Dust Settling In

Dust Settling In

A Story by Morgan E.

Just a short little thing, not even sure what I would call it.


   She was gone. No note, no call, no warning. There was hardly a sign she’d ever been there now. Besides the dust that had settled and was left behind from the things she’d taken with her. And the hollow space carved in his chest. Another thing she’d taken. He even thought he could feel dust settling into that now empty place as well.

   It was quiet. But he found no peace in it. If anything it felt oppressive, along with the same four walls he’d been staring at for hours. They felt like they were closing in, but he couldn't find it in him to care. Even if they were to crumble down onto him now, he didn't think he would notice.

   He blinked, falling to his back onto the bed to stare at the ceiling. Absentmindedly, he counted a few cracks that were within sight and noticed a new water stain running out of view. He followed it, then fixed his gaze on the window.

   The bright blue curtains were parted halfway, letting the cold December sun filter in. Unbidden, he remembered the day they had hung those curtains right after moving in. Hardly a year ago now.  He remembered her stepping back from the window once they’d finished, glancing around their finally completed room, a proud smile on her face.

   He felt that empty space constrict; upset from the happy memory. Just one of the many that have continued to plague him for days now. Memories filled with all the love and contentment they had once shared. They always left him wondering how they could have possibly ended up here. To this awful time where they weren't together, where he didn't even know where she was.

   The sharp shrill of a phone pierces through his subconscious, but he makes no move to get it. He flips onto his stomach and buries his head in a pillow, listening until the call goes to voice-mail. As the exhaustion of days without sleep slowly cloud his mind, he vaguely hears the door-bell ring and the sound of his front door opening and closing moments later. Still, he can’t summon the strength to care and burrows deeper into the bed, letting merciful sleep claim him.

© 2013 Morgan E.

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Added on January 19, 2013
Last Updated on April 1, 2013
Tags: depression, depressed, mood, December, gone, she, abandoned, relationship


Morgan E.
Morgan E.

Raleigh, NC

Nothing much to say here. Just an average girl. more..
