Happy Times

Happy Times

A Poem by Yoshiyuki

This was supposed to be cheerful, but somehow it came out semi gloom. I guess sadness is my muse unfortunately. Life is hard, Love is harder.

The times have been surely tough
From break ups to rejection
But that aside the happy times roll by
They call for me
You only got one life to live
So why are you so gloomy
If they don't care about you forget about them
Someone will surely accept your invitations
Till then come with us 
Come and create more friends
We may not be real nor can we carry you home when you are too drunk 
In fact we will be too drunk to tell you
But remember we wont hurt you
We will party like there is no tomorrow
Your creativity will open up new doors
Just look how much doors you created and unlocked
One day man, Just one day
And that girl will come
Till then we will be yours
Let the happy times roll

© 2012 Yoshiyuki

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Added on September 24, 2012
Last Updated on September 25, 2012



Kahului, HI

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