Air Anime Movie Review

Air Anime Movie Review

A Story by Carrie Ott

A spoiler-free review of Air. I simply critique characters, plot, etc. A CHRISTIAN EVALUATION is included at the end for some viewers and as a parental guide.


Air: The Movie


A spoiler-free review of the anime-based movie


Title: Air: The Movie

Alternate Title: Gekijouban Air

Genre: Drama/Romance/Mythology

Episodes: 1 (movie)

Running Time: Approx. 91 minutes


Synopsis: Yukito Kunisaki has always been a wanderer. Living according to his mother’s mysterious words " that someone is waiting for him, and that only he is capable of saving her " he travels from town to town earning money as a puppeteer. By simple chance he stumbles upon a small, quiet town; deciding that the upcoming festival will be a prime opportunity for kids to shell out money for his puppet show, he waits around in town until the festival is scheduled to begin in one week. He doesn’t have to wait long for the fun to begin, though.

            Almost immediately he meets an eccentric girl named Misuzu, who is going around town and taking pictures for her summer research project. She instantly takes a liking to him and, considering his financial situation, Yukito eagerly accepts Misuzu’s offer to let him sleep in the garage for free. It is only after accompanying Misuzu on research trips for the next few days that Yukito realizes she is not what she first appears. Without warning, she often becomes sick. As the days progress, Misuzu continues to gradually get worse, and no one knows why. Despite her weakness, she continues to punctuate her time with Yukito with stories of an ancient, winged princess who could not confess her love lest she die. What significance does the ancient legend of Kannabi no Mikoto have to the lives of Yukito and Misuzu? Can Misuzu conquer her mysterious illness and reach her ultimate goal? And will Yukito, wanderer from birth, truly wander again?


Plot: Considering the attempted scope (past vs. present) the film tries to present, the plotline is satisfyingly convoluted. Misuzu and Yukito’s plotline is smoothly intermingled with glimpses of the legend of Kannabi no Mikoto, which plays an integral role in the story. Misuzu is inferred to be like Kanna, yet she is not said to be, which is a refreshing change of pace from the normal “reincarnated goddess” theme often found in Japanese anime.

            Additionally, the overall way the plotline unfolds is rather mysterious. Until the very last moment, the viewer can not be entirely sure that the expected outcome will actually occur. This keeps viewers on their toes and adds a tone of excitement to a movie without too much real, physical conflict.


Characters: In a movie such as Air, characters must be the driving force behind the film to replace the lack of action or other “emotion” sequences. Air: The Movie does not disappoint. Yukito is both a fantastic character and an absolutely fantabulous narrator " one of the best I’ve heard in a while. Misuzu is entertaining for her part, and her voice actor does well in portraying her mysteries. Misuzu’s “mother” is a funny drunk, so the actors did well there, as well. The characters in the legend of Kanna are all very interesting to watch and interact with. All in all, this movie greatly succeeds in the character department.


Animation: For an anime move, the animation of Air is average. Nothing special is of note, but that’s not to say that the animators didn’t do a good job. In particular, colors are bright and textures are detailed.


Music: The music of Air is on par with other popular anime movies, though nothing particularly noteworthy is found. Like music should be, it is complementary to the movie.


Ending: Stunning, for a character-based movie. I was quite satisfied with the ending, as it packs a major punch for a film such as this. The ending itself is powerfully acted as well, adding a nice bonus to the movie.


Recommendation: I would recommend this film for those who are looking for an intriguing drama experience tinged with a hint of magic (as shown in the legend of Kanna). Those who need movies with action sequences will most likely be disappointed by this movie.


Audience: I do not recommend this movie for viewers under 12. The romance elements of the film (which comprise most of the film) are not at all graphic, but they don’t generally interest children below this age.


Final Grade: 9 out of 10, for great characters, an intriguing plot, and better animation than the series of the same name. The powerful ending brought the score up by one, but the lack of truly memorable music and the almost-too-sudden race toward the end of the film keep this movie from getting a perfect score.


For the Christian Audience: If you’re offended by Japanese mythology, don’t watch this movie. I, for one, find the old legends of other cultures interesting because they tell us so much about people. Additionally, there is one scene of nude kissing, but it doesn’t last long (about 3 or 4 seconds) and nothing is shown aside from someone’s back. Two other kissing scenes are present, but they are also short and nothing inappropriate is shown. Language and drugs are not a problem. Conclusion: View at Your Own Discretion!


Want to buy Air? Click the links below. I've set up the links so that you'll go to a new page to view the item, then you can click and go to the store to buy the item! Happy purchasing!


Click this link for DVD: <iframe src="" style="width:120px;height:240px;" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>


Click this link for the original Air: TV Series: <iframe src="" style="width:120px;height:240px;" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>

© 2011 Carrie Ott

Author's Note

Carrie Ott
Have you seen Air? Tell me about it! Did I do a good job reviewing it?

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Added on April 13, 2011
Last Updated on July 5, 2011
Tags: air, the, movie, anime, review, yukito, misuzu, kanna


Carrie Ott
Carrie Ott

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