Friday the 13th: Red Lake

Friday the 13th: Red Lake

A Story by

This is a comic script I pitched to Wildstorm Comics. It was well-received, but the title was all ready dead in the water, so here it is. The accompanying art samples can be seen at my blog


Friday the 13th
One-Shot/Single Issue
Full Script, 1st Draft
For Wildstorm Comics

“Red Lake”

Written by
Steve Wands

Page One (5 Panels)

Panel One: Establishing shot/Down shot of a bar; Fishy’s Bar and Grill.  An older couple walks toward the door.  There’s a long rounded rectangular sign for the bar on the left side of the building.

Caption: Sheer Neck, NJ.

Panel Two: Inside Fishy’s we get a look at the crowd; a few college kids, mostly older men and women, flannel and trucker hat types, beards, pool tables with players, a couple people smoking.

Caption: Martin should pay rent here.  His seat should have a name on it. It doesn’t though, but that’s okay, he loves it all the same…

Panel Three:  Closer to the bar. The bartender is wearing a tight t-shirt and a pair of jeans, her hair is up.  She’s filling a pint glass, tipping the rim down.

Caption: …he drinks all day, gets his dinner for free.

Panel Four:  Martin is sitting at the bar, we are behind him.  Smoke is trailing from his cigarette to the ceiling.  The bartender brings him the pint she was just pouring, smiling at him.

Caption: He used to have a silver tongue.  He’d wave his camera in the air and pretty girls would pose and purr and pout and put their pumps on in the morning.  Now, his tongue was rusted and dry.

Panel Five:  He blows smoke from his mouth and in the smoke are photographs, some of his best work, his most famous shots.

Caption: He used to be a big shot.
Caption: But that was then…

Page Two (5 Panels)

Panel One: The bar is full behind Marty, he looks pitiful sitting in front of his turned over shot glasses and nearly finished pint.  His jacket hangs low on the stool, probably not visible.

Caption: …and this was now.
Caption: Keeping to himself.
Caption: Keeping his buzz at steady level.

Panel Two: Extreme close up of Martin drinking.

Panel Three: The background characters have moved on and out of the panel.  Martin gets bumped into causing his drink to splash.

Caption: Unlike others, The S**t-Givers of life.

Panel Four: The man that bumped into him is yelling at Martin, as if it was his fault, Marty’s face is filled with shock and disbelief.

Guy: You think you can just elbow me like that?  I should knock you off that barstool, prick!

Panel Five: Martin walks away putting his jacket on; his head is hung low.

Martin: Whatever man.
Martin: A*****e. (Under his breath/small.)

Page Three (5 Panels)

Panel One: Martin exiting the bar.  A few cars straddle the streets; he is alone outside.

Panel Two: He’s angered, eyeing up a car, believing its owner is the man from the bar.

Panel Three: Standing over the car, he pulls spit and mucus from the back of his throat.

Panel Four: He spits on the car.

Panel Five: He sees his distorted reflection in the spit that drips down the window.

Martin/Caption: What the hell happened to me?

Page Four (5 Panels)

Panel One: Martin pulls up to his apartment building.  Parking half on the curb.

Caption: Martin’s Apartment.

Panel Two: In his bathroom, the medicine cabinet is half open a bottle of aspirin is on the sink, Martin pops two pills in his mouth.

Panel Three:  Beer in hand, fridge behind him, Marty makes his way over to the couch, the place is a mess, photographs are everywhere, magazines strewn about, bottles everywhere, coffee cups as well.  A tripod next to the wall, camera bags, camera equipment.

Panel Four: Plopped on the couch swigging his beer he notices a stack of magazines.

Panel Five: He flips through them and picks one up.

Martin/Caption: Ah, Strange NJ, haven’t read one of these in a while.

Page Five (3 Panels)

Panel One: Magazine in both hands, we can clearly read the Strange NJ cover, and all its headlines; New Midian, Red Lake, Dream Demons.

Martin: I know where this is, Camp Blood, lotta sick s**t happened there.

Panel Two:  Similar shot, he’s hunched over reading the magazine.

Martin/Caption: This is great, I could do this, could be the shot to get me back in the game.

Panel Three: Over his shoulder we can see what he’s reading.

