Everything Would Change

Everything Would Change

A Poem by Tori

Sorry it sucks, like everything else I've written...but I just really needed to write. Sorry.

So here we are again, 
you'd think I would have learned,
but I suppose a heart can never change,
for what it has always yearned. 
The things you say to me,
Each word still takes my breath away,
It's hard to fall just once,
yet Im falling hard everyday.
You've changed so much since then,
you're ways have gotten stronger,
I fight so hard to ignore my heart,
but I just can't fight much longer.
My will is breaking
and soon it shall shatter.
Before too long nothing that they say
will ever even matter.
Though your words are kind,
I feel there's something more, 
A secret there you will not share,
something else you can't endure.
So I lay here and think of all the pain,
Of how I've burdened you,
and caused you so much harm,
and know there's nothing I can do.
The pain grips my heart,
I try so hard to cry,
Even though it hurts so bad,
my eyes will remain dry.
I love you like you'll never know,
and perhaps it's better off that way,
because if you ever knew,
then everything would change...

© 2010 Tori

My Review

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I loved it! I'm with Holly. It's not horrible. I liked the first little stanza mabobb thingy. Very wonderful poem.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Do you have any idea how much you piss me off? Sugh. I couldn't write that in a million yeas and you say it's horrible. Ugh. It was wonderful. I loved it. Good job buddy. Admit it or i KILL you!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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This poem shows how a lot of people feel about ones that they care for. Even though sometimes, it's just drama. You put your passion beautifully in this one; I can feel it riffing through. I say riffing through because It sounds like it might be a good song to make one day. Just a thought.
I especially liked the last line, though. It is probably the most common thing we notice. How everything changes once we admit our feelings.


Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on April 3, 2010
Last Updated on April 3, 2010



A little town where the dead come out to play, GA

Don't click here! Alright, Hello Everybody! Um I love to read, write, and draw and I hope to become a artist or graphic designer. I also Hope to become and Author and open my own Tattoo Parlor one.. more..

Mary Jane Mary Jane

A Poem by Tori