Forest of rust

Forest of rust

A Poem by aaaa

A strange poem

Forests of rust, fields of lead
Soon enough you'll all be dead
Nothing moves nothing changes
It never even rearranges

Metal stacked towards the sky
Someday it will all die
Crying saints litter the floor
Soon their tears will be no more

Stretching outwards from the center
No one will ever enter
The forest of rust so dark so cold
Forests of rust thousands of years old

The forest glows red in the light
This is where we will start a fight
This is where we will pick our battle
We will no longer live as Cattle

We shall win our freedom from these people
Futures will come and the heap will
Stack on high with bodies and bangles
People left up in the tangles

The forest of rust will watch it all
And forever more it will stand tall
Seen to much with its silent gaze
One more it shall melt into the haze

© 2010 aaaa

Author's Note

I really don't know what happened with this, I just went with the flow of the writing.

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it was a very interesting poem and i liked it overall. a lot of the lines were really good, the flow was disrupted a couple of times but nothing to really worry about. overall, good job

Posted 13 Years Ago

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I thought it was really good. It had a real city feel to it and the ever present danfer that accompanies it.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Ah Zachary, when I was your age, and in my human form, Zachary was a famous Television celebrity here in the East. But now in my meadow in Mississippi, we don’t even have television. I like your ability to rhyme with words that don't look like they were chosen just because they rhyme. I like the cattle line, because now in this life I do live like cattle.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Sometimes the strangest poems are the best. I like it. I always admire people who can rhyme, its a hard thing to do with some people. aka Me. Good job.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Weird lol But i am lovin this rhyming, kinda wicked pulls me in more and more i want to read it again and again i just love the Rhyming and i mean Wicked in a good way i am giving you a complment :) adding this to my Library By the way strange Poems can be good at times i write some i dont even remeber why i wrote them lol and i love Scary and Horro Movies all kinds really this Caught my eye I like nice Work! very Intence Keeps the reader Hungery for more to read.

Posted 14 Years Ago

So...Intence. Liked it. Loved it. You know what I mean. But I'm pretty bad at understanding poetry, so, I can't really say "I get it", 'cause I did'nt. But still, it has a nice ring to it. Good poem, keep writing :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

I thought it was good. I think it amazing and thanks for sharing. :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

Well written. I like the imagery in this piece.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Very good imagery.. the flow seemed interrupted a couple of times to me, but looking down at the other comments, it seems that it was just me. :)
Great job!

I'm wondering though, on the last line, is it supposed to be "Once more"?

Posted 14 Years Ago

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18 Reviews
Added on April 10, 2010
Last Updated on April 10, 2010
Tags: rust, lead, forest, feild, end, world, dead



Tracy, CA

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