Magazine Text:
Red Lake (headline)
In the days following a Harvest Moon, Crystal Lake, at the center of the infamous Camp Blood can be seen turning blood red just before dawn.  Reports have come in from locals of the surrounding towns for years.  But there has never been any real proof or any photographs, most people are lucky to leave with their lives.  Camp Crystal Lake, known as Camp Blood, has been a haven for murderers and copycat killers for the better part of its history.  Anyone who knows the area is familiar the Legend of Jason Voorhees and his bloodthirsty mother Pamela, the town is virtually a ghost town, and many have tried to restore the camp.  Even our own staff photographers are too afraid to venture past the Camp Crystal Lake sign which is why we are calling out to anyone man enough to photograph the Red Lake! Do you have what it takes?  If so, send us you’re pictures to:
Strange NJ
C/O Reggie Hooper
Red Lake Photo Promotion
Sayreville, NJ 08772
Or Email them to [email protected]

Martin:  Kristy knows Reggie.  I’ll give her a ring.

Page Six (4 Panels)

Panel One: Still sitting, magazine in hand and cell phone in the other, holding it to his ear.

Martin: C’mon, pick up, pick up.
SFX: rrnngg rrnngg
Kristy (electric): Heyyy, you’ve reached Kristy--leave a message.
SFX: beep

Panel Two: Martin leaves a message, leaning back almost lying on the couch.

Martin: Kristy, it’s Marty, I was just reading an article in Strange NJ. Says they’re looking for pics of Crystal Lake. I’m gonna head up their tomorrow, I know you and Reggie go back, so maybe you can put in a word for me, I could use it. Gimme a call, bye.

Panel Three: Marty finishes off his beer tossing aside the magazine, but leaving it open.

Martin: This could be good, real good, first thing tomorrow morning.

Panel Four: He smiles, something his face hasn’t been used to lately.

Martin/Caption: First thing.

Page Seven (3 Panels)

Panel One: Inside Marty’s bedroom, he’s dead asleep wrapped up in blankets, the room is just as messy as the rest of the place, there are nightstands on both sides of the bed, one has a camera bag on, the other has a small lamp and an alarm clock with a digital display.

SFX: Snorrrrrrmmmhmmwha

Panel Two: Marty eyes open and groggy looking stares at the alarm clock.

Martin: …?!

Panel Three: Extreme close up of the alarm clock.  It reads 1:46 PM.

Martin: You gotta be shittin’ me.

Page Eight (4 Panels)

Panel One: Martin is pouring himself a steaming hot fresh cup of coffee into a travel mug.  His camera bags are packed up and on the counter, he looks ready to hit the road

Caption: One Hour Later.

Panel Two: He’s loading his gear into the trunk of his car.  It’s a beat up, unimpressive four door sedan.

Panel Three: Inside the car, close up of Martin starting the car.

Panel Four: The car leaves a trail of smoke behind it as Martin embarks on his journey.

Martin: Crystal Lake here I come.

Page Nine (5 Panels)

Panel One: The sun is setting. Outside of a diner, Martin’s car is parked, there’s only two other cars in the lot.

Caption: Almost two hours later.

Panel Two: The hostess/waitress hardly greets Marty as he walks in.

Hostess/Waitress: Kitchen’s closed.
Martin: Really? How about some coffee? A bagel?

Panel Three: She gives him a dirty look, but seats him anyway.

Hostess/Waitress: You’re lucky there’s still some left, no bagels, no toast, we got muffins, and some pie.
Martin: What kind of muffins.
Hostess/Waitress: Blueberry and Corn. The pie’s apple.
Martin: I’ll take the Blueberry and a piece of pie.
Hostess/Waitress: Fine.

Panel Four:  She brings him his order. He looks at it, the muffin looks okay, the pie is tiny but the coffee is steaming and smells great.

Martin: Uh… thanks.

Panel Five: She walks away, looking as if this was some sort of ordeal for her.

Hostess/Waitress: Call me when you want the check.
Martin/Caption: Man, what a b***h, I think she ate the other half of my pie.

Page Ten (five panels)

Panel One: Marty’s car is coming around a bend in the road, on either side of the road is wooded mountainside.

Martin/Caption: That was such a tease, still hungry, can’t believe how miserable that lady was.
Martin: At least I’m almost there.

Panel Two: Inside the car, Marty is scanning through the radio station.  Mostly static.

