I found myself homeless and sleeping on the street.

After all, it was better than going back home to my cruel and mean father. But life on the streets had its perks some people were kind by offering me pieces of bread, meat, and, cheese occasionally.

Eventually, I had found another job with a commercial chimney sweeping company. I was given tattered old smelly clothes and a tall wire brush from my new boss Mr. Crosby.

I could soon see why the last boy who worked quit. As I was covered In soot from head to toe every day I think the clothes belonged to him too. But I was glad to be working.

Soon Christmas had arrived. The town was bustling with people carrying stuffed goose, Ham, and the sweet smell of plumed puddings. The smell of fresh cut-pine trees that filled the air.

And families singing carols lining the streets while little children danced and smiled alongside them eating candy. It was truly my favorite time of the year.

Soon It was summer again as the years continued on I wanted more out of life to sail across the world so that’s what I set out to do. I needed clothes so I went to the local dress shop and bought some long-sleeved shirts, and long pants, boots, and a, flat peak Gatsby beret hat.

The following morning I returned my key to the landlord and set off on my adventure. Today was my birthday I had just turned 24 years old so I paid a local farmer 2 pence I had leftover from working in town to take me to the port in Bristol.

It seemed like a long ride in the back of his horse and wagon I was exhausted by the time we arrived. when we stopped I jumped down shook his hand and thanked him. as he replied: “Good luck on your voyage lad.” I nodded and we parted ways.

The Voyage.

Arriving at the port In Bristol, there were a lot of tall ships In port that day as cannons lined the docks, wooden crates of provisions that were being boarded. But there she stood the mighty Black Serpent. They called her that because It was painted black with gold trim and a snakehead attached to the bow. On the river, Avon with 12 crewmen. That was the ship I was going to be boarding.

It was the finest Ship I had ever seen. Captain Grim Phipps was In command. A tough brutal but fair man, dressed In a long black coat, and bushy beard, an eye patch, white top hat, with one arm that had a hook attached to it. one arm.

Staring at us down from below was his first mate Mr.Sully. A tall man with a top hat, long striped pants, with a stern look, he was covered In tattoos, from head to foot, smoking a long pipe that resembled a tomahawk as he stood by Phipp’s side while we boarded the ship.

A Christian woman stood alongside the plank handing us bibles. As a preacher prayed for us from the port. He said: May the Lord have mercy on these tireless souls that are bound to the sea, may God have you In his Holy keeping., Amen.

As we prepare to set sail mothers and wives waved a tearful farewell dressed In all black with head veils.

“Captain Phipps cries out haul up the anchor, hoist the yards, and raise the canvas.” Mr. Sully replies: “you heard him men make me proud. As the crew played violins and accordions singing sea chanties as they danced and worked.

“Phipps yelled, Avast all aboard.” While ringing the deck bell.!!, DING DING DING.!!! The crew: pulling the plank from the ship. The crew continued singing as the ship pulled away from the port. “Set the topsails, raise the canvas.”

The helm’s man set course as they waved back at port to their loved ones as they say their goodbyes.

Phipps.: Mr. Sully.? “Call all men to Aft deck, And down mastheads.!!” As the captain stood above the crew on the upper deck. Alright, settle down you wretched bunch of sea dogs.

We are on a voyage and expedition to Canada’s Newfoundland Island Now it’s not going to be an easy task, and we only have limited provisions aboard and It will take us a while to reach there. Now I have full confidence In you men that we will make it god rest our souls.!!!

“Mr. Sully makes sure each man knows his tasks I want a tight ship ran.” And if any of ya have any questions address them to Mr. Sully. “Aye Aye Captain shouted the crew.”

Mr.Sully replied.: You heard him men get to work, Scrub the deck, polish the brass, crewman climb the top of the watchtower and tie off the mast” As they scurried to work.

Phipps said: “Mr. Sully take the helm I will be topside on the bow.” Aye Captain.”

The ocean was getting rough, with strong winds gusting at 30 knots and the sky was filled with grey clouds. Phipps knew they were heading Into a massive storm as they forged on with their Journey but nothing was going to stop him from getting his prize.

