

A Story by song writer

I don't know if that's a good name for this story but it will have to do. This is a story I had to do based on a magazine picture and I got a B on it.

"Oh shut up," I holler at the alarm, " It's six thirty in the morning and I don't have to get up." My slight Boston accent making it seem like I said thauty instead of thirty, I hate my accent it brings back bad memories. The only time most people can here it is early in the morning, or when I'm mad and slip up.
My thoughts are soon disturbed by my daughter jumping on the bed, "Mum it's time to get up."
"No it's too early," I say under the pillow.
"It's my first day back to school and I slept in, Liz and Michael have already left, and James got a ride with one of his friends saying that I couldn't go with them because I was too young. I need a ride," she says.
I instantly get out of bed, " What time is it?"
"Seven I have to get there at seven thirty or I'm going to be late," she says.
"You're going to be late no matter what, we live an hour away from school hun you know that," I say in a calm voice as I grab some clothes, quickly put them on, and put on my shoes.
"Ya but I thought if we could go fast that we would get there faster," she said.
"We can't do that honey it's against the law you know that," I say using my motherly tone. She looks at me with a sad face then walks to the car and sits down in the backseat. I slide into the drivers side after making sure there was nothing in my way, and pulled out of the driveway and onto one of the many backroads we had to drive in order to get to her school. I don't normally go this way unless I have to but it's safer then the short way I take to work. I also don't want anything to happen with my baby in the car.
We drive in silence lost in our own thoughts she's worried about getting in trouble for being late and I'm thinking about work. The girl I have been working with for the last week seems to not want to corporate with me, it's like she doesn't want help even though you can see she needs it. I think it has to do with her family and not wanting to be apart from them.
We almost pass the school, my mind still worried for the girl and hoping that she doesn't have anything bad happen to her, the only thing that saved us from being even more late was my daughter.
She yells, " Mum turn, turn that's the turn." I slow the car down some and put on my blinker as we turn into the schools parking lot.
I look back at her and say, "Sorry hun are you ok? I wasn't paying attention I was thinking about something."
"I'm fine mum, were you thinking about the case you're working on again", she asks.
"Ya I'm just worried hun,"I said.
"Don't worry I'm sure everything will be fine, right now I'm more worried about what's going to happen when we get in there," she said.
"Thanks you're right we don't have to worry it will all work out so don't worry sweetie," I said. We walk into the school holding hands, and into the office.
We ended up sitting down in seats because the office secretary told us to wait for the principle.
The principal walks out of his door and tells us, "Come in." Walking into the office reminds me of times I got in trouble as a kid and worries me some, but I know we'll be fine. I sit down waiting for my daughter to do the same but unfortunately there's only one seat so I scoot over some, and pat the small spot next to me.
The principal gives me a lustful stare as my daughter sits down, he's creeping me out but I have to do this.
He says,"Haley was late for her first day of school and what do you have to say for yourself?" This old creep was treating me like a child and it was pissing me off but I was not going to let it show.
"I'm sorry for being late but she overslept and we live an hour away from school, so there's no way we wouldn't be late," I say through a fake smile.
"If you go on a date with me we can forget all about this," he said.
I said," Isn't that a bit inappropriate seeing as that you have a wife, two kids, your 15 years older then me,and you are my daughters principle."
He looked at me with a shocked expression and in a low voice he asked,"How did you know that?"
"I have my sources and if we forget about all of this you will not be told on, how would your wife feel about this," I said.
He said,"Ok you two can leave Haley just ask the front desk for a pass." I smile at him get up from the seat and pull my daughter up and we walk out of his office.
"Well by mum I know you have to go soon," my baby says as she grabs a pass. I'm glade she doesn't ask anything even though I still want to think of her as a baby she's growing up she's almost 10. She learned from the age of six about that principle and how bad he is.
