Strength through Vulnerability

Strength through Vulnerability

A Poem by Wunderlich

We are plagued, and at the same time, blessed by our emotions.

That which makes us strong and unique is that which makes us weak
Infecting us with a virus
It gives us stability through this weakness
Those who open up stand the strongest
Their hearts susceptible to darkness
But if they can persevere
They'll never be left without a light
But those who close the shutters
Trying their best to keep the darkness out
Will drop to their withered knees
Hands clawing at their surroundings
Color and light will dissipate
Leaving them in the darkness they so feared
A lack of understanding the human paradox
Strength through vulnerability

As anguish and love fortify our souls
We sink into our weakest state
But in this moment we are the strongest we will ever be
Suppression will protect us from this descent
But it will hold us back by the collar
Leaving us miles behind ourselves

The sourest grape and the sweetest desire
That which makes us human
Just out of reach

© 2010 Wunderlich

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:) Well written, and, it's interesting because it inspires me to write on this topic- I sort of have the same yet different views on the matter. I love the second to last verse ^^

Posted 14 Years Ago

I really enjoyed the message of the poem, and the continous counterpoint between strength and weakness. Quite an articulation of an universal, if somewhat cliched, truth. The poem speaks poignantly, but I stumbled quite a bit over the word structure. The poem's flow needs work. Thanks for sharing!

Posted 14 Years Ago

Wonderfully done. Congrats on this great piece of work.

Posted 14 Years Ago

You so poignantly discuss our humanity, strengths, weaknesses, and all that makes us who we are. Through vivid examples and broad brush strokes you've given us a vivid portrayal of our world. Amazing write!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on January 14, 2010
Last Updated on January 16, 2010
Tags: emotion, paradox, human, dark, light, strong, strength



Marshall, VA

Hai. I spend most of my time playing airsoft, guitar, smoking weed, writing, gaming, and listening to music. Bai. more..


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