Moving on, Moving ahead

Moving on, Moving ahead

A Story by Imperfection

My thoughts on the 'calamity'


I was broken in mind and spirit, when I happened to bump into ‘someone’ who welcomed me warmly and let me speak my mind. The ‘someone’ wasn’t judgmental or sarcastic, did not rubbish away my problem like it didn’t exist. Spending sometime in the company of “someone’, has been good for me. I am now able to function better than I used to.


The ‘someone’ isn’t a friend or a lover, not my mother or teacher either, not a psychologist or even a psychiatrist. It is Writer’s Café.


Yes, Writer’s Café did mess up but once in a while, don’t we all do?

 No human being can claim to be perfect. Neither can our creations be perfect. Humans mess up and this is only a website;technology isn’t dependable 100%.


Serendipity helped me get back a dozen or so of my writings. Some of the others, I have re-created from memory. A few are being re-constructed but I still have about 50 missing pieces that I do not think I will ever have back. My poems, my stories- they were a part of me. And I was devastated when I first realized that they’re gone forever.


My first thought was – I’m leaving the Café. But then a day passed and I did not leave.

Another day passed. I received Serendipity's message in my inbox along with some of my writings.

I still did not leave. I was behaving like a kid who had packed her belongings in a knapsack and was sitting at the frontdoor, hoping that some miracle would undo her steps.


It was then that I accepted to myself that I did not want to leave. I told myself that I was thinking that way because I did not know what to do, how was I supposed to live here with no writings to call my own?

It was then that I made a decision. I wouldn’t leave. I would re-build again.

I thought about survivors of earthquakes/other natural calamities. They start again, even after they’ve lost everything – material possessions, loved ones…

Why can’t I?

I’m not trying to be philosophical. I’m trying to be realistic.

When life throws us into an adversity, sometimes it is because there is something in that situation that we need to learn from. All of us have a lesson from this; we’re going to be careful in future, have copies of whatever we post here.


I saw and read several pieces about the WC-calamity. It has obviously saddened everybody but people have different opinions. Whether they chose to stay or leave is a different matter altogether but I wonder – if they leave, will it give them back what they lost or will it guarantee the fact that such a disaster will not happen in future?

I have many reasons for staying and not one for leaving.

When I joined Writer’s Café, my mind was in a mess. My life still is but writing about myself and reading about others has made me want to try to live; live to the best of my ability. I have got a lot out of this site – friends who support my writing, great writers from whom I can learn to be better at my skill and the feeling of knowing that no matter how bad the day is, I can go back and read something that will help me forget my troubles, if only for a while. It would take something really really big to make me want to walk away from my ‘shelter’.

A singular incident/accident  isn’t big enough.


If I had to think of one reason why I have chosen to stay back it is the fact that leaving the Cafe would be a bigger loss to me than the loss of my writings.





© 2008 Imperfection

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I truly agree with you, as I lost over 500 pieces... but I'm still here. I've learned a hard lesson and now I'm ready to start rebuilding. Even though all of my non-writerscafe-friends and family told me to jump ship. I think I shall stick around, like bubble-gum on an ol' wall.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I'm really glad you decided to stay despite some losses. I lost some as well, but picking up and reposting helped alot. Thanks for posting this. It gives me hope not only in this site, but in general. =)

Posted 16 Years Ago

THIS writing is fantastic. I think it really depicts not only your feelings but many of other me. It was an awful thing to wake up to and I too felt like I had lost my closest friend...but I couldn't bring myself to leave and I don't think I ever will. I loved was so well written and seemingly needed to be written...I am glad you chose to stay :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is beautiful and heart felt. You have chosen to put priorities in order and have realized that what you have gotten out of WC is far greater than the loss of some of your pieces. I love you spoke of natural disasters and people having to rebuild. How true. I never thought of it that way. An extremely thought provoking piece with many life lessons attached through out. Well done, friend! Well done!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

wow... I can relate to this very well. Before Writerscafe, i was a mess. I didn't know what to do or what I really wanted. But ever since I got on and began to share my writing, my soul to other people with the same passion for the art, I began to understand myself. Little by little, I grew up. It was an amazing journey and I have WC to thank for that.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Great collapse caused a lot of problems for alot of people. You are right, I gain so much being here amongst friends sharing my work and learning. A great write!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This piece is really very much unique and interesting because with it each and everyone of us can relate to.
I mean this is not what I felt after the "disaster" which happened here. But I can guess what you must felt that time.
My each and every writing is just like a piece of mine. So, accepting the reality that now it's gone...thats really hard.
But still....I genuinely felt your emotions behind it. I mean the way you acted after the calamity and now you are accepting very frankly whatever you felt.
so..Its really nice to read a piece like this.
Thanks for sharing it here

"If there is one single reason why I have chosen to stay back it is the fact that leaving the Cafe would be a bigger loss to me than the loss of my writings" -I loved these lines a lot.

~!~Keep writing ~!~ :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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17 Reviews
Added on February 22, 2008
Last Updated on February 22, 2008




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