SFX: Skrrrtch Ksst

Panel Three: From the backseat, past Marty’s shoulder we can see a sign Welcome to Crystal Lake.

Martin: Alrighty, finally!

Panel Four: From outside of the car, we can see Marty’s expression change from glee to dumbfounded.

Martin (small): Holy…

Panel Five: Close up of Martin, his cigarette about to fall from his lip as his mouth is about to hit the floor.

Martin (small): …s**t.

Page Eleven (three panels)

Panel One: Three hours later, Martin reaches the ghost town that surrounds Camp Blood.  He drives past a beat up old sign for Crystal Lake.  Graffiti marks the sign “stay out”.

Caption: Three hours later.
Caption: Crystal Lake. A ghost town.

Panel Two: Martin continues through the deserted town.  The place is clearly in shambles, boarded up windows, garbage strewn about; graffiti warnings adorn the exterior walls of many, if not all, of the buildings.  A diner is visible and of course boarded up.

Martin/Caption: Sure wish that diner was open, guts running on empty. That other place was just a tease.

Panel Three: Passing the diner, we now see less graffiti, but the message is no less dire.  Martin pays it no attention and rides on.

Caption: The outskirts of town.

Page Twelve
(five panels)

Panel One:  A few abandoned cars along the road, rusty, ransacked.

Panel Two: Driving toward the reader, a possum dashes in front of the car.

Martin: Ahh!

Panel Three: He swerves to the right, breaking hard and managing not to hit the possum.

Martin: Whoa. Scared the s**t out of’ve me.

Panel Four:  He drives on.  The static turns into a familiar song.

Martin: Finally, something on the radio.

Panel Five: Martin, singing along with the radio, is passing a run down gas station with a large sign that reads “last stop before the lake, 2 miles”. The stretch of road in front of him is surrounded by woods.

Martin/Caption: “…into this world we’re thrown…”

Page Thirteen (three panels)

Panel One:  Martin brings his car to a stop as he reaches the old wooden sign for Camp Crystal Lake and the graffiti message reads “only the dead go ahead” he drives on.

Martin:  Definitely as creepy as it gets.

Panel Two:  Driving past the sign, Martin heads toward the cabins; night is nearing.

Caption:  Camp Crystal Lake.

Panel Three:  Martin’s car pulls up to the main cabin area.  In the foreground we can see a silhouette of Jason standing in the shadow of cabin.  Martin cannot see him.

Panel Four:  Martin now steps out of the car, setting foot into the soggy ground that surrounds him.

Martin:  Alrighty, let’s get on with this.

Page Fourteen (three panels)

Panel One: Camera in hand he starts to snap off pictures.

SFX: klik

Panel Two: (This starts the “Film Strip” sequence, where the panel becomes Martin’s film). He snaps a shot of the cabins, in the picture is a streak of white, faintly resembling a human form (Mrs. Voorhees).

SFX: klik

Panel Three: Continuing to snap off shots, Martin begins to see the “streaks” in his viewfinder, visibly nervous. (This panel, and the next, is not in “Film Strip” style.)

SFX: klik, klik, klik
Martin: What? Can’t be a scratch.

Page Fifteen (four panels)

Panel One: He inspects his camera lens, it’s perfectly fine.

Martin/Caption: Am I seeing things? Or am I that tired?

Panel Two: Another shot, this time it’s clearly Mrs. Voorhees; she should appear ghostly and distorted. (“Film Strip”)

Martin: What the F*@#!

Panel Three: He looks up from his camera, confused, no one is there.

Martin/Caption: Nothing.

Panel Four: Walking along the porch of one of the cabins, camera in hand.

Panel Five: This is basically the next panel without the film strip effect.  Martin is framing his shot, the doorway to the cabin, with the boarded up window to the right.

Page Sixteen (four panels)

Panel One: Picture of the cabins, a counselor with her throat slit appears in a doorway. (“Film Strip”)

SFX: klik
Martin/Caption: Nothing, just my screwed up head.

Panel Two: Another snapshot, the lake, a burning canoe with two people flailing their arms, the dock is visible in the corner. (“Film Strip”)

SFX: klik

Panel Three: Opposite the cabins, is a barn, the snapshot shows streaks, multiple victims, all have been creatively murdered. (“Film Strip”)

SFX: klik

Panel Four: The woods, faint shapes appear. (“Film Strip”)

SFX: klik

Page Seventeen (four panels)

Panel One: Moving further from his car, toward the small dock that extends into the lake, Martin continues to snap off shots, ghostly shapes appear before his eyes. (“Film Strip”)

SFX: klik, klik
Martin/Caption: This can’t be. What t-the hell is happening?

