A Story by mamabear









Luna and Selene were happily playing in the garden, the way cats do. Luna looked ever so dirty for a white cat, but for Selene, a black cat, it did not matter how much dirt he played in, nobody would really know after all.

They both stopped playing after they heard a loud scream coming from inside the house. Selene ran from the garden onto the patio area to see if he could find out where the scream was coming from.
“It is coming from the lounge, I think,” shouted Luna to the bewildered Selene, who was totally baffled by the noise. Selene crept up to the window and peered in. Was it a baby that he could see through the net curtains? Well it looked like a baby. But they didn’t have a baby living in their house. Although Jane next door had a baby two weeks ago, it couldn’t be Alice could it? Well, whoever it was, she wanted milk. Selene felt so clever with himself, knowing that the crying he could hear actually meant milk. After all, he and his brother Luna did not ask Mummy like that for milk. Not even Zeus, that daft Collie dog who lives with them cries like that!

Luna could not stop laughing when Selene reported back to him.
“Well, Mummy was washing baby clothes last week, and she told me that I would have a new baby sister or brother in about five weeks time. But I actually thought she and Daddy were going to buy another Collie dog or something!”
“Well, it looks like you were wrong then Luna,” shouted Selene as he rushed towards the house to ask Mummy.
“Wait for me Selene,” screamed Luna. There was a fight to see who could get into the cat flap first, but neither of them won. All of a sudden, the cat flap opened, but instead of a cat coming to greet Luna and Selene, they met a dogs head. They both purred very loudly, and jumped back in amazement.
“Oh, it’s only Zeus,” said Luna, “What do you want, you silly dog?”
“Well Luna, if you are going to be like that, I don’t think I will tell you,” snapped Zeus, “And I will guard the cat flap and I will not let you in, so there!” and he pulled his head back into the kitchen and sat down in front of the cat flap. So neither Luna nor Selene could get into the kitchen!
“We are never going to find out what has happened now. All the screaming has stopped. I’m going for a walk. You stop here Selene, and try and get round Zeus,” shouted Luna, as he jumped over the fence.

Selene was thinking about how to get round Zeus. Then he realised that he had not upset Zeus, it was Luna! He crept over to the cat flap and gently spoke to Zeus.
“Zeus, little friend, it’s me, your brother Selene. Luna, that naughty cat, has now gone to play somewhere else. Will you let me in please? It is getting cold out here. It’s the English weather; it is after all, dear Zeus, not even March.” Selene tiptoed nearer to the cat flap to hear the reply from Zeus. But to his surprise, Zeus had already moved. The cat flap could once again be used.

Selene could hear Mummy and Daddy talking. He tiptoed into the lounge. He had to find out what was happening, and who did that baby belong to? As soon as he walked in, he noticed that the baby was still there, although Selene could not make his mind up if he wanted the baby to live with him or not.

“Selene darling,” Mummy called over to him. “Come and have a look at your new baby sister. Her name is Amy Constance. Isn’t she beautiful?” Selene could not help but stare at Amy. He had to agree she was beautiful for a human, for a Non-Cat! In fact she looked a lot like Mummy. She was very kind and she did love him, so maybe, Amy would love him too. From that moment Selene decided to love Amy back. He couldn’t wait to tell Luna.

It was hours before Luna came home; Selene was jumping around the garden with that much excitement that he thought he would surely burst. Amy had two nappy changes and two bottles of milk, since Selene had first seen his favourite little Non-Cat. Selene had decided to take his time telling Luna about Amy. He would keep him guessing for as long as possible, to punish him for being away for so long! It didn’t work out like that. Well, the first few words did, but then that was it. When Luna asked Selene for everything he had found out from the Collie, all Selene could say was, “Well, I might know something.” But before Luna had the chance to shout at Selene, he rushed into full flight with all the information about Amy, his beautiful new sister.

Luna thought it was terrible news, “A human sister, yuck! How horrible. This is the worst news I have had since, well, time began!” grumbled the miserable white cat. Selene laughed and informed Luna of Amy’s beauty and the love that she has for him.
“But I don’t want another Non-Cat to love me, it’s bad enough with Mummy, no thank you,” snapped Luna, as he stormed off, and jumped over the fence again, to play in the deserted factories at the back of the garden.

Selene decided to go and see if Mummy would let him have another look at Amy before she went to bed. Mummy had to explain to Selene that little babies like Amy, did not have one big long sleep like adults, but lots of smaller ones, just like cats.
“Some babies can sleep for over eighteen hours a day. Plenty of dream time!” chuckled Mummy.







