The House of Man

The House of Man

A Story by David Lewis

It was the year 2412 when a clever boy named Edward was born. Growing up he worshipped the house of man, for he saw and was greatly inspired by the innovations which mankind had created. For man flew through the skies with more speed than that of any bird, swam through oceans quicker than any fish, and traversed the lands with more haste than the swiftest of beasts. In his view mankind was superior to all creatures which inhabited Earth; even the great eagles who soar over us had obviously fallen as a species and failed to evolve in the proper method. He was a man of science who went by his own religion and he loved getting into long debates over just about anything. You see Edward was quite aware of his blessed intellect and would often flex it, also sporting a large frame didn't help to lessen just how dominant he would come off as. This was a recurring theme that plagued him, he could never truly open up without making his friends feel insufficient. It was nothing that he said, just how he said it. Most people could live a thousand years and not have words flow through their tongues so smoothly. Luckily after twenty five years of torturous isolation he met Elly. The only woman, the only person who ever really understood Edward.

What a relationship it was, as if together the two of them could do no wrong. They bounced off each other so gracefully, each supporting the other in every means imaginable. For alone they were vulnerable to the shadows which lurk outside but together no evil could separate. People began taking notice of what they had and there dwelt envy in their hearts, never truly realizing how special the two of them were when they were still just one. Similar to Edward's situation Elly also had a hard time connecting to people. She was a very sharp whip and when she decided to open up people would get very afraid. Elly and Edward lived on opposite sides of the same small minded town. However now that they had finally found each other they were free to explore the depths of their soul with the other. That very much they did, they had long discussions about every imaginable aspect, especially love. From the physical to the emotional to the spiritual. Physically they both complimented each other well too, which made itself apparent during their times of romance.

A year of bliss had passed between them and they wanted to live together. While the distance did little to separate them it still was something which had to go. They needed to sleep under the same roof, forever. So they both found jobs shortly after and when a cold winter had come to an end they had the means of providing for themselves. They were tired of that town but Edward had to be near work so they began renting a small house in the next town. Nobody knew them and that was what they wanted. Hopefully they could be seen as insightful and not as heretics this time around, they had a fresh foot to imprint on this small town. Edward worked as an apprentice engineer and Elly was a fairly successful poet. Like Edward she was a creature with such wondrous words, her writings take you to the distant lands which reside at your very core. It is as if each and every word had woven a web around your very essence which you majestically flow out of when the poem has come to an end. They bought a husky named Alphonse and the love continued to grow.

After Edward had taken Alphonse on a walk on a stormy April night he was struck by an idea from straight out of the wasteland of wisdom. He was aligned to the Universe in such a way that no words can explain. It was as if he was looking down on this tiny blue dot from the tip of space. His perspective was going through a radical shift, what exactly was this mess of madness which he was on the verge of solving. The cancer which plagued society would be cured, where there were questions answers were now replaced. It was like a waking dream, he saw what he needed to build. He tinkered away in his garage for hours a day, what exactly was going on in there? What did he see on that one April's night?

June had come and life was in the air. Just the week before Elly and Edward found out that Elly was pregnant. What marvelous mysteries were boiling inside this woman's belly. This birth would certainly be something else. Edward came inside with a small contraption which emitted every type of light conceivable, it was quite breathtaking to experience. Elly didn't know what to make of it, she looked at it as if lost in a dream. This contraption still hadn't fulfilled its purpose, for it will truly go on when the time is right. Edward had put it in a small chest in his and Elly's room and more or less forgot about it until the day of the child's birth.

It was an early morning in mid January and the lands were covered in snow. Elly's water had just broken and Edward quickly came home where he proceeded to drive her to the hospital. He had the strange contraption in his pocket, for it started emitting a new light just several hours ago. A hauntingly strange light which cast no shadow. He would certainly have time here to observe it. Thirty hours passed and with each inch closer the baby drew, space expanded a thousand fold. For in Edward's waking dream it was said that the one of pure heart and of your blood will be able to properly operate the device which you will create. He remembered now, the device and his soon to be daughter were one in the same. The very night he had that dream he had made love to Elly, and even by their standards there was something especially passionate about that night. That must be the night he impregnated her.
Without as much as a single cry Eve was born, her eyes were the same light as that device. She could fully formulate her words into any language, the contraption came out of Edward's pocket and proceeded to attach itself like a bracelet to Eve's arm, she said "I have searched a thousand lives for my lost bracelet, thank you my human mother and father". "Now if you don't mind I'm going to change the channel on this station, I will show you a reality worthy of the love which brought me here". That mesmerizing light came out of Eve and proceeded to wash away every layer of sin which ever was. Eve disappeared before everyone's eyes, and never was seen by man again. It's thought that she lives on in a higher realm where she can see all but none can see her. Edward and Elly were appointed by the people to speak on behalf of the Goddess of this new world, Eve. Since that day forward all lines of communication have flowed freely without an ounce of violence. It is still just speculation but its been stated that Edward may be working on another device.

© 2015 David Lewis

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Added on October 24, 2015
Last Updated on October 24, 2015


David Lewis
David Lewis

The Bronx, NY

"I'm like a hunter of peace, one who chases the elusive mayfly of love... or something like that." more..
