

A Poem by Ramsha Ghofran

I had no name for this poem because it's something that cannot be named. This feeling, it has no word to describe it.

Do you know that old Oak?
That stands upon the reef,
The reef of tethered bones,
Are succumbed so you can't feel.
Do you see the leaves falling?
Mesmerized by the bellowing soil,
The soil whose Mother died,
Died amongst itself.
Do you feel the air shrinking?
As time goes by you'll realize,
All that once was new,
Has grown old along with you.
Do you stroll around and wonder,
If Alice hadn't gone down the rabbit hole,
Would it be happy to sit and ponder,
If you lost all that you owned?
Now if you can see what you have made,
Made along those paths of life you surveyed,
And if you've done it properly and made way,
Made way for me and you to fly away.
Then hold my hand and lead the way

© 2022 Ramsha Ghofran

Author's Note

Ramsha Ghofran
Feel free to let me know what you think of it :)

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I enjoyed so much of your poem..
The rhyming here and there..intrigued me..
The flow was very very good..
Cleaver metaphor... Rabbit hole..
I will be reading more of yours..
Perhaps if you have the time you will read mine..
Lisa, now in Spain

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Do you stroll around and wonder,
If Alice hadn't gone down the rabbit hole,
Would it be happy to sit and ponder,
If you lost all that you owned?

I like this part, it kinda made me think of all that i have lost in my life,
wonderfully written and emotional

Posted 2 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on January 30, 2022
Last Updated on January 30, 2022
Tags: Mysterious, Poetry, Rhyming, Death, New beginnings, Imaginations, Simile, Metaphor, Anaphora, Personification, Life


Ramsha Ghofran
Ramsha Ghofran

Karachi, Hasan Square, Pakistan

I like sandwiches more..

Dream Dream

A Poem by Ramsha Ghofran