Noctune to Emptyness

Noctune to Emptyness

A Poem by Michael William Fowler

The partner poem to Hymn to the Empty. I suggest reading both to get a grasp of what this poem represents.



Nocturne to Emptiness

A sanctuary, sunlit and untainted.

He sings a Hymn to himself,

A reminder of how preciously perfect, perfection can be


Humming with harmonic happiness,

He glorifies his ego, in odes to himself.


His heart, a dark, decaying desolate thing,

Taking pride in dwindling down and diminishing emotion.

Making him perfect and the perfection,

Of mankind.


He will always remain here.


Humming his harmonic hymn or false happiness,


He did not hear her, or heed her cries,

Or care.


Sing your nocturne of emptiness,


To him,


To nothing.


Michael William Fowler ©

© 2008 Michael William Fowler

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WOW., this was very dark and utterly sad. I enjoyed reading this you have such a wonderful way with words.
Wonderfull poem my friend

S.D.Blankenship the GOTHICCOWBOY

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 5, 2008