As the captain yelled.: “Lower the canvas, secure the yards and mast. We shall ride this storm come hell or high water.” As 40foot swells rocked the ship back and forth up and down waves blasting over the bow as winds pushed the black serpent to its limits.

Mr. Sully: “Hold the helm steady, men get below, I shall not leave the deck until god strikes at me with a mighty bolt of lightning so powerful that I may thrust it into the creature’s chest that we seek.”

As the men look up from below they could see a bright glow around the upper mast, and Captain Phipps was holding a lance towards the heavens yelling: “Strike me now oh mighty Lord, strike me hard and strike me true so I may thrust this lance Into the chest of the beast that we seek.!!!”

As the men stayed below praying for a quick end. As the storm lasted the entire night. Phipps stood above on deck not coming below he had a wild gleam and look In his eyes staring Into the storm as if he was fixated immortalized like a statue as the ship rocked so hard It felt as it might fly apart.

Crew members rambled on.: “Aye, either the rain or waves would not sweep his body to the sea and damn his soul It would reject him and spit him back aboard.” As they laughed. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.!!!

“I will say this for him there are many captains I served with but none as such a willingness and determination as Phipps I tell ya.”

The night Was falling fast while the men slept in their bunks, the following morning the sun was bright and the skies were blue with a gentle roll of the sea.

Phipps yells below. “Awaken you sea dogs get up here there is work to be done.”

As they whisper below.: “The old salt Is still alive they said with laughter. HAHAHAHAHA.!!!”

“Stop that caterwauling.” Yells the captain and get up here. The crew hurries to get on deck. A crewman yells: “Captain ship ahoy on our starboard bow.”

Phipps rushes to the deck and pulls out his eyepiece: “It’s a Spaniard ship, blast them to hell, let us see if we can outrun them. “Damn, there isn’t enough wind.” “They’re getting closer Captain.”

Phipps orders, “Raise our colors. A crewman raises the English flag and, ready the cannons. If they want a fight we will give them one.” As the Spaniard ship pulls alongside their portside. “fire!! All cannons.”

As the cannonballs hit the Spaniard’s mast. Phipps crew fires a grappling hook as they swung over to the other ship, dulling, and crossing swords. “Take that you filthy swine.”

Swashbuckling the Spaniards continuing to share cannon fire. It was a fierce and bloody battle, as they slaughtered the crew of the Spaniards.

“Keep fighting, give them all we got bellowed, Phipps. ”Burn their bridges and feel the fiery wrath of my blade.!!!

Five of Phipps men were killed In battle.
Phipps yelled: “You dirty dogs, kill my men I will sink your retired ship to the phantoms of the ocean.!!!”

The remaining men returned to the Black Serpent and with a bally of cannon blasts, they sunk the Spaniards ship. As the crew yelled out. “BURN…BURN You B******s May the devil, have your souls.!!!! ” OK men let’s repair the damage and continue on.

we can grieve for your fellow shipmates after we sail. Later that day Mr. sully reports to the Captain.

“What’s on your mind Sully.”

“I beg your forgiveness Captain If I am Interrupting.?”

“Not at all come In what’s on your mind.”

“I came to inform you repairs to the ship are being made and there is something else Sir.”

Well speak up man what Is It.” Well, sir.

“We are down to seven men are you sure It Is safe to continue with our voyage to Newfoundland Island?. We are taking an awful risk.”

” Yes, I realize that Mr. Sully said with a glazed look in his eyes but we must continue! I want this creature killed.”

“I say I want it stuffed and brought back and put on display for the world to see.” Sully looks at Phipps with a concerned look.

“Aye Aye Sir.”

Phipps.: “Get back to your duties, and prepare the crew for a memorial service for the fallen men, and give them my deepest regards I will be there shortly.”

“Aye Captain I will Inform the crew you will be on deck momentarily.” As he takes another long hard look at Phipps.

“Was there anything else Mr. Sully.?”

“No sorry Sir.,” As he returned to the deck. After a few moments, Phipps performs the burial prayer.

