"Prison Poems" part II

"Prison Poems" part II

A Poem by Andrew Hedrick

For those experiencing despair. Encouragement, love, and inspiration.




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By Andrew Hedrick












By Andrew Hedrick















All Things are New


Pain and sorrow is all I’ve ever known

Sitting here wondering when I’ll ever make it home

I’m tired of being alone, I need that special love

They tell me I can get it from my Father up above

I’ve fallen on my knees with no hope in sight

Help me, King Jesus Help, me make it right

My burdens are heavy, and my thing is all wrong

Touch me Holy Spirit and lead me along

He must of heard my prayer when I called out his name

Cause since that very moment, I haven’t been the same

Blind for so long, but now I see

That the precious blood of lamb was shed just for me

Old things have passed and all things are new

I’m so glad King Jesus that I called upon you.


Written By Andy Hedrick



Believe in Your Self


Take my hand, we’ll go through

The journey together.

Don’t be afraid to fall, I will

Pick you up.

Don’t be afraid to fail, I will be by

Your side always

So put a smile on your face

I’m always here for you.

So hold your head up high

For I believe in you.



Written By Andy Hedrick











Oh what a joy we find in him

To have forgiveness for our sins.

How blessed I’m to feel Christ’s love,

For countless blessings from above.

Trust in the lord with all your heart,

And from your side he will not part.

And what’s a man, but merely dust.

That’s swept away like morning gust

His grace sufficient for us all.

Like pouring rain is in the fall.

Don’t be anxious about a thing

Rejoice in grace the son will bring.


Written By

Andy Hedrick





Feeling Lonely


When I'm with you I feel comfort, Support.

When you’re not by my side I feel lonely

And then my Life goes down slowly

I wonder what you are doing day by day

So I dream of some day lying by the bay,

Or we could have sex in some hay

Or make a house out of clay

So I want to say that I miss you

And always want to be with you,

My heart beats every min

And nothing can change that except the speed limit.



Written By Andy Hedrick






God is Always There


Everyday I awake

I feel with certainty

 God will take me by the hand,

And guide my destiny

When I’m feeling sad and blue

And my cares intensify,

He’s beside me and I know

On him I can rely,

If I hold my head up high

My soul is sure to sing

Peace and hope will then be mine,

For he is everything

Every night before I sleep,

Serene within his care

I overflow with happiness

Because I know he’s there.


Written by Andy Hedrick, 10-09-2012

Jail Being Trapped Inside


Before you know it you don’t get to go outside

So you don’t have any body by your side.

Sometimes it’s like a slide

You never know when were going to get a chance to go glide

So make sure you can be by my side

Forever and for worse

For death do we part

For sickness and in health

I DO!! I DO!!

I do want to be with you.


Written By Andy Hedrick









It can’t be hidden on a shelf

It can’t be bought it can’t be sold

It can’t be kept within ones self

And it can’t be put just on hold

It must be ready for worthy deeds.

It must not be pushed out of sight

It must help people with special needs

It must act like a guiding light

It should forgive to be forgiven.

From God’s presence it must not astray

Its name is love a gift from heaven

But love is nothing until given away.


Written by Andy Hedrick





Me in my cell


Me in my cell quiet as can be

Just listen- There in a whisper God talks to me

He lets me know what he says is true

And always reminds me, what will Jesus do?

At times like this I give him praise.

That he saved a sinner like me

And thank God that Jesus died


On the cross to pay for sin eternally.



Written By

Andy Hedrick






Never Alone


As I sit here in Jail,

I feel so alone

With thoughts of friends and family

I’m so far from home

I pray for forgiveness

For the wrongs I have done

If you violate Gods commandments

(If you only break one.)

So choose your path wisely

Take heed my friends

For God sent his son Jesus

To die for our sins

I’ve done my crime so

Doing this time is such a small price

Compared to our Savior and his sacrifice

I owe it to him

No longer be lost

For he suffered for us, and

Crucified on the cross

I once was blind

But now I see

 It wont be my outdate

 That sets me free

 I’m reading my Bible

My knowledge has grown

I know God’s in jail with me

So I’m never alone.


Written By Andy Hedrick












I talked with God this morning

And lifted you in prayer

I know you were weighed down with

Much heartache, pain and care

I know you faced decisions,

So hard for you to make

I asked that God would guide you

 And show the road to take

I asked for God to touch you

And take you pain away,

Be it His will to give you

Strength to endure each day.

He promised he will be there

To comfort and sustain

He will share you every burden

And soothe your every pain

Just give him all your heartache

You will feel a peace inside

And such a joy in knowing

God’s walking by your side

 His grace is all sufficient

Your trials He’ll help you through

Cast all your care upon him

For he cares for you.


Written By Andy Hedrick













Sent from above


You are my angel sent from above,

With you my heart throbs with love.

When you’re in my life, nothing else matters,

You are my angel sent from above.

When I hear your voice, it is

Like an angel singing. I wish words

Could explain these feelings I’m feeling

You are my angel sent from above.

