All of You

All of You

A Poem by Sarah

i wrote this about a boy. a boy who took my heart. shattered it. and wont give it back.

Give my heart back.
I can't survive without it.
Knowing it lies in your hands.
Stay awake at night.
Feeling you destroy it over and over again.
I can't handle it much longer.
You express your heart and soul with meaningless words,
expecting me to believe them.
I see through your lie's Darling.
You abuse such strong words.
Twisting and rewiring my brain to believe them.
You pull me close, just to push me away again.
You kick me when i'm down, tell me lies, make me believe.
I dont' want this anymore.
Our future was never there;
a made up fairytale you spoke to me so thoughtfully about.
Now that i know it was utter bullshit,
i can feel my heart crumbling into my stomach.
Because of you. You're too blame.
You. All of you. Only you.
and yet, you don't' lose one hour of sleep.
You live with yourself all the same.
Oh, my sad, sick angel.
you've officially hit an all time low.

© 2010 Sarah

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Added on August 16, 2010
Last Updated on August 16, 2010



Im quiet, thoughtful, and i dont like expressing myself with an audience. thats why i do it through music, stories, and poetry. more..

You Are... You Are...

A Poem by Sarah