

A Poem by Wynter Ignatius

A simple response to my dearest friend's poem polished a bit...


Threshold where soul meets boundless soul,
Touch beyond softest flesh beats a steady beat,
Connective tissues holding no substantial form,
When words hold more meaning than most all.

Hold fast to this adore you so have close,
Weep not when distant whispers speak,
For shadows only show there is a light,
Where the tunnel ends and life so begins.

This intrepid dance of moonlit jubilation,
Testing of the waters you long  to bath in,
Keeping timeless wonder vastly unbound,
Raising more than smiles over the horizon.


© 2014 Wynter Ignatius

Author's Note

Wynter Ignatius
Source of my inspiration is here:

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the circle of lifers , reincarnation so it seems.
For shadows only show there is a light,
Where the tunnel ends and life so begins.

wonder why docs say "Don't Go into the light" in panicked tones

the end sounds like illysium or clarity of mind

This intrepid dance of moonlit jubilation,
Testing of the waters you long to bath in,
Keeping timeless wonder vastly unbound,
Raising more than smiles over the horizon.

something along those lines a final resting place
nice deeply meaning work I salute you knight of distilled wisdom O)

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

see the treasure lode
Wynter Ignatius

9 Years Ago

She is my best friend by far - no one gets me like she does.

9 Years Ago

people are like onions (shrek quote) they have many layers (Donkey interrupts)....NO not those cakes.. read more


the circle of lifers , reincarnation so it seems.
For shadows only show there is a light,
Where the tunnel ends and life so begins.

wonder why docs say "Don't Go into the light" in panicked tones

the end sounds like illysium or clarity of mind

This intrepid dance of moonlit jubilation,
Testing of the waters you long to bath in,
Keeping timeless wonder vastly unbound,
Raising more than smiles over the horizon.

something along those lines a final resting place
nice deeply meaning work I salute you knight of distilled wisdom O)

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

see the treasure lode
Wynter Ignatius

9 Years Ago

She is my best friend by far - no one gets me like she does.

9 Years Ago

people are like onions (shrek quote) they have many layers (Donkey interrupts)....NO not those cakes.. read more
"Where the tunnel ends and life so begins.

This intrepid dance of moonlit jubilation,"

Masterful and insightful. Excellent...:)...................

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wynter Ignatius

9 Years Ago

I had beautiful source material to work with so I can't take all the credit for this work but thank .. read more
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Sami Khalil

9 Years Ago

You are welcome....:).....

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on July 22, 2014
Last Updated on July 22, 2014


Wynter Ignatius
Wynter Ignatius

La Crosse, WI

Wynter is a chaotic mess that has a particular knack for the written word and getting into people's heads. Trespassing aside, he currently works two jobs, is father to two wonderful kids, and has mult.. more..
