If you wake up one morning,
To discover I am no longer here,
Do not mourn a lot for me…
I do not want you to shed a tear.

If you open your eyes,
And learn that mine won’t open again,
Just know that I am happy,
I will watch out for you from heaven.

I felt like I needed to say this,
Just in case you find I’ve died…
But in this case it is different…
I would NOT have died .

Many of you, who know me,
Know about the problems with my life,
And sometimes I am afraid,
I have made them way to mad…

So if one day you realize,
That I have slipped away,
Just remember I love you all,
And we will meet again someday.

I am not sure what will happen,
Or if my fears will come true,
But I had to get this out on paper,
So you did not think I wanted to leave you.

Please do not get scared,
If he gets too mad �" then Oh well…
Will he be the one who ends my life?
Only time can tell.

I have told a few of you,
And warned you of what could be…
But I just want to thank all of you…
For being amazing friends to me!

And if one day you wake up,
And find that my body is no longer alive,
Take comfort in the fact,
My spirit continues to survive.

I promise to watch out for all of you,
Just like you did for me down here,
But until the day comes when he might snap,
Thank you for helping me thru my fear.