“We the crew of the black serpent stands before you almighty God, Lord of the heavens to take heed of my gallant men who fought so bravely against the wretched Spaniards and gave their lives to king and country, In the power of Lord Amen. ” Mr. Sully prepare to bury the bodies to the sea below.”

“Aye Captain.” As they tipped the five coffins overboard one by one. The men aboard saluted with a somber look on their faces saying farewell my fellow mates.

That night during the wee hours while the crew was below in their bunks as for Phipps: He roamed the topside unable to rest, obsessed with the creature In his mind. He remained there for the evening as he kept thinking about how he was going to secure the beast.

Meanwhile: below the men were talking. “The Captain Is mad I tell you mad he’s going to get us all killed searching for this creature or monster he more likes to call it. who is with me for a mutiny.?” The men laughed.” HAHAHA.!!!

“A mutiny you say against the Captain why have you lost your head he would have us walk the plank and eaten by the sharks, besides nobody has any proof that this creature even exists.”

“Aye.” Said the men.

“If you want a mutiny you are on your own you daft pricks.”

Thomas said: “Very well but the rest of you heed this as an omen there be death among you he said laughing. Ha Ha.!!!”

“Shut your pie hole Thomas get some sleep I think that hot sun today has melted your brain.”

I lay down in my bunk and blew out the lantern only to have such evil nightmares that haunted my soul. The following morning just before dawn, Phipps bellows bellow. “wake up you Sorry bunch of dogs, there is work to be done.”

In my mind I could remember my horrid dream, It seemed so vivid and real thinking: was It just being at sea for the first time.? Or maybe It’s the scorching sun and sprays of the salty water.? But the captain is taking us to Newfound to search for this creature. I got down on my knees and prayed to the Heavenly Father have mercy on my soul.

Phipps yells out from behind me.: “Mr. Sully? Mr. Sully?!!.” Where is that crooked mate.? “Thomas have you seen Mr.Sully.?”

“Aye Captain he is at the far bow.” Arghhh!! He said with a scowling face as he marches off. “Mr. Sully I been calling out to you.”

“Sorry, Captain I been here scolding a crewman.”

Phipps said: Scolding eh? what seems the trouble.” As the Captain looks at him with a stern look.

Sully replies: “He refuses to do any work, Sir. When I found him he was sitting against the rail.” The crewman trembled. ” Please don’t scold me Captain I’m afraid I won’t make it I been writing to my family back home sir.”

Phipps says: “Afraid of what!! did you not sign up with the rest of these men? Are you not brave and fearless? like these men around you. Or are you a cry baby looking for his mommy.?” He said saying BOOHOO. “Well, speak up!!! you sorry excuse for a man.”

“Ha Ha Ha Ha!!.” The men were laughing hard listening to the conversation as they gathered around.

Phipps said: “Mr. Sully, prepare the plank if this dog does not get back to work or we will feed him to the great whites In the sea.”

As he turns to the rest of the crew. “And that goes for any man that defy my orders do I make myself perfectly clear.?!!!” The crew replies “Aye Aye Sir.”

“Now get back to work before I make all of you walk the plank.” The men scurry and jump back to their duties with fearful looks and fright In their eyes.

“And as for you, I suggest you listen to Mr. Sully’s words and return to your work.!!” “Aye Captain Sir It won’t happen again.”

“Be sure to It doesn’t or your bones and rotting flesh will be laying at the bottom of the ocean..!!”

As time passed.

Captains Journal. Six months at sea. We lost our course due to the storm It’s been a long voyage most of the men are sick below with scurvy, two more men have died, morale is running low.

Our provisions are almost depleted, either we find land soon or we will not reach our destination. Captains Journal. Two more weeks have passed still no sign of land.

Captains journal. I am becoming weak from lack of food and fruit, first mate Sully Is near death below in his bunk. Phipps nearly faints from exhaustion as he falls face down on his desk.

He could hear a crewman with a soft voice on the deck yelling: “Land HO…land HO.”

As Phipps looks up and hurried to the bridge, barely able to stand he yells: “Newfoundland we made.” As they landed at Boyd’s cove.

