I'm No Superman

I'm No Superman

A Poem by Wynter Ignatius

Someone would have others believe I am far beyond my simple means...


You will need no kryptonite,

To bring me easily to my knees,

For I’m far from invulnerable,

My strength has its known limits,

And I can’t just go and fly away,

Even if I can hear of your pains,

I lack the means to change things,

Not smart enough to solve this all,

Unable to freeze time with a breath,

A hundred leaps cannot help bound,

The dilemmas you face so powerful,

Where no amount of speed can fix,

For I’m slower than most others to change,

As I can’t see through all the barriers,

The intensity of my eyes cannot melt,

The locomotive that crashes around you,

Even if it is seen from so far away,

Vision unhindered shows me in truest light,

No need for microscopic sight needed,

For Superman I am clearly not at all,

Lacking any of the powers of said role,

Even if I will help many in my time,

My integrity my only tool at hand,

Using my weakness as my strength,

Super at times I will profess to at times,

But a simple man that will strive,

To protect those I can with my skills,

Limited in my powers I am indeed,

I am not the hero you would call me.

© 2014 Wynter Ignatius

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Honest in the knowing of our limitations and sincere in the knowledge of our imitations...Excellent...:)...................

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on July 16, 2014
Last Updated on July 16, 2014


Wynter Ignatius
Wynter Ignatius

La Crosse, WI

Wynter is a chaotic mess that has a particular knack for the written word and getting into people's heads. Trespassing aside, he currently works two jobs, is father to two wonderful kids, and has mult.. more..