I walked out of the school with my head held high and walk into my car starting it before I call her. The reason I know that the principal is married is because my boss is married to him but she's already starting the process of divorcing him, she just needs proof that he's cheating on her or at least trying to, to get more money. The conversation I just recorded might just help her.
She tells me to get to work so she can here it and so that we can try getting somewhere on the case I'm working on. Today I was going to question the whole family and I was nervous because she seemed scared about it when I told her.
It takes me 30 minutes to get to work because of the traffic but I finally get there. I walk to my bosses office and hand her my phone telling her that I was going to steal her phone and recorder because I had to go finish my investigation.
I then drive back to the elementary school deciding to talk to the girls brother first. I walk into the guidance office and wait for him to get there as I do I read his file his name is Steven and he is 6, he loves electronics. This seems like an everyday kid but I know I should read beyond that, his sister always w***e sweatshirts when I talked to her. I knew she was trying to hide something, but we only get to ask questions about what's going on not why she's always wearing a sweatshirt.
Of course I don't hear the door open and close being lost in my own thoughts so I jump when I here a kids voice say, "Hello." I ask him all the questions I have, he's lying to me I know it but I can't get him to tell me the truth so I just let him go knowing that this case will probably close since we have no proof.
After I ask him all of my questions I say,"You may leave now." I go through this same process with her parents and her they are all lying, but I have no proof the only person I have left to ask is her older sister. Sadly I couldn't talk to her today because it was the end of the school day and it was getting late. I had to go home and feed my kids make sure they realize that they have to bring their sister to school.
After heading back to work and grabbing back my phone I head home. Once I get home it about dinner time so I quickly make some chicken and veggies and call everyone down for dinner.
Everyone sits at the table as I ask,"How was your day guys?" Everyone besides Haley looks at and quickly mumbles that it was fine, they all know they're in trouble.
"I'm going to ask you guys a question, why didn't anyone wake up Haley and take her to school? And James why didn't you let her go with you and your friends," I ask.
Liv and Michael say at the same time," Sorry mum we forgot about Haley."
And Jame said," I couldn't have her in the car she's to young to be in a car with a bunch of hormonal guys and we didn't have time to drop her off Maria."
I said, " James how many times do I have to tell you to call me mum you been apart of this family for a year you're practically my son, and also that's no excuse. Haleys old enough and knows how to take care of herself. Next time remember to take her to school then I won't have to deal with her creepy principal."
They all say," Yes mum."
Then we begin eating in silence, after we finish, I say," Sorry if I sounded harsh but I can't take Haley to school everyday and you all know I'm not a morning person."
Michael and Liv give me a hug and say," Goodnight mum." James and them then clean their plates in the sink and head off to bed.
Haley looks like she's about to fall asleep in her chair so I walk over to her slowly and pick her up and carry her to her room. By the time I place her into her bed she's fully awake.
She asks," Mom when is dad coming back?"
I instantly feel like I'm going to cry but I don't show it I say," He's coming soon."
She looks at me and says," I know he's dead mum you don't have to lie to me."
I instantly hug her and say, "I'm so sorry, and close my eyes trying not to cry like I did when I heard he was dead.
I hear Haley trying to hold her tears back as she says, "It's ok mum, it's ok."
I hold onto her for awhile then let her go,"You have to sleep now, I'll be in the next room if you need me." I leave her room and walk into mine trying not to cry even harder as I crawl into my bed. I'm exhausted but I can't sleep so I cry into my pillow as I slowly drift off into oblivion.

© 2015 song writer

Author's Note

song writer
Tell me if you see and errors that one of the main reasons I got a B on it of course I have to suck at things like that. Also I kinda want to make it into a book so tell me if you like it.

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Added on June 5, 2015
Last Updated on June 5, 2015


song writer
song writer

Writing is a way of expressing my emotions in a way that it healthy. I've been on here for 4 years now so everyone who has started with me has seen me grow. I thank you all who are still on here for s.. more..

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