Panel Two: Snapshot of the dock, a figure stands at the other end, chain around its throat, the dock on fire. (“Film Strip”)

SFX: klik
Martin/Caption: Just a few more.

Panel Three: The Lake is full of bodies reaching for the surface, they are mangled, rotting, and mostly nude, Martin does not see this yet.  Martin is making his way to the end of the dock.

Panel Four:  From the woods, a silhouetted figure is watching Martin walk along the dock.

Page Eighteen (five panels)

Panel One: Closer to the end of the dock, he snaps a shot, two campers are going at it on a raft, and their eyes are black. (“Film Strip”)

SFX: klik

Pane Two: Looking into the lake he sees that it is filled with bodies, victims of the death curse that haunts Crystal Lake, of Mrs. Voorhees, and of Jason Voorhees. The bodies should be reaching for the surface of the water, but can barely reach.

Martin: Ohh, s**t!
Martin/Caption: That does it, I’m outta here.

Panels Three: Heading back to his car, he snaps a shot of the woods, a small white shape appears in the darkest part of the brush, it’s Jason’s mask, but it shouldn’t be that clear. (“Film Strip”)

SFX: klik

Panel Four: Now terrified he runs toward his car.

Martin: Huff, Huff.

Panel Five:  Martin runs into the mammoth chest of Jason Voorhees. (Do not show his face/mask or machete.)

SFX: Thudd

Page Nineteen (one panel)

Panel One/Splash Page:  Martin has fallen to the ground, more terrified than before, and hulking over him is Jason Voorhees.  He looks almost too big.  Wisps of hair are visible off the bumpy head that extends beyond his mask.  He’s holding a machete that looks like it’s been used a number of times before.  His clothes are tattered and you can see broken ribs coming out of the side of his chest.

Martin (small): Holy S**t.

Page Twenty (seven panels)

Panel One:  He darts in the other direction only to bump into Jason, solid as a wall for the second time.

Martin: Umph! Leave me alone, I was just taking pictures!

Panel Two: Now heading away from Jason again, nearly out of the panel, Jason slashes at him, cutting into his back nicking him only slightly. (Colors are muted and unsaturated up to this point. The blood is the brightest color.)  Blood should be minimal, just enough to show that he’s been cut.

SFX: rrriik
Martin: Aggh!

Panel Three: Jason is before him again, another slash, this one deeper and across his chest.

SFX: slish
Martin: Urk! Stop, please--

Panel Four: Gasping he falls, stumbling closer to the lake.

Martin: --huuuhh! 
Martin Caption: Not like this.

Panel Five: Martin crawls away, trying to get to his feet, blood trickling from his wound.

Martin (weak): Uhh. Hnnh.

Panel Six: Jason hacks at his shoulder, it sticks.

SFX: shukk
Martin: Arrrggghh!

Panel Seven: Almost identical shot to P6, Jason puts his boot to the back of Martins head pushing him down as he pulls the blade out. 

SFX: quish
Martin (mumbled/small): …stop, pl-please, stop--

Page Twenty-one (three panels)

Panel One:  Martin manages to turn over facing his attacker.  His face caked in mud blood gathering and trickling toward the lake.

Martin/Caption: Not like this.
Martin: No, this isn’t real, you’re not real.

Panel Two: Jason, standing over him machete in hand, kills Martin with a final stroke.

SFX: shhukk

Panel Three: The blood flows in a thin stream into the lake.

Caption: It’s been called a bad land…

Page Twenty-two (three panels, leave enough dead space after third panel for title and credits)

Panel One: His camera lies at his side, lens cracked.

Caption: …it’s been said to have a death curse…

Panel Two: The Lake is a vibrant blood red.

Caption: …and stories say that days after a harvest moon, the lake turns blood red.

Panel Three: The moon is overhead, we can see the red lake and the dock that extends, the camera lies in the foreground.

Caption: Those are just stories, though, right?
Caption: End.

Title: Red Lake
Credits: TBA

© 2009

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Added on October 6, 2009


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