He rushes to Mr. Sully’s bunk to bring him the good news only to find he had already passed away. Go in peace my dearest friend.

Phipps returns to the deck and Informs the crew of Mr.Sully’s death. “We will give him a proper burial later right now drop the anchors, lower the canvas, secure the yards, and ready the boats and prepare to go ashore.”

The men unload the rest of the provisions and weapons for our expedition. Phipps says: “We are not sure what we are about to encounter.”

Once the boats were In the water the crew prepared to row toward the island and pull the boats onto the shore.

Phipps: “According to John Cabot’s Journal, this land Is habited by the Beothuk Indian tribe we will explore the island to find out where they are and hope they are friendly.”

Drop the remainder of the provisions next to the lifeboats and carry what we can on foot:” “Aye Aye Sir.”

As they set off into the regions of Newfoundland hacking their way through the dense brush with machetes. “Captain Sir we have been walking for hours cant we take a short rest.?” Phipps replied: “Aye, A short one but we must continue on before nightfall I am not sure what’s In this forest It could be dangerous”.

Shortly after they started hearing branches breaking n the ground with heavy footsteps, with their eyes wide open looking around the forest.

The crew said: “Did you hear that?”

Phipps: “Aye, gather your gear men, and let’s forge on we still have a long way to go.”

Suddenly they encounter four Indians In the shadows of the woods with dark skin, dressed In loincloths, red-painted stripes on their chest, and Eagle feathers on their headbands carrying spears, and bows and arrows. We approached them cautiously.

“I am Captain Grim Phipps. Do you speak English? we sailed to your island on a ship.” As he pointed back to the direction of the shore we need help.

“Can you take us to your village.?”

The Indians replied: “come we take you. “You speak our language.?”

As we walked baring gifts for the tribal people. When we arrived at their village we noticed the natives were craft-worthy people their canoes were built for rough waters a very Ingenious design. And families lived in ( wigwams-Mi’kmaq ) the woman was dressed In carabao skins. We were greeted by the tribal leader as he raised his hand to us.

“Wel-km Kya baiothuk mein hamaare dveep ke lie laata hai.” (Meaning: Welcome what brings you to our island)

Phipps replied: “we do not speak your language we came on your shore to bare a gifts In peace as he presented the leader with a pipe.” It was long made from the cherry wood and shape of a tomahawk. “come we give you food and rest.” Phipps said: “You speak our language very well.” Chief replied: “Yes many travelers come and we learn English. “Come we eat.”

As we walked through their village the tribal members had a strange and concerning look clutching their spears, that sent shivers down anyone’s spine much like we were not welcome. As we sat around a fire they served us Elk, corn, and bread. On woven plates, they had crafted from the bark of trees.

Thomas asks: “Why do they look at us like that chief?” “They do not trust travelers from afar many moons ago travelers come to take what they want, and rape our woman”

Phipps replies: “I assure you chief we only come In the search for the creature”

Phipps orders Thomas to fetch us some rum from the Boat provision.

“Do you know a man named John Cabot chief.?”

In a concerned voice, the chief said: “Yes one year ago he comes to the island with many men and a priest. They were very scared, others died In the forest. I warn you do not seek this creature very bad omens might not come back.”

“We will take our chances.” Thomas returns with the rum. Phipp’s says: “Drink chief we toast your gracious hospitality.”

Chief replied: “Come we smoke the pipe, and rest by the fire.”

Thomas decided to walk around the village while the others stayed at the fire with the chief. About fifteen minutes later we heard “yelling.: We ran off to see what happened Noticing, village tribe members had Thomas tied to a tall wood steak with spears to his throat.

Phipps asks.” What happened why is Mr. Montgomery Tied to a stake.?” A beautiful Indian woman run’s over. ” Stop, stop. He has done nothing wrong.”

Chief replies: ” Daughter stand back this man is dangerous he Is like many white men who come to the Island to rape our woman, Pillage our food, Destroy our forest I say we kill him before it Is too late.”

