Sunset of Dripping Candlewax

Sunset of Dripping Candlewax

A Poem by Anthony J

Sunshine fugitive runs away,
melts old bay to purple shivers,
fire alarms, horns of drunk conversation
blare behind thin surfaces.

We'll make time for time
underneath a rustier sun
with beams of sharp rock candy

Tomorrow's stars will bloom from the seeds
we planted in each others tongues and ribs and souls.
Bright against the raging night of your heart.

© 2015 Anthony J

My Review

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"Tomorrow's stars will bloom from the seeds
we planted in each others tongues and ribs and souls.
Bright against the raging night of your heart."

so beautiful

Posted 8 Years Ago

I have not read such an incredible title before for a poem! Even if you wrote that one line for the poem I would have been impressed. I really liked your poem, but unfortunately I got a little confused from "sharp rock candy" onwards. How exactly do sun's rays portray sharp rock candy? Also the line "Tomorrow's stars will bloom from the seeds we planted," is so powerful but then you talk about them being planted in a person's body parts, and I was not able to see the relation, even though it did tie into your last line. Please don't change the original but maybe just play a little bit to clarify the imagery of how suns rays are like sharp rock candy and how stars can bloom from the seeds of body parts such as the tongues, ribs, and souls. Nevertheless I loved the Picasso with a hint of Van Gogh imagery of your poem that you created, excellent job, thanks for sharing! Please keep writing!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Nadia B.

9 Years Ago

I appreciate how well you took my suggestions, but I admit I preferred "sharp rock candy", ...maybe .. read more
Anthony J

9 Years Ago

Yeah I think I'll change it back. The line i changed is closer to the meaning I meant to portray, bu.. read more
Nadia B.

9 Years Ago

Haha go you! Its good to be confident and stand up for what you write, to challenge the reader and m.. read more

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2 Reviews
Added on May 15, 2015
Last Updated on May 15, 2015


Anthony J
Anthony J

Berkeley, CA

my name is anthony and i like to write poems. more..


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