Don't Apologize

Don't Apologize

A Poem by Wynter Ignatius

The past is still not what it seemed.

Don't apologize
She said so serious
It was not my fault
She exclaimed
Even if I saved her life
Just by saying hello
Checking up on her
Home is where
The heart is found
Even when torn
Broken and bruised
Unsure of the energy
Given and received
Awe gives to fault
When in a mirror
You look upon yourself
But love is not
Scales upon to weigh
That which is unseen
But only felt within
Competition best left
Out of the spaces
Between us now
Past to memory
But my role was
Equal in my eyes
Yet you say
Don't apologize
She said repeatedly
It was not my fault
It was just her way
Of saving me
From her demons
Which I never asked
To be saved from

© 2014 Wynter Ignatius

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There are times when we wish to be a part of another's life not only to share love and joy but also to be a part of their innermost demons. It not only strengthens the bond but also eases the pain for sorrows once shared dwindles and mirth proliferates. They may refuse us in that space to save us but when you take such a step forward the refusal feels like betrayal. The question of what would have been gnaws you from inside. You have fabricated the essence of such a refusal fervently. Great work. Fantastic.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wynter Ignatius

10 Years Ago

Thank you - glad to see my raw and rough writing evokes such a response. Thank you my friend.


The last lines were especially thought provoking. Great job! :)


Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

There are times when we wish to be a part of another's life not only to share love and joy but also to be a part of their innermost demons. It not only strengthens the bond but also eases the pain for sorrows once shared dwindles and mirth proliferates. They may refuse us in that space to save us but when you take such a step forward the refusal feels like betrayal. The question of what would have been gnaws you from inside. You have fabricated the essence of such a refusal fervently. Great work. Fantastic.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wynter Ignatius

10 Years Ago

Thank you - glad to see my raw and rough writing evokes such a response. Thank you my friend.
I liked this one. Thanks for the inspiration to try more styles of poetry.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wynter Ignatius

10 Years Ago

Your very welcome - I tend to mix things up if you look at all my works with a broad view.
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Jack Kennedy

10 Years Ago

I will be reading more and I also have some new ones up! Enjoy
Such a powerful subject! Your writing is so magnificently constructed. 

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wynter Ignatius

10 Years Ago

Thank you Amos - this was the result of some recent news that I'm still dealing with a bit.
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A. Amos

10 Years Ago

You're most welcome
Excellent poem- you express quite well in the last several lines how it feels when someone tries to protect you from something you never wanted to be protected from. Good job.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wynter Ignatius

10 Years Ago

Thanks Alex - this situation is still raw for me and this helped a bit.
Alex Ryder

10 Years Ago

My pleasure.

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5 Reviews
Added on March 25, 2014
Last Updated on July 29, 2014


Wynter Ignatius
Wynter Ignatius

La Crosse, WI

Wynter is a chaotic mess that has a particular knack for the written word and getting into people's heads. Trespassing aside, he currently works two jobs, is father to two wonderful kids, and has mult.. more..
