The Girl in the Well

The Girl in the Well

A Poem by Tori

A little girl who lived in a well, what a sad story, she was denied to tell.

There was a little girl
who lived in a well,
Such a sad story,
she longed to tell.
But no one would notice,
or bother to hear,
they never paid attention,
to her pouring tears.
Tattered and torn,
scraps sewn together,
enduring the pain,
far longer than forever.
Her broken heart,
She holds close to her chest,
praying that soon,
her soul will rest.
Her sad eyes,
search for another,
a man brave enough,
to claim her as his lover.
No one comes,
she's alone yet again,
Even God is doubting,
her lonliness will end.
Saddened and despaired,
she curls to the well,
cracks forming in the stone,
where her icy tears fell.
Hands so delicate,
stroke the cold stone,
though completely isolated,
she's never really alone.
But she seeks compainonship,
from someone of blood & skin,
A man so kind and gentle,
a person who will make it all end.
But No one will take her,
or accept her as their own,
So she carves her story,
into the cold hard stone.
She hopes someone will find it,
once she's gone and dead,
so they will all know,
how much her heart bled.
There was a little girl,
who lived in a well,
Such a sad story,
she never got to tell.


© 2009 Tori

My Review

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what a sad poem :(
it was very well written
Filled with emotion

Posted 14 Years Ago

omg *jaw drops*

Posted 14 Years Ago

Again. Wow. It's so sad, but very visual. I can see it happening. Have you ever written anything happy? I feel bad for the little girl. *tear* Good job.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on December 2, 2009



A little town where the dead come out to play, GA

Don't click here! Alright, Hello Everybody! Um I love to read, write, and draw and I hope to become a artist or graphic designer. I also Hope to become and Author and open my own Tattoo Parlor one.. more..

Mary Jane Mary Jane

A Poem by Tori