Selene was all ready and waiting to see Amy, when Mummy and Daddy brought her down the next morning. As he heard the lounge door open, he purred and purred and purred until Daddy let him in. Daddy was not bad for a Non-Cat. Mummy liked him, and to Selene, that was a good recommendation. He was always kind to Selene and Luna. He was a nice human.

Mummy decided to read Amy and Selene a story, about the Fairies who live at the bottom of the garden. Luna decided if he wanted to be fed, he had better make a fuss of the Non-Cat. He may even get a saucer of milk, if he admires her beauty! Luna approached the newborn Non-Cat, wondering what she looked like. She wouldn’t be as pretty as him, for Luna was a beautiful cat indeed. Mummy and Daddy always told him that, and he believed them too. He would always try and catch his reflection whenever he could. He was always preening himself, so he could always look his best. “You never quite know who you will meet on your travels!” boasted Luna.

As Luna peered into the cot at the Non-Cat, he was quite surprised, Selene was right. She was lovely, tiny and quite remarkable, for a Non-Cat that is. Luna curled up by the gas fire, meaning to fall asleep, but he was intrigued with the story Mummy was reading, “Fairies at the bottom of the garden indeed. I would have seen them, if they had played in my garden,” snapped Luna.
“Why, Luna are you non-believer? Do you doubt my word? To see many things in this world, you have to see them through the eyes of a child, like Amy. Please don’t tell her that you don’t believe. There is a wonderful world out there for Amy. You just have to find it with her,” Mummy remarked.
“Perhaps Mummy is right, just because you haven’t seen any Fairies Luna, it does not mean that there aren’t any,” joked Selene, who actually believed Mummy.
“Oh, fiddlesticks,” whispered Luna. “Why does Selene always have to be right? I do hate it when he is!”

After the story had ended, Selene wanted to meet a fairy. They sounded like very nice little people. He stood up, stretched his whole body, starting with his right paw, and ending with either his left leg or his tail. Selene couldn’t decide which, but thought it was his tail. Who cares anyway, he thought, a good stretch is a good stretch after all!

The main question burning on his lips was whether he could get into the garden without seeing or waking Zeus. He thought cats were the only animals to cat nap, but perhaps Zeus does not realise he is a dog. He is certainly good at cat napping! He tiptoed into the kitchen as quietly as he could, trying not to wake the mound of fur lying by the cat flap. He thought he had made it, but all of a sudden Zeus barked, ‘Where are you going? Don’t you want to play with me?” Selene shouted excitedly, ‘I’m going to look at the bottom of the garden, to find the fairies! Would you like to come and look with me?”

The two adventurers sneaked out into the garden. They knew they had to be as quiet as mice, so that they wouldn’t scare the little folk.
“Well that was it. It looked like Mummy was pulling our leg, Zeus,’ said Selene sadly, ‘I really wanted to play with the fairies. They were so nice in Amy’s book; I thought that we could have all been friends.” Selene ran off through the cat flap into the kitchen crying.
Selene leaped onto the fridge and into his special cat bed. He had decided to get some sleep, as he couldn’t play with any fairies. As he settled down to sleep, he could see a lovely fairy in his mind. She was only about ten inches tall, and had beautiful long red hair. Her dress was rather funny, it was dark green, short sleeved, and the bottom of it looked, well, like a handkerchief. Selene noticed a thick leather belt around her waist. It had a brass buckle on it, with a picture of a pair of wings, and the letters, ‘L.O.F.T.D’ engraved on it.
“I wonder what those letters mean,” mumbled Selene, ‘I will have to ask the fairy, when I’m not so scared.”

“Hello Selene” said the strange looking fairy, “My name is Karen Fairy.”
“Hello Karen Fairy, how did you know my name?” croaked Selene, still very scared of his vision.
“When Antoinette, your mummy, was a little girl, I used to play with her. I was what adults call an ‘imaginary playmate’, but I was very real to your mummy then, as I am now to you,” chuckled Karen Fairy. “I still keep my eye on her so I know everything about her. Just because she can’t see me anymore, it does not mean that I stopped caring. That is how I know your name.”
“What does ‘L.O.F.T.D.’ mean?” Selene asked while he still had the courage. Karen laughed, “Oh that. It means ‘LEAGUE OF FAIRIES �" TOOTH DIVISION’.” They chuckled together so much that Karen fell off the fridge. She flew back up almost immediately, muttering something under her breath that Selene could not understand.

