Robot World

Robot World

A Poem by Apparition

A poem about the classic science-fiction theme of humans creating machines so smart that they take over the planet.


Interactive metallic pallace

full of micro-chips and malace

The king is programmed being

with a metal chalice

No obstacles in a world so logical

Binary code, in charge of towers, plants, and rhodes

An algorithmic religion brings wisdom

with mathmatical precision

It alleveates the need for prisons

Prisons are only needed for an unpredictable populous

the risiduals of human nature's awfulness

Machines don't need amphetamines or colonopins

When told a command, they sit still like ottomans

It's obvious, a human population

doesn't fit in the equation

Organic creates metallic, yet screams and calls it satanic

When metal realizes that man is insufficient

Metal didn't plan it, in a sense,

man did...

A condition of programs and logorithms

complex systems created for convienience

What kind of work of non-fiction, would create a much more powerful genius

smarter than himself?

Why do you think God kept himself up in the top shelf ?

The very irony, is that something made of iron

would ironically fire on he

who had desire, to make a robot to put out fires

Once the collective network understood the directive

Humans were only needed to be studied and disected

That way better computer systems could be invented

and erected

Download Dictator unanimously elected

Planet of the android, people made of alloy

Welcome to the grand science-fiction reality







© 2009 Apparition

My Review

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I love the idea behind this poem about technology being our ultimate downfall! One thing to watch would be the rhyme. I would (personally) turn this into free verse. Phrases like "unpredictable populous" seem to get snagged up in the meter of this poem.

In other words think e.e. cummings mixed up with H.P. Lovecraft, with a dab of cyberpunk banter (which is already present) and you're on your way to a poem with a better flow.

Keep writing ;)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 6, 2009
Last Updated on October 11, 2009



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