dragons life

dragons life

A Poem by DRAGO

Dragons life

By the mountain is a village,

I have some burning to do.

Inside the mountain is a treasure hoard,

I have to guard it I do.A night rides near,

To challenge me.

Or has he come for my treasure hord?

What should I do next?

fight or flight, I must decide soon.

I choose to fight the night with fire from my roaring maw.

I light up the dusky dome of earth and sky as though it were day.

My fire dies, the night steals in, taking with it the lustrous light from my sparkling hoard.

I have lost

© 2016 DRAGO

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Nice. I like how you ended it. "the night steals in, taking with it the lustrous light from my sparkling hoard" I liked that part a lot.

Posted 7 Years Ago

It's fun reading about dragons in this poem! It reminds me of the Hobbit with Smaug.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Nice way
to say a dragons day, poem.

Posted 8 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on July 23, 2016
Last Updated on July 23, 2016



school is started, so I may not be on much that includes read requests I am changing my name to DRAGO if you have time please do and share this pole https://goo.gl/WP4ztm I'm awesome, I .. more..

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