My Tower

My Tower

A Poem by A.M. Everlasting

When it's always in the place it's supposed to be.


Assumed as young and naïve,

Sheltered I have been

And kept Rapuzel in my tower,

Locked away within.

Then a window opens wide

In my bedroom’s wall,

And suddenly I’m thrust headfirst

Into reality’s fall.

Such a big place our world is,

And I’m but small and meek.

Longing for security,

My tower again I seek.

But where it stood awhile ago,

It’s nowhere to be found.

So I search the skies, high and low,

The oceans and the ground

To no avail, I realize 

My tower’s left me now,

Alone to cry to myself,

And recap the empty vow.

But life moves on and persists,

So I pull myself up,

Looking for the new dawn,

Half-full is my cup.

And when I’m graying old,

And I need help no more,

My tower reappears to

The place it’d been before.

Then it came to me with clarity�"

I saw that I’d been wrong.

My tower’d never truly left,

It’d been there all along.

© 2018 A.M. Everlasting

Author's Note

A.M. Everlasting
Oh how I do love symbolism :)

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Added on November 23, 2009
Last Updated on November 30, 2018


A.M. Everlasting
A.M. Everlasting

A dreamer, a healer, and a lover - cycling through life on a rollercoaster of hope and its downfalls. more..
