The men who rule

The men who rule

A Poem by anartao

The military man looks at the world through eyes of war,

the red flags have been unfurled by sabre rattling matadors

Hawks that gaze from high on their chessboard of shifting borders,   

sending the future off to die for the pasts misguided orders

Defence has become a pretext for conquest and raw aggression,

echoes of inquisitions and the rack to force confessions

For a military without foes is like a boat removed from water,

and peace is not the mandate for a career path forged in slaughter


The political man craves power and is a salesman of the vote,

a demagogue of trademark replies and an echo of recycled quotes  

Snake oil salesman with forked green tongues who bend to the markets demands,

for kickbacks and corporate CEO roles make the best retirement plans                              

Whispering sweet words as they take us roughly from behind,

their social contracts null and void, and they have left their half unsigned

Theft and cronyism are all we get from those elected,  

our rights steadily eroded whilst they grow further protected


The corporate man see’s commodities and markets everywhere,

the altar of the dollar leads to cathedrals of despair

Shareholders the gods to which the sacrifices made,

redundancies and jobs offshore have now replaced the blade

The sacred mantra of the market in this economic age

reduces all of natures complexity to figures on a page

Where a forest means more cut and logged than as this planets lungs,

when hearts become gold plated we can no longer trust their tongues


© 2013 anartao

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Added on April 30, 2013
Last Updated on April 30, 2013



Sydney, Australia

I write to keep my self sane, and because the act of writing is also one of creating, and with the majority of power in the world today laying in the hands of destroyers, we need all the creators we c.. more..