After the formalities were over, Karen informed Selene that it was time for business. “I need your help. We all need your help. Since being with your Mummy, when she was a little girl, I have been promoted. I am now Chief Tooth Fairy. It is my job to help all the other Tooth Fairies, to find the children who have put their teeth under their pillows, collect them and pay the children for the teeth,” explained Karen. “Anyway Selene,” she continued, “Somebody broke into our stores last night, and stole all out teeth.”
“What do you need teeth for?” enquired Selene.
“We make Fairy Dust from them to sell to all the good Witches, so that they can make their good spells and potions. We haven’t told anyone yet, not even our President Fairy Phoebe or Vice President Fairy Hercules. They will be ever so cross with me. I might even lose my wings,” sobbed Karen Fairy.
“I don’t know what to do, but I will help you, and so will Luna,” volunteered Selene. A bark was heard from the floor, “so will I.” The three crept into the garden, where Luna was playing. After telling the tale to Luna, he decided that he was going to tag along. “We just have to wait for little Amy to fall asleep, then we can go,” Karen informed the others.  Before anyway could ask why, Karen piped up, “Wait and see, as all will be revealed.”

Karen was a real chatterbox; she talked and talked, all about Fairyland and her life as a fairy. Luna was quite pleased when Karen announced that Amy was finally asleep.
 “Your first adventure can now begin, are you all ready?” Karen asked. They all nodded their heads and followed Karen. Selene still wanted to know why Amy needed to be asleep before they could start their journey, but Karen told him that he would have to wait to find out. “There is a secret pathway somewhere in this garden, but we have not got the time to find it today. I will have to use my magic want to get us to Fairyland. Now, it is in my pocket somewhere, let me have a look,” mumbled Karen. Selene, Luna and Zeus were getting very excited; they had never been to Fairyland before.

Karen Fairy was still looking through her pockets for her magic wand. It is amazing what a modern day fairy can put into her small pockets:
A watch, a handkerchief, a tooth, three letters, not yet posted, four sticky sweets, an old sandwich, a flask of boiled water, a week’s dirty washing, (Karen has to go to the launderette before it shuts!) a bottle of milk, three teabags, a spoon, a parcel with three wishes inside, a remote control for a T.V, car keys, a screwdriver, a hammer, a dummy, ten books and finally, a magic wand!
Karen looked rather embarrassed, until all the boys burst out laughing and said it looked like the contents of Mummy’s handbag! Karen had a good laugh, and waved her magic wand. First to the East for Air, second to the South for Fire, third to the West for Water, and then to the North for Earth. Once the four elements gave their permission, Karen could continue.
She suggested that she should stand in the middle of the boys. Her arms were up in the air, she was waving her wand, high above her head. She didn’t want to admit that she hadn’t done this before. Here goes, she thought. Smile and make some words up and fingers crossed.


She hesitated, “This’ll never work” She mumbled quietly, so that the boys couldn’t hear her.







Before she even dared to open her eyes, she heard a little meek voice saying, “I thought I was going to be all on my own, could somebody tell me where my Mummy is please?” Selene knew who it was immediately, even if in the real land she can’t talk yet. He bounded over to greet his little Amy.

Karen sat them down and explained that every now and again, a special child is born who has the ability to create magic. Selene was surprised to hear, that when his Mummy was little, she was like Amy. But when the adults feel that their child is too old to talk to the fairies, they stop their sons and daughters, by telling them that their make believe land isn’t real. Mummy has never forgotten Karen, and that is why Amy is so special. They all thought it was wonderful that their Amy was a special child. Zeus was tickled pink, and although Luna and Selene were pleased, they remained the same colour!

Fairyland was quite different to how Selene thought it would be. The weather was different to Birmingham’s gloomy February days. It was like a hot August day, the sun was shining brightly, high above the trees. The birds were singing Bon Jovi’s greatest hits rather than tweet-tweet! Zeus chuckled, “We should have brought Mummy with us, she will never believe us. She could have asked for the birds autograph!” They all roared with laughter, thinking of Mummy’s face, as a Robin Red Breast swooped down to see them, singing ‘Blaze Of Glory’. “That is one of Mummy’s favourites,” Selene commented. The journey had now begun. There was no turning back.

