Journal Entries

Journal Entries

A Poem by Wordpress


To everyone, from dead love:

Shadow dancing on your timelines

You had your stars, and I had mine


Death and life flows together

Missing and togetherness too do shine

I could have wept, and maybe I did


The passing of the torch

From kiss to kiss, heart to heart

Speaking less and less of innocence


Youth felt her way to the supernatural

And I was there, among the ghosts

We were, floating about on energy


With our ideas and feelings left to the wind

There were no machine intelligences back then

Just loneliness, the bare symptoms of


My neural state, my memories, my naked subjectivity

Watching dying stars, reviving stars

Watching churning oceans, oceans disappearing


Planets populated, planets dying

Extinction happening, on such grand scales

I could not feel much for my own death


Like a mosquito in twilight, I had my fate

You had your stars, and I had mine

And maybe we knew each other for a time


From kiss to kiss, word to word

Home to home, children glow always

Our breath runs naked in the dark…


© 2015 Wordpress

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This is absolutely beautiful.. So enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 9 Years Ago

'Like a mosquito in twilight, I had my fate

You had your stars, and I had mine

And maybe we knew each other for a time' Absolute perfection :) Thank you for sharing :D

Posted 9 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 2, 2015
Last Updated on March 2, 2015



About That's the blog where I spend some of my time online. I'm here to hold a contest related to empowering poets. The 1st content of this Event is: 2. .. more..

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A Poem by Wordpress