A Man Like You

A Man Like You

A Poem by Tori

Guys like you do terrible things to girls like me.

How can a man
so heartless
and ruthless
touch me
in a way that you do?
How can a man
who lies
who cheats
make this all
seem so true?
How could a man,
so conninving
so twisted
as yourself
put all this love in my heart?
How could a man
so despicable
so disgusting
make me want to never drift apart?
Why would a man
so cold
so chilling
as you are
choose me to realease your love upon?
Why would a man
so imperfect
so  crusading
as you are
make me loath the coming of dawn?
How does a man
so pitiless
so merciless
just like you
make me blind to see?
How does a man
so revolting
so traitorous
just like you
end up lying next to me?
Why can a man
so enchanting
so beautiful
so trusting
sieze my heart the way you do?
How could I ever
fall for
a man like you?


© 2009 Tori

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oooohhh. Is this about someone???????!! Dish girlfriend!!! jkjkjklol. But is it? And who? Good poem, i really loved it, all your poems are good.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 27, 2009



A little town where the dead come out to play, GA

Don't click here! Alright, Hello Everybody! Um I love to read, write, and draw and I hope to become a artist or graphic designer. I also Hope to become and Author and open my own Tattoo Parlor one.. more..

Mary Jane Mary Jane

A Poem by Tori