Karen Fairy jumped onto Selene’s back, and rode him like a horse. Zeus offered his services to Amy, who was only too happy to ride, as she hadn’t even been able to walk before. After all, she was only one week old, well, nearly a week old.  As they approached Tinkerbellcity, thousands of Fairies came to greet the travellers, cheering them on. “This is all very nice, but how can we help you find the missing teeth Karen?” asked Selene.
“The factory is just over the hill,” responded Karen Fairy, “We can talk in private there.”

Five minutes later they came to the Factory Gates. They were ushered in quickly and taken to this very big room. Two Fairies were waiting to speak to the travellers. Karen introduced them as Francine and Henry, her two personal assistants. Francine was the Chief Map Drawer, and Henry, Chief Banker.
“Yesterday this room was filled with children’s milk teeth, it had taken us five years to collect all these teeth, and now there is not one left,” Francine told her eager listeners. Henry piped up, “We will lose all our wings; it took me two hundred years to earn mine, ten years ago.” Luna had an idea, “Let everyone know that you are receiving another shipment of teeth coming in tonight, and then just wait to see if the baddies come for the pretend ones as well. Meanwhile, we can do tourist things and have a good look round for the teeth.”
“Francine, get on the bluebell phone and pass the message around,” Karen ordered, “Start with the Post Office and hairdressers, they seem a good starting point, and then go on to the pub. The gossipers won’t let us down,” she continued, “Fingers crossed.”
Luna and Zeus decided to split into two teams. Selene and Amy could head to the North side of Tinkerbellcity, and they could go to the South side. They had just over two hours before they had to be back at the warehouse in the factory. Selene and Amy thought that it might be a good idea to start at the railway tracks and abandoned mine. It seemed like a good starting point. It would take them at least twenty minutes to walk there. On the way they had to pretend to be tourists. Tinkerbellcity was completely different to home. There was no litter anywhere! Even the trees would talk to you; they asked a few of them the way to the places off the map. The Fairyland map was useful but it only had the main tourist attractions on and they needed to get to other places. They managed, with the help of some of the more talkative trees. They knew what was going on, and they were more than willing to help.

Selene was very pleased that he was paired off with the Non-Cat; it would give him the chance to get to know her better. A flash ran past them, completely knocking poor Selene down. As he was getting up, he complained, “What the dickens was that?” The Non-Cat just stared at him, and with a great big cheeky grin on her face replied, “I don’t know.” Amy chuckled away to herself, she had never seen Selene in a bad mood before, and she thought it was quite amusing. The only thing they could do, was go in the same direction as the flash, it may lead them somewhere.
“Excuse me, I say old chap, excuse me,” grunted an old willow tree, “That flash chappie, is either Peter Pixie or Eddie Elf. They have both been up to no good over the last couple of days. All the Elves and Pixies have had terrible toothache or something. They have all had to go to the dentist.”
“Thank you for your help,” muttered Amy, “You have been of great help, thank you.”

Amy ran off into the distance, closely followed by Selene. They both stopped running, as they were out of breath. Two minutes later, they were both ready to continue. Amy slipped and fell onto the floor in a heap, followed by Selene. The two best friends helped each other up. They looked to see if they could find what they fell over. Selene knew he had fallen over Amy, but what did Amy fall over? “It must be here somewhere Amy,” grumbled Selene. He shook his head, and couldn’t see anything. Amy screamed, “Selene! I’ve found it!” Amy ran over to a little box lying beneath a fine Oak tree. “The box must have been kicked there when I fell,” said Amy. It was covered with pretty red birthday wrapping paper. Amy picked up the mystery parcel and nervously unwrapped it, to see what was hiding inside. She was totally amazed with what she found. Selene could not wait to find out what was in the box; he was intrigued with the birthday parcel. Anyone would think that it was his birthday!
“Selene, I think it may be a clue,” suggested Amy, “I think it’s a milk tooth.” She held out her hand to show Selene, and in it, was a shiny new milk tooth.
“You keep hold of that Amy, hold it tight, don’t let it go,” ordered Selene, “We must go back now, and report out findings. Come on, or we will be late. Hop on my back, it will be quicker.” Amy jumped on Selene’s back and they ran like the wind back towards the warehouse. The trees and flowers shouted good luck to them as they passed. Before they knew it, they were back in the safety of Karen Fairy’s care.

Zeus and Luna were already back. They had found nothing. They had checked this beautiful field, full of multi-coloured flowers. They must have played in the field for at least an hour. “We had to pretend to be tourists,” snapped both Zeus and Luna in harmony. Selene revealed the whole tale of their productive adventure.
They had been very successful indeed. The Fairy Police had been informed, and were on the lookout for Peter Pixie and Eddie Elf, and their little helpers. Selene suggested they might start at the abandoned mine on the North side. He felt there would be plenty of storage space for teeth in a place like that.