Phipps yell’s out: “NO Chief you are wrong we came In peace we are only here because we heard rumors of the Devil beast that lives far on the Island we did not mean any harm toward your people that I promise your daughter Is right.”

The chief looks at his Daughter then at Phipps with a concerned but undecided look. ” Are you sure daughter? can we trust this white man that comes to our land.? “Yes, father let the one named Montgomery go.”

The chief points to his men crossing his hand to indicate them to release him. As he was free from certain death: Thomas wipes his brow of sweat from his forehead In relief. The Chief apologies or his men’s actions saying: “We are cautious please understand. The tribesmen must have seen him as a threat.”

Thomas walks over to the chief’s daughter and said thank you what Is your name.? She replies: Wynter Is my name.”

Pretty name Thomas replied with a smile. “would you be able to show me around the island.”?

” OH Can I father please.? I Trust this man I will be fine.”

The chief looks at her: ” OK daughter It is fine by me just be careful you know that beast comes out in the evening be back to the village before the sunsets in the sky.” ” We will father thank-you.” As they set off Into the forest alone.

The chief look’s at Mr. Phipps “Again I apologies for this we need to be careful In the past we have had visitors who have done harm to our people and disrespect our land It has happened many times before.”

” It is perfectly alright chief we honor your people for their kindness and we respect your members and village. Is It OK to remain for a while I have maps onboard my ship I would like to study? I have an Indication of where this beast might live I have brought weapons to protect us”.

“It Is ok with me and our people if you search for this beast. Just heed this warning many men before you have died before you we call that region the hunting ground.” “So you know where it Is.?” The chief replied: “Not exactly but we do know it’s not far because we have heard this beast at night.”

Meanwhile: Thomas and Wynter are enjoying their walk In the forest as they come to a brook where wildflowers bloomed, ducks, and swans, swim in a clear blue pond. Thomas places his hands on her shoulders.

” You have beautiful eyes I have never seen a woman as pretty as you.” As she shy’s away then looking back with a sweet innocent smile.

“Thank-you Montgomery,” she says In a low voice. “Please call me Thomas that Is what my friends call me.” “OK, Thomas,” she says as they continue with their walk with a joyful smile and laughter falling deeper into each other.

Later that day they return to the village to down for the night. The following morning Phipps accompanies Thomas back to the ship to gather the maps of the Island.

Phipps asks: “So how was your date with the daughter of the chief.? It wasn’t really what your call a date Captain It was more like a romantic walk. Thomas said with a snicker on his lips.”

Anyhow said Phipps.: “Let’s go over these maps of the Island. Have you told the chief you want to kill this beast and return with It to Bristol.?” NO Not yet the tribal people might not like that Idea.” True enough sir.” Where on the map does It show where this beast lives? According to this, the beast Is about 10 miles miles northwest Of Chanceport ( 16.1KM ) There lies a cave that has been un-explored for the past 200 years.

They returned to the village carrying more supplies, Water, maps, Musket’s, Pistols, daggers’, lanterns, and what food they could find. As the village people looked at them with horror In their eyes knowing there were going to hunt the wild beast of the Island.

“Thank you for your gracious hospitality and kindness chief said Phipps. Thomas offered the tribal people with a handshake As they looked at him strangely. The chief said: “I am afraid my people do not know what that means they have never shaken hands before. Thomas walked over to a Trible member grabbed his hand looked him In the eye with a smile and shook it nodding his head In a peaceful manner. As the tribesman took that as a friendly gesture.

Phipps said to the chief: “Well I guess this goodbye my friend thank-you for all you have done for us.” The chief’s daughter run’s over. “Father can I go with them, please.? No daughter where they go Is too dangerous”

Thomas takes her aside: “Your father Is right Wynter It Is too dangerous for a woman to come with us. we will return I promise you Once we locate this beast and kill it we will bring it back.

She looks at him with a somber face and kisses him. Return to me Thomas as she walks away.

As the chief was listening he looks at Phipps and said: “You did not tell us about killing the beast.??” “Sorry chief I intended to tell you.” “Wait here I shall return I need to contact our spirit guild.”

