The Frozen Rose

The Frozen Rose

A Poem by there is no more from me on this account :( sorry

Just something I Wrote


The Frozen Rose


That Frozen Rose

That is down near the old lake

Which is now frozen


This Frozen Lake

Freezes everything near it

So that rose lies their dripping


That Frozen Rose

Lies their

The ice never melts


The river doesn’t melt

Nothing around it melts

Their is nothing that will make this melt

Rose or River Melt

© 2010 there is no more from me on this account :( sorry

Author's Note

there is no more from me on this account :( sorry

My Review

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I love it. I am not sure if you were talking about love or if you got your inspiration from a rose, but it is well written and leaves you hanging on for me until the last line.. Wonderful! :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

Amzing Poem
I like the last Bit the best:
"The river doesn’t melt
Nothing around it melts
Their is nothing that will make this melt
Rose or River Melt"
Exsalent :-)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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maybe I am wrong... Love? The Rose? Nothing can get through, because the ice won't melt? I'm sure you have your own meaning, as we all do, but what I take from it is...pain and desire. Beautiful, Ms.

Posted 14 Years Ago

okay but "Their" is "there"...
sounds like where I live; everything is frozen.
I'm thinking in Australia maybe 'there' is 'their' lol I don't know :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

Cool poem. Excellent imagery.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Wow. :D

Posted 14 Years Ago

Very good. For someone who live in Victoria to write of a frozen rose is quite something. The image is a striking one. Questions are raised: has the rose reached full flowering? Will the rose ever become any fuller/ more beautiful? Was the freezing sudden or did it creep up over time? Did the rose give up?
When the very thing that allows the rose to keep a semblance of its beauty: i.e. the freezing, thaws, the rose will rot, or melt as you say. Yet the rose has already conveyed something to someone that ensures it shall never melt. What?
Well done.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Hauntingly good! The repetition of the word "melt" moves the reader smoothly along.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I felt frozen by the lake, your imagery was very clear well done

Posted 14 Years Ago

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9 Reviews
Added on February 6, 2010
Last Updated on February 6, 2010


there is no more from me on this account :( sorry
there is no more from me on this account :( sorry

Victoria, Melbourne, Australia

Okay so i am really sorry but i am going to create a new account i will leave my poems on here but my new things will be posted on my new account bye (from this account) more..


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