The pretend shipment had just arrived; four hundred and fifty very large parcels full of cardboard teeth filled the warehouse floor. On the ceiling there were hundreds of tiny nets, ready to catch the baddies. All they had to do now was to hide and wait. The lights were switched off, and everyone was in their hiding places. The time slowly crept into the next day. Amy thought nothing was going to happen tonight. Then, the warehouse door flew open, and the sound of tiny feet rushed around the warehouse. Karen Fairy let the nets fall from the ceiling and totally covered the teeth pinchers. “NOW!” shouted Karen and Luna leaned over, and switched the lights back on.

The Willow tree was right; it was Peter Pixie and Eddie Elf. Karen demanded to know why they had done this. “Please don’t think badly of us, Miss Fairy. Stealing is wrong, we know that, we didn’t think we had an option,” said the very scared Pixie. Eddie went on to tell the tale of the water supply systems in his village. His village was near a human lake. In the lake, people had thrown all their rubbish, old tyres, old cars, prams, empty tins, sweet wrappers, crisp bags, old clothes, every sort of rubbish you could think of. This had spread into their water supplies, and had turned the water funny. After a couple of years using this funny water, everyone’s teeth started to fall out. That is why they needed the teeth. Everyone understood why they took the teeth, but how could they help the little Pixie with the toothless grin? Karen sent Francine to get some special Fairy Dust.
“Sprinkle the contents of this sachet into your water, and within twenty-four hours, it will be back to normal. The other sachet, mix it up when you make tea. Let everyone have a sip and within ten days your teeth will start to grow again,” ordered Karen, “If you ever need help again, just ask, don’t take. Surely, I can’t be that unapproachable?” muttered Karen. The stolen teeth had now been returned. Peter and Eddie thanked Karen Fairy and her new friends and immediately headed off, back to their own villages with the Magic Fairy Dust.

Karen turned to everyone and sighed, “It’s time to go home now. Thank you for your help. Please come again. Close your eyes and think of home.” Karen waved her magic wand as she shouted, “Good bye and thank you!”

Selene awoke suddenly, with a shiver running down his spine. Selene thought that he must have had a wonderful dream, as he could still remember it. How strange, he thought, it felt ever so real.
He thought he might check on the Non-Cat. He crept into the lounge and lay by the cot. Mummy and Daddy were talking. He could not believe his ears. “Did I ever tell you Richard, that when I was a little girl, I knew a fairy called Karen? Did we get up to some adventures?” Mummy laughed. Daddy put some music on, Bon Jovi’s ‘Blaze of Glory.’ Selene suddenly remembered the birds singing.
“How strange!” Luna remarked, “I had a dream that hundreds of birds were singing this song.”
“Me too!” shouted Selene.
The two cats just stared at each other, as if they were reading each other’s mind. Mummy picked up Amy, for a special cuddle. You will never guess what she found help tightly in Amy’s hand?
It was only the last lost tooth from Fairyland.
“Sweet dreams everyone,” chuckled Selene.




© 2010 mamabear

My Review

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Are you hinting dalebear? Do you want to be in my next book?
Well then like Karen Fairy and Jess I can say "POOF" and your wish will come true. How about the title of the chapter something like
"Dalebear goes to Fairyland" macho enough?

Love you baby boy


Mamabear xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted 13 Years Ago

Thank you all for your kind reviews. I do have some more chapters to add in the very near future. I hope you liked the characters so far and we have some new and interesting little folk to meet over the coming chapters. I hope you will revisit the adventures of the non-cat soon. Take care and thank you

mamabear with love x

"Sweet dreams everyone" chuckled Amy, Selene, Luna ,Zeus and the others, sweet dreams!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Jess absoutly loved the THE ADVENTURES OF THE NON-CAT. I did to keep the chapters going because there is so much more characters to add in it now. lol and you know who?


Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I had read this twice to Bethany when you sent it she absoutly loved it
we would like you to make more chapters to read more

Love Liam

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

OMG WOW please say you do have more chapters of this book i would love to see them, this is an amazing story like and wow i love zeus and selene :) well done please keep up the writing

The Lost Magician

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on October 11, 2010
Last Updated on October 11, 2010



Birmingham, United Kingdom

Kenzobear Kenzobear

A Poem by mamabear