As he returns he says: “Go In peace and tranquility bring forth the dead body of the beast you have the permission from our God’s. They gathered their gear and food the elders had prepared them as they set off to Chanceport.

The search.
The walk was long and hot as the men moved forward northwest. Thomas guided them with a compass. They had traveled 2 miles the first day hacking their way In the woods. Soon night fell as they lit a fire near a stream they came across it seemed peaceful enough.

But Thomas suggested standing guard that evening with his musket In case of wild animals. while the men slept In their blanket’s near the fire.

The following morning just before dawn. The men had breakfast from the food the elders in the tribe had given them. Cariboo meat, Corn, flat pita bread, and beans. they filled themselves starving from their walk.

Just as the sun was beginning to rise they put out the fire and gathered their gear to set off again. Thomas took point with a manchette and compass as tired as he was.

They had traveled another mile when Phipps gave the order to halt: “Do you men hear that It sounds like footsteps In the bush’s.”

The other men agreed so they loaded their muskets considering there were only seven of them they took no chances and took cover against the trees and waited as the sound got closer and closer.

A voice rang out from the forest: “Thomas!!? Thomas.!!? are you there.? It Is I Wynter.!!”

Don’t shoot!!! Thomas ordered the men.: As he came out running to her. “How did you find us? what are you doing here.,” He asks “I could not leave you I love you, Thomas.”

He grabbed her tight and kissed her passionately on the lips then looked at her and said: “I love you too Wynter.”

“Captain I can’t leave her here. OK, she comes with us but she Is your responsibility just remember that.” As they continue on with the remaining seven miles. To reach the cave walking for two miles a day stopping at night to rest. Until they reached Chanceport.

That night they camped a quarter-mile from the Cave. “Thomas pull out the maps said Phipps’s. As he unfolded them on the ground. “Gather around men. This Is the plan at sunrise will enter the cave’s entrance be sure to have your weapons loaded then we will search for the beast does everyone understand.?”

“Aye captain we do.”

Thomas turns to Wynter and says: “I want you to stay at the camp while we enter the cave tomorrow I don’t want you getting hurt this can get very dangerous.”

She looked at him with her eyes open wide: “Be careful my love.” I will wait for you until you all return.”

That night while they lay asleep they heard a loud growl in the distance. they awoke looking out into the forest with a frightened look.

Phipps said: ” It sounds like the beast we are looking for have you ever heard a screeching howl like that before.” we all shook our heads In a scared dis-belief.

The next morning had arrived the day of the hunt for the beast of the Island The men didn’t feel like eating as they were filled with fright from the night before and excitement raring to go to the cave.

“OK, Thomas gather the men make sure each man Is prepared with their musket’s loaded and Dagger’s ready as they ready to approach the cave.”

“Aye Captain. Ready your weapons Prepare to defend yourselves this beast is large over 8 feet tall, with foot print’s larger than a full-grown grizzly, and fangs bigger than a cougar you do not want this monster to get hold of you If It does It will mean certain death.” The men were scared but determined.

Thomas walks over to Wynter and kisses her goodbye. Phipps gives the order: “Attention.!! ready your weapons and attach your daggers OK, men this Is It watch the tree lines and movements of the bushes we are not sure if it had left the cave or not so watch your every step.”

They arrive at the cave’s entrance lighting their lanterns moving In curiously looking side to side with every step they make. They move in about a half-mile. A crewman speaks out.: “This a Is a big cave Captain I haven’t heard anything yet.” He says with a quivering lip. “Silence,” said the captain.

“Just keep moving don’t fall behind.” Aye sire he replies. As the same crewman gets distracted and stops to look at a rare crystal rock formation. As he looks back he had noticed the rest had moved on he yells out: “Captain???…. Mr. Montgomery.??” Not receiving any response back.

Phipps looks behind hind him and says.: “Thomas Is crewman Jack up ahead with you.? “NO Captain he isn’t here.?” “The last thing I told him was to not fall behind. “

Suddenly they heard the cry for help. Then they heard the worst. AHHHH.!!!!! They ran back to the location of crewman Jack and found his body torn and mangled ripped to pieces splattered blood all over the rocks as he lay there dead. Suddenly hearing a screeching howl.!!! Deep in the cave.

