Will you marry me?

Will you marry me?

A Poem by A Flickeroflight

This poem here was something I compiled & read to my girlfriend in San Francisco in the direct middle of the Golden Gate Bridge.

We’ve Combined our hearts, now let’s watch them fly
As a pair of sparrows where they’ll dip and dive
Towards an autumn sunset along the clouds in the sky
Placing a delicate peck to the cheek they land on a bridge arched upon the bay
Leading to this very moment where I could spend day after day
The love we share is forever strong and yet further it grows on that way
Our hearts are our souls constantly playing their melody to a beautiful song
To each other we sing to embrace ourselves along
For where you and I want to go alone amongst our love in Babylon 
Moving our future setting sail on a boat for two amid a great sea
Allowing my dream to be with you grants them to be true and set free
Lindsay Alicia Johnson, will you marry me?

© 2010 A Flickeroflight

Author's Note

A Flickeroflight
It was then I heard her scream “Oh my god!” so excitedly and surprised that I hadn’t even noticed until then that three joggers had passed us and turned they were clapping and hollering at as. She turned and noticed them as well, but then turned to notice the ring that was with in my hand. I got up and asked, “Is that a yes?” unsure really what was going on through her head.

“Of course yes! Oh my god, YES!” And with open arms she wrapped them around me, and mine around hers. The biggest hug I’ve ever experienced was then. “Can we try the ring on?” I asked and she slipped down and pulled her big gaudy blue ring off her finger. It was simple and a perfect fit, but the ring went right on. As if it was made for her, the ring looked even better on her ring finger if I say so myself.

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Added on August 6, 2010
Last Updated on September 19, 2010
Tags: marry me, Golden Gate, Sparrows, Souls


A Flickeroflight
A Flickeroflight


I'm just a moment between a flicker of light. Empathy, is obtained through experience. You can truly harness this emotion from what has been dealt to you. I have a lot of empathy with a lot of diff.. more..
