

A Story by Wol Bol Deing

it is for awareness and self-help for girls who are in need of a father/brother figure to talk to & give them the encouragement needed to go through difficult times.

I have known you since you were 11 years old, a beautiful little girl who loves life and education, respects everyone and obeys her parents. I was impressed by the way you loved school, reading books, going to church to practice spiritual purifications, you never partied that much, you were such an adorable teenager that I always admired.
In high school you were the best with the prettiest smile, sweetest voice and height on point. The way you dressed was too classy for your address, your beauty drove boys crazy and I was the craziest. But I’m so glad that you didn’t mess.
After your graduation from college and got a job, you became busy supporting your family especially mum and younger siblings, you led by example and your lifestyle taught whoever knew you the true meaning of kindness and humanity.
On the other hand “She is a wify material” that’s what the guys in the hood had always said about you.
The time is passing very quickly so now you are a grown up woman, even though you fall in love and got your heart broken a few times, you never gave in to those who wanted to hit and run. What a righteous girl that I’m proud of.
You always prioritized these dreams; to become a good mom and a philanthropist. That is the mirror of your angelic character which you have within, with all the best wishes everyone is waiting for your wedding day to join the happiness with you, the time was moving so slowly and for you it was moving so fast! Since you’ve turned 29 but still a single you started to feel insecure because most of the girl in your block got married at the age of 25 and have kids. Your 30th birthday is approaching, that day you were passing by my side and before I go ahead and wish you a happy birthday I found myself asking you the same one usual question that I ask every morning, how are you?, “Oh God I’m getting old” was your immediate load answer. I can hear the bitterness and fear in your voice, fear of old age. “I’m not sure if I’m really fine Wol why are you even asking oh”... I didn’t proceed to ask or say one more thing, you left in silent, I was just staring at you while remembering when you told me that wanting to have kids and husband have become your obsession and to form your own family has become your only tension. So I didn’t surprised days after when I heard that you have lowered the standards and expectation of a man you have always dreamed of. No white knight with conditions anymore, "Lord just give me an alive man" that's how you have been praying lately, you adopted a new lifestyle with no more precautions, started to kiss at the first dates or even have unprotected sex at the same dates. Is that a new you? Are you happy with a new you?, I silently watched and questioned and didn’t know how to convince you. What a shame! To think that giving men whatever they want by not saying “No” anymore will get you a good husband? You know miscarriage is a cruel savage so please don’t get pregnant without a calculated marriage?, May God always bless single mums but you better visit them before you become one, they raise best families but that requires extraordinary strength. After all you are free to do whatever you want, maybe you got some incredible abilities that I don’t know about, but you have to use your mind together with your heart to identify what the real problem is, you should take it slow and be patient! And because I wanted to help so bad I always find myself asking: Are you that desperate not to wait for the right man to come along without giving in? Don’t you have important things to do to keep you busy? Then I suggest, find a book to read or write one, get a higher degree if you don’t have one, or start doing charity work as you have dreamed before. You are a good girl be strong, age is just a number and it doesn’t matter how old you got as long as you’re a good person who is doing right things, sooner or later good things will happen to you.

© 2017 Wol Bol Deing

Author's Note

Wol Bol Deing
ignore grammar problems, what do you think of the dialogue

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Added on January 11, 2017
Last Updated on January 11, 2017


Wol Bol Deing
Wol Bol Deing

Our planet is heading toward perfection, that's how I see it and I am independent writer in both fiction and non-fiction, I write generally about life and post-life for self help and in advancement of.. more..