I love you and I know this

Is true, because without you

I feel so blue. So please be my Angel sent from above.





Written by Andy Hedrick



Trials of Today


This piece is just a reminder

When things don’t go your way,

Continue to remain humble,

Change will come one day.

Yes, the trails of life are grievous,

But to endure hardness is a command,

For strength is gained from afflictions

That enables us to stand.


The race isn’t given to the swift

Nor the battle to the strong,

Rather grace is given to the humble

And comfort to those who mourn.


Who ever said that life was easy?

It’s a challenge from the start.

Let’s make the best of our lives,

So we can say we did our part.

Yes, this world is a mess,

We wish things could get better,

But Jesus told us it would be this way,

That’s one of the reasons for the Gospel letter.


Written By

Andy Hedrick












Use Me Lord


Lord God you’re ever present

And rule in my life,

In every situation

As I gloat or aim in strife.

I ask that you use me

In all always that you will

Give me your words

So that others may be filled.


Use me oh, Lord


For I’ve tried on my own

And failed every time,

Running back to your throne.


Use me today


As I walk through this time,

Let your purpose be served,

Let my words not be mine.

Give me courage and strength

To be all I can be,

I’m crying out to you lord,

And ask that you use me.


Written By

Andy Hedrick












A Gentle Heart

My soul longs for a special peace

That is found in a gentle heart,

For that’s where love and devotion abide

And where solitude never departs.

When my life seems full of turmoil

And I find a little time for prayer,

I long for peace of a gentle heart

For I know God’s love is there.

So, while I struggle with earthly life

And with woes that never cease,

I thank my God for a gentle heart,

Where I can always find His peace.

Though shadows fall, I never fear

Because my God is always near

Keeping watch throughtout the night

Until he sends the morning light.

As stars appear I feel His love,

And offer praise to Him above,

Then peace descends with setting sun

As shadows fall and day is done.


Psalm 104:19


He appointed the moon for seasons;

The sun knows it’s going down.


Written by

Andy Hedrick















Love and Care


The greatest thrills of life and love

That fill us with content

Are gifts of grace we give away?

And ask no compliment.

It might just be a helping hand

We give to one, in need,

Or just a gift of caring grace-

When nothing else succeeds.

A little bit of love and care

That comes from you and me

Can lift a heart of grief and tears

From days of misery,

And it is heavenly ordained

That we- or faith- impart

The love and care that God gives us

To share with crying hearts.



























Glories of Morning


There is splendor in the morning

Where the sun is on the rise

With the garden dewdrop-laden

Like a brand new paradise.

There are cherry blossoms blooming

By a fence all painted white

And a kitten scheming

On the robin in his sight.

There are sounds of birds a �" chirping

Near a lazy stream

Where some silver fish are swimming

Past some daisies as they dream.

As these glories of the morning

I’ve related with my word

In a joyous overflowing,

Like a hymn unto the lord.



























Most Dear to Me


Most dear to me are those I love,

Who share and bless my llife,

Who fill my heart with countless joys

Despite days touched by strife.


Most dear are friends I cherish most

Whose loyalty is true…

Whatever my lot, whatever my pain,

They’re faithful, through and through.


Most dear each blessing that the Lord

Bestows with loving grace,

No matter if I sometimes err,

I’m safe in His embrace.


Most dear, indeed, the voice within

That guides me night and day,

And gently chides my questioning soul

Each time I chance to stray.


Most dear of all, my faithful Lor,

Who died to set us free,

That we �" one day �" might find true joy

With him eternally.


Psalm 5:12


For You O Lord, will bless the righteous; with favor you will surround him as with a shield.















Short Biography


Andrew (Andy) Hedrick

Born January 7, 1989


Abused as a child and beaten on a daily basis, I longed for closure of that chapter.  My mother divorced an abusive mate and married another---only this time with a much more normal lifestyle.  I have 2 sisters Jennifer and Jessica; whom I have much love and concern for.


Sometime later, in my late teens, I engaged in activities with the wrong crowd; drug users, alcoholics and the like.  A burglary charge ensued and I was incarcerated for a time.  Much poetry was written at this time in my life; watching an ever evolving turning point in myself.  Reflective poetry is my specialty along with a love of God and Jesus Christ.  Religious poetry is a first-love…many times my only hope and strengthener. 


At present I am living in Poy Sippi, Wisconsin with a wonderful woman of my dreams. 


Blessed peace and safety! Glory to the Lord, Jesus Christ who makes all things possible.


(As of April 25, 2013)





© 2013 Andrew Hedrick

Author's Note

Andrew Hedrick
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Added on May 1, 2013
Last Updated on May 1, 2013
Tags: Encouragement. Love. Inspiration


Andrew Hedrick
Andrew Hedrick

Poy Sippi, WI

Lover of mankind, animals and fish...Not to tout religion, but I am a very devout student of the Bible. Love my girlfriend...love my family. Family is very important to me. It is a necessary part of .. more..


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