Phipps: “Grab Jack’s blanket from his kit and cover his body we will come back for him. But first ready your muskets I want that beast dead! I want its head cut from its body and it stuffed with cotton.” He said In a angry deep voice. “OK men follow that growl.

As the forged on In Inside the cave they walked for about 20 minutes. “Captain? I see glowing eyes up ahead.” The rest of the crew stopped In their tracks Scared and shivering to wonder if there going to be next laying dead thousands of miles from home If they will ever see their loved ones again.

Phipps orders the crew to get closer as they walked quietly and cautiously. “Don’t fire your weapons until you are absolutely sure you can kill it.” They got about 10 yards from the beast. It started to charge after the men. “Fire all rounds.!!!” Phipps grabbed the spear he had from the ship as he thrusts It into the beasts chest KILL IT KILL IT.!!! As it falls to the ground dead before It could harm anyone else.

The men sigh In relief.: “OK I want its head cut off Its body. The rest of you drag Its carcass back to the camp. We will show the world what type of beasts live In faraway lands.” Phipps picks up the massive head and stares Into its eyes and says.: “I have my trophy.” With a grin on his face.

They returned to their camp where Wynter was waiting anxiously hugging Thomas with a welcome return.

“Captain what shall we do with Jack’s body.?” Phipps replied.: “His family wouldn’t want to see his body In this condition Take a shovel and bury him here. We can give him a proper prayer and farewell when we return home I will tell his wife how gallant and brave he was.”

“Aye Captain. That Is the least we can do for him.”

After the burial, The remaining marched on with the body and head of the beast and returned to the Indian village three days later.

The chief and tribble members greeted them and his daughter. “I see you killed the beast that roamed our land.”

The chief and elders gathered around its body with smoking sage. and eagle feathers warding off any harmful spirits It still might contain.

Phipps orders the crew to take the body of the beast back to the ship. and load it In the cargo hold.

Phipps and Thomas say farewell to the Chief and tribe. As Thomas hugs Wynter and kisses her deeply saying goodbye. “Father, I am a grown woman am I not.?” He nodes his head at her.

“You want to go with Thomas don’t you.?”

“Yes father I truly want to I love Thomas with all my heart.”

“Then you have my blessing child.” “Thank-you father I love you as she kissed him goodbye.” As Thomas and Wynter walked back to the ship.

Phipps.: “Well chief thanks again for all you’ve done for us.”

Chef.: “I have one more blessing for you.” As he supplied them with enough food and fresh water for their voyage back home.

“I am not sure we are headed home chief but I am sure we will meet again one day.” “I am sure we will Safe voyage captain Phipps take care of my daughter.” Nodding his head and Shaking his hand he walked away.

Arriving back at shore. “Mr. Montgomery.! Row us back to the ship and prepare to get underway.”

“Aye Aye Captain.”

Once aboard safely Phipps calls out the order’s “Pull up the anchor, hoist the yards and raise the canvas.”

A few days later while at sea Phipps calls Thomas In his ready room. As he pulls out the map’s from his drawer. ”

Mr. Montgomery are you familiar with the lost treasure In Portugal.?” “yes sir I have heard of It.” “Why do you ask.” Phipps look’s at Thomas with a smirk on his face.”

“That treasure could be ours’s. He said with excitement.” Thomas returns to the deck and orders the helm to correct the course to We are going to Portugal men for some lost treasure.!!! As they clapped and cheered In Joy of excitement as they yelled: YAY, YAY, YAY.!!!

As the adventures continue.
The End.

© 2020 Walter G Pedersen

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Added on October 20, 2020
Last Updated on October 21, 2020
Tags: short stories, WordPress, books, novels


Walter G Pedersen
Walter G Pedersen

Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland, Canada

Hello, I am Walter G. Pedersen. Here I will show what I have learned over the past few years and a bit about this life as a writer & blogger, on the beautiful Island of Newfoundland Canada. I am an.. more..
